Orders, Decorations & Medals - Australian Groups


Lot 946    SESSION 7 (11.30AM WEDNESDAY 19TH MARCH)    Orders, Decorations & Medals - Australian Groups

Estimate $7,000
Bid at live.noble.com.au
SOLD $7,000

DFC GROUP OF SEVEN: Distinguished Flying Cross (GVI); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, - clasp - France and Germany; Italy Star; Defence Medal 1939-45; War Medal 1939-45; Australia Service Medal. The date 1945 inscribed on the lower arm of the first medal, 404874 W K Watson on other medals except the Italy Star which is unnamed. All named medals impressed. Swing mounted, contact marks, otherwise very fine - good very fine.

Award of Italy Star confirmed in a letter dated May 28, 1946 but is not mentioned on another letter for 'Record of Service' dated 5.8.1948.

Ex Noonans Sale 1 December 2004 (lot 1318).

Together with RAAF pilot's embroidered wings (3, RAAF); Flying Log Books (3) for the periods Feb1941 to May1945, May1945 to July1951 and Aug1951 to Jun1953; unique wartime large photo album featuring many large 'target' photos taken while flying with 540 Sqn, all captioned and with cut-out map locations; a Certificate marking the award of the 'Order of Photo Freddies' on completion of 25 sorties and the same annotated with the award of a Bar for an additional 25 sorties completed by March 1945; various other documents including an illuminated College of Arms 540 Squadron crest, three silk wartime 'evasion' maps.

DFC: LG 27/7/1945, p3878; CAG 2/8/1945, p1656 to 404874 Flight Lieutenant William Kenneth Watson No.540 Squadron (RAF).

Citation: Flight Lieutenant Watson is a pilot of exceptional skill and ability. On photographic reconnaissance duties he has produced excellent results and his sorties have all been completed.

With great foresight and determination, he has photographed such heavily defended cities as Copenhagen, Hamburg, Berlin, Leipzig and Augsburg. In addition, he has flown on many reconnaissances of railway lines to locate enemy troop movements, often in areas patrolled by enemy fighters and in the face of intense anti-aircraft fire.

At other times adverse weather has forced him down to almost ground level. On one occasion in the Munich area his aircraft was intercepted by two M.E.262s, jet fighters. Nevertheless, he completed his allotted task although a running fight ensued which lasted thirty minutes during which he manoeuvred his aircraft with such skill that it was not hit.

William Kenneth Watson, telephone mechanic, age 18 born at Brisbane, Qld; Enl.06Dec1940 at No.3 Rec. Centre, Brisbane, Qld, as AC2, with previous service in Brisbane Grammar School Cadets 1938-39; to LAC 01Feb1941; awarded Flying Badge 29May1941; to Sgt 25Jul1941; To Flt Sgt 25Jan1942; to Pilot Officer 15Mar1942; to Flying Officer 15Sep1942; to Flt Lt 15Mar1944; various training courses 08Dec1940 to 04Apr1941; Emb.08Aug1941; to No.3 Personnel Reception Centre 29Sep1941; to No.2 (0bservation) Advanced Flying Unit as Staff Pilot 28Oct1941; additional training 14Aug to 04Nov1943; to RAF Station, Benson 25Jan1944; to RAF No.540 Sqn (Photo Reconnaissance Squadron) 14Feb1944; flying a Mosquito aircraft with Flg Off K.Pickup as his navigator flew his first operational mission over Northern Holland on 21Feb1944 and up until Apr1945 he flew more than 50 other operational missions including to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Norway; to RAAF Holding Unit, Beccles 28Jun1945; to No.11 Personnel Disposal & Reception Centre 24Sep1945; RTA 04Oct1945; Disemb.04Nov1945 in Australia; Disch.04Jan1946; Watson had married in England (wife, Helen Frances Watson of Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, married 28Jul1945) so after discharging from the RAAF he joined the RAF in Jan1946; tragically killed 03Jun1954 while landing a RAF Canberra when a night photo flash bomb exploded in the bomb-bay following a test flight to Cuxhaven in Germany.

On one operational mission with 540 Sqn on 4 September 1944 Flt Lt W.K.Watson RAAF, the pilot, and navigator Flg Off K.H.Pickup RAFVR were flying at 29,000 ft when they were attacked over Nurnburg by Me262s. They evaded them for about 15 minutes before escaping at 1500 ft. but in doing so they hit the tip of a Bavarian pine tree that shattered the nose perspex and filled the cockpit with pine needles and made it very cold, draughty and uncomfortable. They then flew on through the Brenner Pass to San Severo in Italy where they safely recovered. After repairs they tried to return to Benson the next day but unfortunately the aircraft was written off in a crashlanding although both men were uninjured. This is probably the reason Watson has the Italy Star in his group.

It is noted that William Kenneth Watson represented Brisbane Grammar School in football (rugby), rowing, cricket and rifle shooting. He was awarded house colours for football, rowing and rifle shooting. His hobbies included philately and model making. He also represented RAF Stations in cricket and football in 1941-1943.

With copy of Service File, research by Mostly Unsung and other research and documents.

Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.

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