Lot 3410
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, letter over number A/7 174412, number letter 0J 555370, (L.617, 618, P.158b). Extremely fine or better. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $210
Lot 3411
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, line of three numbers 013 180788-794 a run of seven numbers, (L.621; P.159b). Good extremely fine. (7)
Estimate $250
SOLD $420
Lot 3412
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, letter over number J/6 230772 anther 230774, line of three numbers 006 630542, (L.620, 621; P.159b). Very fine - extremely fine. (3)
Estimate $60
SOLD $30
Lot 3413
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, number over letter 3/W 035584, 6/W 423281, 1/Y 070638, 5/Y 265703 and 265705, (L.622, P.160b). Mostly extremely fine. (5)
Estimate $150
SOLD $180
Lot 3414
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, letter number A4 505595, A4 743431, (L.623, P.160b). Nearly extremely fine or better. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 3415
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, number over letter 5/F 494427 and 5/F 609498, number letter 6F 129519, (L.624, 625; P.161b). Fine - nearly very fine. (3)
Estimate $160
SOLD $110
Lot 3416
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, number and letter 6F 023864-5, a consecutive pair, (L.625; P.161b). Nearly extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $450
SOLD $800
Lot 3417
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, number letter, 1U 077716, (L.627, P.162b). Extremely fine and rare in this condition.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $1,700
Lot 3418
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, number letter, 1U 047236, (L.627, P.162b). Spot on top edge, good very fine and scarce.
Estimate $700
SOLD $620
Lot 3419
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, number letter 7K 929298, 9A 885227, 9S 499400; (L.628, P.158c). Extremely fine or better. (3)
Estimate $40
SOLD $50
Lot 3420
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, number, all with security thread, 196 427423-6, a run of four; 281 631140-4, a run of five, (L.629, P.159c). Uncirculated. (9)
Estimate $150
SOLD $300
Lot 3421
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE POUND, number 075 461799 without security thread, 226 056221, 262 515460, 283 310607 and 310617, (L.629, P.159c). Second and third fine - very fine, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 3422
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, letter next to number B7 077668 (no security thread), (L.630, P.160c). Uncirculated.
Estimate $100
SOLD $210
Lot 3423
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, letter next to number L3 770131, 7791133-5 a run of three; number next to letter 12L 970433-6 a run of four, both types ...
Estimate $400
SOLD $320
Lot 3424
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, letter next to number H3 694380-3 a run of four; type with security thread, (L.630, P.160c). Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $100
SOLD $400
Lot 3425
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE POUNDS, letter next to number B7 343930 (no security thread), K5 246394, L3 531856, number next to letter 11A 621513, 11B 728387, 12A 245002,12B ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $210
Lot 3426
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, number next to letter 6F 933860-2 a run of three, (L.632; P.161c). Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $500
SOLD $780
Lot 3427
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, letter next to letter AB 606239, AC 137679, AC 891526, AH 346198, AL 548270, all with security thread, (L.633, P.161c). Very fine - ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $220
Lot 3428
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN POUNDS, letter next to letter AB 225339 no security thread, AC 202572 with security thread, number next to letter 7F 687164, (L.632, 633; P.161c). ...
Estimate $90
SOLD $70
Lot 3429
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIFTY POUNDS, letter R with security thread, R 199049 (L.634, P.162c). Uncirculated and rare in this condition.
Estimate $1,200
SOLD $1,100
Lot 3430
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, one, five and ten pounds, specimen set (1967) (P.158d-161d). Uncirculated and rare. (4)
Estimate $1,600
SOLD $8,000
Lot 3431
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE DOLLAR, number letter 0A 000720, 000794, 000797-8, a consecutive pair, 0A 000870, (L.635, P.163a). Uncirculated. (5)
Estimate $200
SOLD $110
Lot 3432
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE DOLLAR, number letter 0A 000074, 000076-8, a run of three, (L.635, P.163a). Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $200
SOLD $130
Lot 3433
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE DOLLAR, letter letter IA 123649-123655, a run of seven, (L.636, P.163a). Uncirculated. (7)
Estimate $300
SOLD $110
Lot 3434
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE DOLLAR, letter letter IK 582993, (L.636, P.163a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $40
SOLD $60
Lot 3435
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
ONE - TWENTY DOLLARS (P.163A(2), 165, 166c(2), 167c(2) including a star note). Fine - uncirculated. (7)
Estimate $250
Lot 3436
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TWO DOLLARS, number letter number OA0 000584-5; 000744-5, these consecutive pairs, 0A0 000991, 0A0 000995, (L.637, P.164a). Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $300
SOLD $160
Lot 3437
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
TWO DOLLARS, number letter number OA0 000988-990, a run of three notes, (L.637, P.164a). Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Lot 3438
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE DOLLARS, number number number 001 000787-791. run of five notes, (L.638, P.165a). Uncirculated. (5)
Estimate $200
SOLD $150
Lot 3439
Sale 62 New Zealand Banknotes
FIVE DOLLARS, number number number 001 000842-4 a run of three, 000490, 000796, 000813, 000824, 010 319807-8. a consecutive pair and four singles, (L.638, P.165a). ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $210