Lot 2747
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, first issue, 1934-1940, L.Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter 6Z 225237, (L. 602; P.154). Minor ink marks, otherwise very fine.
Estimate $100
Lot 2748
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, first series, 1934-1940, L. Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter 3C (1), 4B (1), 4C (1), 6C (1), 8C (1), 9C (3), 11B ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $180
Lot 2749
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, first series, 1934-1940, L. Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter 8C 820207 (L. 604; P.155). Very fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $50
Lot 2750
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, first issue, 1934-1940, L.Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter, various numbers, prefixes 3C (2), 10B, (L. 604; P.155). Several rust spots, folds and ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $40
Lot 2751
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, Lefeaux signature, 1st August 1934, number before letter 4A 643801, Fleming signature, ten shillings 3A 067456, one pound 087 33367, five pounds E2 ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $50
Lot 2752
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, Lefeaux signature, 1st August 1934, number before letter 8C 547484 (P.155). Good very fine.
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 2753
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, first issue 1934-1940 L.Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter, 2K 149802, (L.606, P.156). Flattened, nearly extremely fine.
Estimate $450
SOLD $440
Lot 2754
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, Lefeaux signature, 1st August 1934, number before letter 3K 863556 (P.156). Nearly very fine.
Estimate $100
Lot 2755
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, first issue, 1934-1940, L.Lefeaux, 1st August 1934, number letter 4K 450888, (L. 606; P.156). Several folds, otherwise fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $60
Lot 2756
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, fourth issue 1956-1967, T.P. Hanna, number letter 9B 346652, 8K 401212, 8K 401204, 8K 401206, 8K 401201, 8K 401216, 6Y 896958, (L.628; P.158c). ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $150
Lot 2757
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, one pound, five pounds, (P.158a,c, 159a(3), c(2), d, 160a,b,c,d), one, two, five, ten and twenty dollars (P.164a, 165a,b, 167b, 169a,b, 171a,b, 172a, 173a, ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $190
Lot 2758
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, one pound, five pounds, Hanna signature, ten shillings, one pound, five pounds, Wilson signature (P.158a,b, 159a,b, 159c, 160a). Good - very fine. (6)
Estimate $70
Lot 2759
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, second issue 1940-1955, T.P. Hanna, letter date D/52 000007, a very low number, (L.612; P.159a). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $200
SOLD $200
Lot 2760
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, second issue 1940-1955, T.P. Hanna, letter date F/54 452936-7, a consecutive low number pair, (L.612; P.159a). Minor teller flicks, nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $80
SOLD $180
Lot 2761
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, second issue 1940-1955, T.P. Hanna, number/letter 5/R 758763-4, a consecutive pair, (L.614; P.160a). Nearly extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $80
Lot 2762
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, Hanna, number over letter 1/V 118038 (P.160a). Nearly extremely fine - extremely fine.
Estimate $80
Lot 2763
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, second issue 1940-1955, T.P. Hanna, number/letter 6/S 047011, (L.614; P.160a). Extremely fine.
Estimate $60
SOLD $50
Lot 2764
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, Hanna signature, number over letter 1/F 379535-36, consecutive pair, both notes with staple holes left hand border, ten pounds, Fleming signature, number before ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $100
Lot 2765
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, Hanna, number over letter O/F 8887881 (P.161a). Very fine.
Estimate $70
SOLD $40
Lot 2766
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, third issue 1955-1956, G. Wilson, number letter 0K 415241-7 a run of seven, OK 415252, OJ 498953, (618, P.158b). Extremely fine - uncirculated. ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $320
Lot 2767
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, Wilson, letter over number, J/3 895566 (P.159b). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $250
Lot 2768
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, third issue 1955-1956, G. Wilson, letter/number H/5 688154, (L.620; P.159b). Nearly extremely fine.
Estimate $50
Lot 2769
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, Wilson, number over letter 6/W 918403 (P.160b). Good extremely fine - nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $150
Lot 2770
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, third and fourth issue, 1955-6, 1956-1967, G. Wilson and R.N. Fleming, letter number, various prefixes A4 (Wilson), B2, K8, (S.623, 631, P.160b & ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $40
Lot 2771
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, third issue 1955-1956, G. Wilson, number/letter 4/F 591893, (L.625; P.161b). Good extremely fine, rare in this grade.
Estimate $500
SOLD $780
Lot 2772
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, third issue, 1955-1956, G.Wilson, number letter IU 043580, (L.627, P.162b). Extremely fine.
Estimate $1,800
Lot 2773
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, third issue 1955-1956, G. Wilson, number letter IU 029141, (L.627; P.162b). Extremely fine, rare in this grade.
Estimate $1,700
Lot 2774
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, third issue 1955-1956, G. Wilson, number/letter 0/U 337507, (L.627; P.162b). Very fine, rarest variant in series.
Estimate $700
SOLD $800
Lot 2775
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Fleming signature, number next to letter 9B 416512-13, consecutive pair, one pound, Fleming signature, 295 684681-82, consecutive pair, five pounds, Fleming signature, number ...
Estimate $100
Lot 2776
Sale 63 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, fourth issue, 1956-1967, R.N. Fleming, number, a run of four all with security thread, 220 393008-011, 125 256692, 285 438370, 293 427458, (L.629, ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $80