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Lot 1912

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

FIVE DOLLARS, (Johnston-Fraser) (1985), PLL 438756, with missing printing phase of main printing (intaglio) printing on front of note and missing the signatures, with OCR-B ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $850

Lot 1913

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Coombs-Randall (1968), missing complete serial number on the right hand side, SFB 716996, (R.102, Vort-Ronald 126, Nicholson 78). Creases and folds, minor edge ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $160

Lot 1914

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Randall (1969), SST 535942, with wet ink transfer or offset on back for 60% ofthe note, Gothic serial number, (R.103, Vort-Ronald 127, Nicholson ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $360

Lot 1915

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Randall (1969), SST 535943, with wet ink transfer or offset on back for 60% ofthe note, Gothic serial number, (R.103, Vort-Ronald 127, Nicholson ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $320

Lot 1916

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), TBJ 444486, with registration shift on back, of black print downwards by 6mms., metal thread 66mms from left, another TBX 439104 ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $480

Lot 1917

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1976), THZ 552976, with wet black ink transfer or offset of front on back for all of the note, Gothic serial number ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $240

Lot 1918

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Johnston-Stone (1983), TZS 414993, with flap on top right corner and the plate number IE 104, flap formed after printing and before the ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $580

Lot 1919

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1985), UGJ 992053, with missing printing phase of no background (simultan) printing on back of note, another note UDL 195904 without errors, ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $600

Lot 1920

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TEN DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1988) commemorative issues, undated issue, AB 27323807, without OVD (Optically Variable Device) and the back intaglio printing inverted, (R.110b). Extremely fine, and ...

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Estimate $1,000

Lot 1921

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), XKA 528037, with weak wet black ink transfer or offset of front on back much of the note, Gothic serial number ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 1922

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), XKZ 992582, with registration shift on front and back, of black print upwards by 2-3mms., Australia type, (R.115, Vort-Ronald 149, Nicholson ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $60

Lot 1923

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), XLH 373942, with registration shift on back, of black print downwards by 5mms., Australia type, (R.115, Vort-Ronald 149, Nicholson 97). Centre ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $200

Lot 1924

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1975), mismatched serial numbers and consecutive pair, the first with red felt pen highlight on number, first note XQR 815208 - XQR ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 1925

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1975), mismatched serial numbers and consecutive pair, first note XQR 815209 - XQR 815208, second note XQR 814210 - XQR 815209, Gothic ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 1926

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1975), XSP 247388, with registration shift on front of black print by 4mms. to the left, Gothic serial numbers, side thread, (R.116b, ...

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Estimate $50

Lot 1927

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Stone (1979), VAC 894548, with wet ink transfer or offset on back at top of note for 20% of the note, Gothic serial ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $60

Lot 1928

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Stone (1979), VBE 409884, with wet ink transfer or offset on front at top of note for 20% ofthe note, Gothic serial number, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $60

Lot 1929

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Johnston-Stone (1983), VGB 802410, with missing printing phase of main printing (intaglio) printing on back of note, (R.118, Vort-Ronald 152). Uncirculated and rare.

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Estimate $600
SOLD $900

Lot 1930

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Johnston-Stone (1983), VKH 782673, with registration shift on front and back, of red print to left by 7mms., (R.118, Vort-Ronald 152). Uncirculated and ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 1931

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1985), ERX 544908, with OCR-B serial numbers, with misplaced side thread 108mms from left hand side and without watermark, (R.119a, Vort-Ronald 153). ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $240

Lot 1932

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1985), EVA 772376, with wet ink transfer or offset on front and back for 20% of corner of note, OCR-B serial number, ...

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Estimate $70
SOLD $100

Lot 1933

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

TWENTY DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1985), almost non-existant serial numbers from dry ink EQF 250959? with OCR-B serial numbers, with side thread, (R.119b, Vort-Ronald 153). Centre ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $120

Lot 1934

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

FIFTY DOLLARS, Knight-Stone (1979), YEH 452051, with paper creases in centre and top right corner, with Gothic serial numbers, (R.123, Vort-Ronald 167, Nicholson 102). Uncirculated ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $160

Lot 1935

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, (Johnston-Stone) (1984), ZAR 508595, with missing printing phase of no background (simultan) printing on front of note including missing the signatures, (R.131, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $1,300

Lot 1936

Sale 49 (Nov 95)   Error Notes

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Fraser-Cole (1991), ZJT 339042, with wet black ink transfer or offset of back to front for all of the note, (R.134). Uncirculated ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $500