British Groups

Lot 4007 The J.J.Atkinson Collection British Groups
Estimate $6,000
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SOLD $13,500
GROUP OF ELEVEN TO CAPTAIN CHARLES LESLIE FIRTH, Royal Navy Distinguished Service Order (1944) and bar for second award (1945); Royal Victorian Order Fourth Class (MVO); British War Medal 1914-18 (M.I.D. C.L.Firth. R.N.); 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star; Italy Star; Defence Medal; British War Medal 1939-45 (MID); Coronation Medal 1937; Cross of Valour (Poland). Third award only named, impressed, others unnamed. Generally good very fine.
DSO: London Gazette 27 June 1944. 'For gallantry, enterprise and skill in successful operations against enemy shipping and shore targets in the Adriatic whilst commanding HMS Troubridge.'
DSO (bar): London Gazette 13 March 1945. 'For skill, determination and bravery in anti-U-boat operations whilst commanding HMS Troubridge when U.407 was sunk in the Aegean on 19 September, 1944.'
MVO: London Gazette 1 February 1937. 'For services rendered as Commanding Officer HMS Grafton, escort ship to the Royal Yacht during the Prince of Wales' cruise of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean in 1936.'
MID: London Gazette 1 January 1941. 'For outstanding zeal, patience and cheerfulness, whilst commanding HMS Imogen and for never failing to set an example of wholehearted devotion to duty, without which the high tradition of the Royal Navy could not have been upheld.'
MID: London Gazette 21 March 1941. 'For good services and devotion to duty whilst commanding HMS Imogen.'
MID: London Gazette 18 January 1944. 'For gallant and distinguished services whilst in command of HMS Troubridge in operations in the Mediterranean from the time of the entry of Italy into the war until the surrender of the Italian fleet.'
Polish Cross of Valour: London Gazette 21 October 1941. 'For services rendered whilst in command of HMS Imogen during the withdrawal of Polish troops from France in 1940.'
Together with recipient's biography; copy of the Action Report for the sinking of U.407; details and copies of photographs of recipient's commands; extracts from Chronology of the War at Sea; copies of the relevant London Gazette entries and case of issue for the Distinguished Service Order.
Charles Leslie Firth (1900-1971) was born in 1900 and educated at St Paul's. His service in the Royal Navy began aboard HMS Tiger as midshipman ten days before the end of the Great War. Firth then entered the Royal Australian Navy on 25 March 1919 and was posted to HMAS Sydney. In 1922 he returned to England to serve on the Royal Yacht and was promoted to Lieutenant on 15 April. Further promotions were forthcoming in 1930; Lieutenant Commander, and 1935; Commander. In 1937, for services rendered as commanding officer escorting the Royal Yacht in HMS Grafton during the King's inspection of the fleet, Feetham was awarded the MVO (4th Class) (see citation).
At the outbreak of war in 1939 Firth was employed in the Signals Division of Admiralty Intelligence. In January of the following year he took command of HMS Imogen and was responsible for the later evacuation of Polish troops from France. For this action Firth received the Polish Cross for Military Valour (see citation). On 16 July 1940 Imogen was involved in a collision with the British cruiser Glasgow off Duncasby Head, Scotland while attempting to engage a German submarine (U.63) in fog conditions. Due to the resulting fire Imogen was abandoned with the loss of seventeen ratings. For services aboard Imogen Firth received his first London Gazette Mention in Despatches ('Mention'). Following the Imogen disaster, Firth transferred to command another destroyer, HMS Jackal and received his second Mention for duties carried out during the bombardment of Cherbourg, October 1940. In April 1941 he was promoted to Acting Captain and Chief Staff Officer to Rear-Admiral R.L.Burnett aboard HMS Southern Prince and soon received his next promotion to full Captain in June. Firth then served as Deputy Director of the Signals Department and did not take to sea again until March 1943.
Upon his return Firth assumed command of the new destroyer HMS Troubridge and the 24th D.D. Flotilla. Throughout 1943 Firth received three battle honours; Sicily, Salerno and Mediterranean. For services carried out aboard Troubridge in November, Firth received his third Mention, placing him in rarified and distinguished company of officers who received (continued) recognition from senior officers for every ship commanded. The following year Firth added Aegean, South France and Adriatic to his battle honours. The first award of DSO was made on 27 June 1944 for 'gallantry, enterprise and skill' (see citation). Then, on 19 September, Firth's Troubridge in company with other flotilla ships sighted, tracked and destroyed U.407, one of the last German submarines operating in the Mediterranean. For this action Firth was awarded a second DSO (see citation).
Firth's official report captures in detail the final moments of the incident: 'At 0438 the enemy surfaced close to port on a north westerly course. As the submarine came clear of HMS Terpischore's stern she was sighted by HMS Troubridge. Both ships quickly engaged with Bofors and 4.7ins Guns. Hits were scored on the conning tower and later on the pressure hull. The four ships [Troubridge, Terpsichore, Garland and Tuscan] recovered 48 survivors, amongst them the commanding officer, Hans Kolbus'. After 18 months at sea Firth was posted back to Signal Division where he spent the remainder of the war.
He retired in 1951 and was awarded the Coronation medal for naval services in 1953. His command of the 24th D.D. Flotilla had won praise from many senior officers, including the Commander-in-Chief who declared the flotilla had been 'of great value in ridding the Mediterranean of the enemy'. He died on 8 July 1971.
Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.
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