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Lot 3126

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

GAUL, Massalia (as a Colony founded by the Phokaians), (c.400-350 B.C.), silver obols, (av.0.58 grams, gross weight 3.52 grams), obv. youthful male head of Apollo ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3127

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

CELTIC, Danube Region Eastern Celts, Imitation of Philip III, (c.2nd - 1st century B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (15.41 grams), obv. convex field with remains of a ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $100

Lot 3128

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

CELTIC, Danube Region, reduced weight issue in Oltenia and Bucuresti areas, imitation of Philip II tetradrachm, (late 3rd - 2nd century B.C.), silver tetradrachm (sic), ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $300

Lot 3129

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Cales, (c.265-240 B.C.), AE 19, (6.51 grams), obv. head of Athena, helmeted to left, A behind head, rev. cock standing to right, crescent ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $60

Lot 3130

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Neapolis (Naples), (c.340-240 B.C.), silver stater or didrachm, (7.218 grams), obv. head of nymph to right, bunch of grapes behind, rev. man-headed bull ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $110

Lot 3131

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Neapolis (Naples), (c.340-300 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (6.948 grams), obv. head of nymph to right, Artemis with two torches behind neck, ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3132

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Nola, (c.400-390 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.052 grams), obv. female nymph head with diadem to right, rev. man-headed bull walking to right, ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3133

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Suessa Aurunca, (269-240 B.C.) AE 18, 4.81 grams, Obv. Head of Apollo to l., laureate, dotted border, Rev. man-headed bull walking to r., ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 3134

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Teanum Sidicinum, (c.265-240 B.C.), AE 20, (6.56 grams), obv. head of Athena, helmeted to left, rev. cock standing to right, star behind, TIANO ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3135

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.400-350 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.60 grams), by Aristoxenos, obv. head of female (Kore) to right, the hair falls into thick ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $160

Lot 3136

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.330-280 B.C.), silver triobol, (1.00 grams), obv. Athena in Corinthian helmet to right, rev. ear of barley, [M]ETA to left, cornucopiae to ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $200

Lot 3137

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Paestum, (c.100-70 B.C.), AE semis, (4.13 grams), obv. temple on left, to right S, to l. [PAE], below QVI, dotted border, rev. CN ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $150

Lot 3138

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (400-350 B.C.), silver distater or tetradrachm, (15.374 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with figure ...

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Estimate $750

Lot 3139

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (c.350 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.678 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3140

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Velia, (c.365-350/340 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.664 grams), Period V, workshop of Theta, obv. head of Athena to left, wearing crested ...

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Estimate $450

Lot 3141

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.520-472 B.C.), silver didrachm, Jenkins Group III, (7.988 grams), obv. eagle with closed wings standing to left, AKRA behind, rev. crab within ...

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Estimate $600

Lot 3142

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.500-480 B.C.), silver didrachm, Jenkins Group IV, (8.384 grams), obv. eagle with closed wings standing to left, AK behind, RA in front, ...

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Estimate $550

Lot 3143

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Selinus, (450-440 B.C.), AE 18 or tetras, (8.73 grams), obv. nymph's head to left, rev. Selinon leaf leaf three pellets around, (S.1176, Calciati I, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3144

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Solus, (4th century B.C.), AE 12, 3.988 grams, Calciati 3 (p.309), Obv. head of Herakles to right, within lion skin, line border, Rev. hippocamp ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 3145

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Solus, 3rd century B.C. (317-241 B.C.), AE 13, 2.166 grams, obv. head of bearded male to right, rev. free horse galloping to right, (S.-, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $40

Lot 3146

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.485-478 B.C. revised date 467-461), silver tetradrachm, (17.070 grams), obv. fast walking quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer, Nike flying right ...

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Estimate $1,200

Lot 3147

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.474-450 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.93 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven to left by male charioteer, Nike flying right crowning horses, pistrix in exergue, ...

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Estimate $2,000

Lot 3148

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, period of Timoleon, (344-336 B.C.), hemilitron, AE 25, (13.230 grams), obv. head of Zeus Eleutherios laureate to right, around **IEUS [ELEUQE]RIOS*, rev. thunderbolt, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $210

Lot 3149

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, Hieron II, (275-216 B.C.), AE 22, (9.074 grams), obv. Poseidon head to left wearing tainia, rev. ornamented trident-head, between two dolphins, dividing IEP ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3150

Sale 80 (Nov 05)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, reign of Hieron II, (275-215 B.C.), AE 19, (6.460 grams), obv. head of Poseidon to left, wearing tainia, rev. ornamental trident-head between two ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $50