Lot 2410
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, George V, one pound, 1 March 1935, No.B/1 118,645, (P.25); George VI, ten shillings 1 January 1941, No.B/2 124,967, (P.30a). First note poor, edge ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $50
Lot 2411
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, ten shillings, 1st June 1951, B/5 166,565, one pound, 1st July 1950, B/5 22,913, with some pinholes, 1st June 1951, B/6 ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $90
Lot 2412
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, provisional issue, one pound, overprinted in black on one pound Reserve Bank of New Zealand note, ND (1940), 6D 972133 (P.37b). ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $80
Lot 2413
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, one penny, 1st July 1942, one shilling, 1st January 1942, 1st September 1942, two shillings, 1st January 1942 (P.39 (5), 40 ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $40
Lot 2414
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, five shillings, 10th December 1962, ten shillings, 28th April 1961 (P.43, 44). Very fine - good very fine. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $150
Lot 2415
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, five shillings, 28th April 1961, C/5 177374, ten shillings, 1st December 1962, C/6 86216 (P.43a, 44a). Good very fine - nearly ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $150
Lot 2416
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, ten shillings, 28th April 1961 (P.44a). Good fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $140
Lot 2417
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, one pound, 1st July 1954, C/1 175742, (P.45a), a rare date. Good extremely fine.
Estimate $250
Lot 2418
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FJIJ, Government of Fiji, one pound, 1st December 1961 (P.45a). Good fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $190
Lot 2419
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, five pounds, 1st October 1960 (P.46a). Good very fine.
Estimate $220
SOLD $740
Lot 2420
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, 1974 series, one, two, ten and twenty dollars, Barnes & Tomkins, (P.63b, 64c, 66c, 67c). Good extremely fine. (4)
Estimate $100
SOLD $60
Lot 2421
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, ND (1980), five dollars (P.65a). Extremely fine.
Estimate $80
Lot 2422
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, ND (1980), twenty dollars (P.72). Extremely fine.
Estimate $100
Lot 2423
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, specimen two thousand dollars, commemorating the year 2000, overprint 'Specimen' in red, serial No.Y2K 0000, specimen No.222. Uncirculated.
Estimate $1,200
Lot 2424
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FIJI, World War II emergency issue, The Garrick Hotel, one penny. Nearly very fine and rare.
Estimate $150
Lot 2425
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH EQUITORIAL AFRICA, five francs (1941) A/33 166 903, (P.6); twenty five francs (1941) A463 980, (P.7a). Good very fine. (2)
Estimate $50
Lot 2426
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH INDO-CHINA, a range of issues in album leaves, assorted dates from 1927 and issues from one piastre, other issues for Viet-Nam, Laos and Cambodia ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $270
Lot 2427
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH INDO CHINA, two hundred piastres, Cambodia Branch, not dated (c.1953), (P.98). Nearly uncirculated and rare in this condition.
Estimate $400
Lot 2428
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH WEST AFRICA, twenty-five francs, Dakar, 10th June 1926, G422566, (P.7Bb). Several pin-holes plus several stains on lower margin, otherwise fine - very fine.
Estimate $200
Lot 2429
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH WEST AFRICA, fifty francs, Dakar, 14th March 1929, J178775, (P.9Bd). Several small holes, otherwise fine - nearly very fine.
Estimate $200
Lot 2430
Sale 63 World Banknotes
FRENCH WEST AFRICA, one hundred francs, 17.11.1936, (P.(23) left out); West African States, five hundred francs, (1984-5 issue), (P.806Tg). Extremely fine - uncirculated, first rare ...
Estimate $300
Lot 2431
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GABON, (1974) 500 and 1000 francs (P.2a, 3d). Gambia, 1971-87) one (2) to twenty five dalasis (P.4d,f, 5c, 6d, 11d). Ghana, five pounds, Accra 1st ...
Estimate $130
SOLD $140
Lot 2432
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GERMANY, small collection in album of not-geld and contemporary banknotes (59); third Reich banknotes (6); other world notes (7); Estonia ten krooni 1937, fifty krooni ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $50
Lot 2433
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GERMANY, assorted Notgeld, one, two, five, ten, twenty five and fifty pfennig, half, one and two mark, all notes contained in an album, also in ...
Estimate $50
Lot 2434
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GHANA, Bank of Ghana, five pounds, 1st July 1962, A/1 858511, (P.3). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $70
Lot 2435
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GHANA, Bank of Ghana (1972-1994), one cedi, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, five thousand cedis (P.13b(2), 17(3), 14c(2), 18(4), 15b(2), 19, ...
Estimate $120
Lot 2436
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, two shillings, 6th August 1914, series B, B124188 (P.6). Rust stain otherwise good.
Estimate $70
Lot 2437
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, ten shillings, C219736 (P.14a) scarce date. Good fine.
Estimate $60
SOLD $30
Lot 2438
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, ten shillings, 1st July, 1954, D 160613 (P.14b). Nearly extremely fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $70
Lot 2439
Sale 63 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, one pound, 1st June, 1942, D 504097 (P.15b). Good fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30