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Lot 4216

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Boiotian League, Federal coinage, silver drachm, (225-171 B.C.), (5.28 g), obv. bearded laureate head of Poseidon to right, dotted border, rev. BOI**WTWN* to right, ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $140

Lot 4217

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Mykalessos, (c.400-375 B.C.), silver obol, 10mm, (0.40 g), obv. Boeotian shield, rev. vertical thunderbolt, Y to left, M to right, all within concave circle. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $90

Lot 4218

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Orchomenos, (late 5th century - 364 B.C.), silver hemiobol, (0.34 g), obv. half wheat grain, sprouting end upward, symbol on left field, rev. P ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $100

Lot 4219

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Tanagra, silver obols, early - mid 4th century B.C., (0.67, 0.77 g), obv. Boeotian shield, rev. forepart of horse to right, around T above ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $160

Lot 4220

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thespiae, (early - mid 4th century B.C.), silver obol, (0.64 g), obv. Boeotian shield, rev. crescent, **QES* above, (S.2458, BCD 601 Triton IX, similar ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 4221

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thespiae, (146-27 B.C.), AE 12, (2.41 g), obv. laureate female head to right, veiled and wearing modius, rev. chelys with **QES [PI]EWN* downwards both ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 4222

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Histiaia, (c.350-340 B.C.), silver drachm, (3.34 g), obv. head of nymph Histiaia right wreathed in ivy, rev. cow standing to right, vine with two ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $150

Lot 4223

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (355-294 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.92 g), obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, Pi on helmet, rev. ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $340

Lot 4224

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, silver tetradrachm, (c.165-42 B.C.), 34mm, (16.07 g), New Style coinage, with the monograms of the names which are uncertain, issue struck 186-185 B.C., ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $280

Lot 4225

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens. silver tetradrachm, (c.165-42 B.C.), 30mm, (16.92 g), New Style coinage, with the names of Polycharm(os), Nikog(enes) and Karaichos as the magistrates, issue ...

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Estimate $2,000
SOLD $2,000

Lot 4226

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, pseudo-autonomous issue, (c.A.D. 264-267) AE 20 (5.21 g), obv. helmeted head of Athena right, rev. table seen in perspective, on top from left ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $150

Lot 4227

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Aegina, (445-431 B.C.), silver stater, (12.36 g), obv. land tortoise with segmented shell, rev. incuse square of large "skew" design, (S.2600, BMC 149, SNG ...

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Estimate $3,000

Lot 4228

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, uncertain colony, (c.350-300 B.C.), silver drachm (1.44 g), obv. Pegasos flying right, grain ear below (?), rev. laureate head of Aphrodite to right, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $130

Lot 4229

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, Augustus, (27 B.C. - A.D. 14), AE as AE21, (9.02 g), issue of P.Aebutius Sp.f. and C.Julius Herac, duovirs. Struck A.D. 1-2. obv. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $140

Lot 4230

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, Tiberius, (14-37 A.D.), AE as, 19mm (6.43 g), L. Rutilius Plancus and A. Vatronius Labeo, duoviri, struck A.D. 12/13 - 15/16, obv. Laureate ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $140

Lot 4231

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, Tiberius, (14-37 A.D.), AE as, 20mm (6.17 g), L. Arrius Peregrinus and Furius Labeo, duovirs, struck 32-34 A.D., obv. Laureate head of Tiberius ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 4232

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, Gaius Caligula, (37-41 A.D.), AE as 20mm (6.68 g), issued by P. Vipsanius Agrippa as duovir, obv. traces of C CAESAR AVGVS, bare ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 4233

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sikyonia, Sikyon, (330/320-280's B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.80 g), obv. chimaera to left, **SI* below, on ground line with right foreleg raised high, rev. dove ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $280

Lot 4234

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sikyonia, Sikyon, (330/320-280's B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.68 g), obv. chimaera to left, **SI* below, on ground line with right foreleg raised high, rev. dove ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $100

Lot 4235

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESSOS, Megaris, Megara, (c.350-275 B.C.), AE dichalkon 13mm, (1.67 g) obv. Prow to left, **MEG* above rev. two dolphins swimming upwards tripod between, (S.2591, Agora ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $100

Lot 4236

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Arkadia, The Arkadian League, Megalopolis mint, silver triobol, (c.320-275 B.C.), (2.66 g), obv. Zeus laureate head to left, rev. naked Pan seated to left, ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 4237

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CRETE, Cnossus, Caligula and Germanicus, (37-41 A.D.), AE 22, (5.47 g), Pulcher III Varius, duovir, obv. laureate head of Caligula to right, around traces of ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 4238

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, Kios, (c.350-300 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.59 g), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, rev. prow of galley to left ornamented with a star, magistrate ...

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Estimate $70
SOLD $80

Lot 4239

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MYSIA, Pergamon, (c.104-98 B.C.), silver cistophoric tetradrachm, (12.58 g), obv. cista mystica containing serpent, all within ivy wreath, rev. bow in case between two coiled ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4240

Sale 115 (Jul 17)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LESBOS, Mytilene, (2nd-1st century B.C.), AE 16, (3.99 g), obv. laureate head of Artemis to right, dotted border, rev. lyre, M-Y above, T-I at sides, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $40