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Estimate $100
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SOLD $210
HONG KONG, Hong Kong Hotel ONE DRINK check in bronze (20mm) with milled edge. Jonas Brook and Bros, Huddersfield, 'Goat's Head' token in cupro-nickel (15.5mm) obverse Goat's head and legend in Chinese. `Jonas Brook'/ eight pointed star, Hirst Company of Hong Kong in Chinese around (see Pridmore S.N.C. June 1954)(3). Generally extremely fine (4).
Ex R.G.Stewart Collection in 1967.
Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.
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