Australian Groups

Lot 4750 Australian Groups
Estimate $150,000
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GROUP OF EIGHT: - Victoria Cross; Military Cross (GVR); Star 1914-15; British War Medal 1914-18; Victory Medal (MID 1917, 1918); British War Medal 1939-45; George VI Coronation Medal; Elizabeth II Coronation Medal; Major E. Towner, A.I.F. (for Mont St Quentin - the 'finest single feat of the war'). Rare VC to an Australian machine gunner. With photos and news clippings. Nearly extremely fine.
VC: L.G. 14 December 1918: 'For most conspicious bravery, initiative and devotion to duty on 1st September 1918, in the attack on Mont St Quentin, near Peronne, when in charge of four Vickers guns. During the early stages of the advance he located and captured, single-handed, and enemy machine-gun which was causing casualties, and by turning it on the enemy, inflicted severe losses. Subsequently, by the skilful, tactical handling of his guns, he cut off and captured twenty-five of the enemy. Later, by fearless reconnaissance under heavy fire, and by the energy, foresight and promptitude with which he brought fire to bear on various enemy groups, he gave valuable support to the infantry advance. Again, when short of ammunition, he secured an enemy machine-gun which he mounted and fired in full view of the enemy causing the enemy to retire further, and enabling our infantry to advance. Under intense fire, although wounded, he maintained the fire of his gun at a very critical period. During the following night he steadied and gave valuable support to a small detached post, and by his coolness and cheerfulness, inspired the men in a great degree. Throughout the night he kept close watch by personal reconnaisance on the enemy movements and was evacuated exhausted thirty hours after wounded. The valour and resourcefulness of Lieut Towner undoubtably saved a very critical situation, and contributed largely to the success of the attack. MC: L.G. 24 Sept 1918: 'For conspicious gallantry and devotion to duty. one of the first to reach the objective, he got his guns into action very quickly, therby greatly assisting the right company in consolidating. He also brought a captured machine gun into action. When one of the infantry posts ws badly blown in he went out at great risk and helped to re-organise it. MID: L.G. 13 May and 1 October, 1918. Edgar Thomas Towner was born at 'Glencoe' Station in the Barcoo district of Queensland on 19th April, 1890. Enlisting in the AIF on 4th January 1915, he embarked for the Middle East in June of the same year with the 25th Battalion. Im March 1916, now promoted to sergeant, he sailed for France. Commissioned on 18th November, 1916, he was posted to the 2nd Machine Gun Battalion and promoted lieutenant on 24th February, 1917. After being wounded at Mont St. Quentin he rejoined his unit on 12th October, 1918. Returned to civilian life on 16th August, 1919, he took up 'Kaloola', a grazing property near Longreach, Queensland. On 8th August, 1937 he was appointed to the 26th Battalion with the rank of Captain. Promoted Major in the early stages of the war he retired on 21st February, 1942, returning at 'Kaloola'. He was a member of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia and the Royal Historical Society of New South Wales and in 1956 was awarded the Royal Geographical Society of Australiasia. Queensland, Doctor Thompson Foundation gold medal for his own geographical work. He died at Longreach on 18th August, 1972 and is buried at Lingwood Queensland.
Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.
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