World Banknotes


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Lot 966    eSALE (ONLINE ONLY:CLOSE FROM 9.30AM MONDAY 27TH MARCH)    World Banknotes

Estimate $500
Bid at
SOLD $2,050

USA, OBSOLETE BANKNOTES, c1800s, including fractional currency (23) 1863-1875, three cents - fifty cents; Canal Bank, New Orleans, five, twenty (2), fifty (2) and one hundred dollars, unsigned; Citizens Bank of Louisiana, one dollar and one hundred dollars, unsigned; The Exchange Bank of Virginia, five dollars, 1859 and ten dollars, 1855 both signed; Confederate States, fifty cents, 1863; two dollars, 1862; five dollars, 1863; ten dollars (12) 1861, 1863, 1864; twenty dollars (5), 1861, 1863, 1864; fifty dollars, 1864; one hundred dollars (2), 1861, 1862, all signed; Post Note for two dollars, unsigned; Piscataqua Exchange Bank, five dollars, twenty dollars, unsigned; States of North Carolina (3); Bank of the Commonwealth, one dollar, 1861, signed; Chicago Marine & Fire Insurance Co, one dollar, 18--, unsigned; Branch State Bank of Chicago, two dollars, 1839, signed; Eastern Bank, one dollar, 1838, signed; Cincinnati & Whitewater Canal Co, two dollars, signed; Bank of Chattanooga, two dollars, 1863, signed; Newport Lyceum, one dollar, 1837; City of Portsmouth, 1862; State of North Carolina, one dollar, 1863; Bank of the Valley in Virginia, five dollars, 1847; New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Rail Road Company, one dollar, 1861; Franklin Silk Company, five dollars, 18--, unsigned; Bank of Windsor, unsigned; some duplication; together with signed cheques (3); State of Connecticut, Danielson Masonic Building Society, three percent bond, 1947, unissued, green and black print, all coupons attached; Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Order Form, May 9 1948, for pharmaceutical drugs. All housed in an album, most notes with creases or folds, some with small tears or cancelled cuts, or stains, fair - very fine. (96)

Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.

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