

Results 211–240 of 263
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Lot 3705

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR, (A.D. 305-306), AE folles, issued 305-6, Siscia mint, (8.334 grams), obv. laureate head to right, around CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, rev. SACR ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 3706

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

GALERIUS MAXIMIAN, (A.D. 305-311), AE folles, Cyzicus mint, issued A.D. 308-310 (6.026 grams), obv. laureate head of Galerius to right, around GAL MAXIMIANVS P F ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $160

Lot 3707

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

GALERIUS MAXIMIAN, (A.D. 305-311), billon antoninianii, (3), Cyzicus mint (2) and Alexandria mint (1), obv. radiate bearded bust to right of Galerius draped and cuirassed, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 3708

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

MAXENTIUS, (A.D. 306-308), AE follis, Rome mint, issued 307-9, (5.696 grams), obv. laureate head to right, around IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG, rev. tetrastyle ...

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Estimate $90
SOLD $80

Lot 3709

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

LICINIUS I, (A.D. 308-324), AE follis, issued 313-314, (4.578 grams), Heraclea mint, obv. laureate head to right of Licinius, around IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 3710

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE follis, issued 322-323, Trier mint, (3.076 grams), obv. helmeted cuirassed bust to right of Constantine, around CONSTAN TINVS AVG, rev. ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 3711

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE folles, Trier mint, (2.246 grams), obv. laureate head right, rev. PROVIDEN TIAE AVGG around, campgate, PTR crescent in exergue, (S.3878, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $110

Lot 3712

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE follis, issued 334-335, Siscia mint, (2.768 grams), obv. laureate bust to right, cuirassed of Constantine I, around CONSTANTI NVS MAX ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3713

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE follis, commemorative issues of Rome, issued 337, Siscia mint, (2.124 grams), obv. helmeted bust of Roma to left, around VRBS ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 3714

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

DELMATIUS, (A.D. 335-337), AE follis, issued 335-337 as Caesar, Thessalonica mint, (1.428 grams), obv. laureate bust to right, cuirassed of Delmatius, around FL DELMATIVS NOB ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $70

Lot 3715

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANS, (A.D. 337-350), silver siliqua, issued 337-340, Constantinople mint, (2.554 grams), obv. large plain diademed head to right of Constans, looking upwards, rev. CONSTANS AVGVSTVS, ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3716

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANS, (A.D. 337-350), AE follis, issued 334-335, Siscia mint, (2.666 grams), obv. laureate bust to right, cuirassed of Constans, around FL CONSTANTIS BEA C, rev. ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3717

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTIUS II, (A.D. 337-361), silver siliqua, issued 336-7 Rome mint, (2.974 grams), obv. laureate head to right of Constantius II looking upwards, rev. CONST/ ANT.IVS/ ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $260

Lot 3718

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

CONSTANTIUS II, (A.D. 337-361), issued as Caesar, AE follis, (3.224 grams), issued 327-329, Heraclea mint, obv. laureate bust draped and cuirassed to left of Constantius, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $40

Lot 3719

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

VETRANIO, (A.D. 350), AE centenionalis, issued at Siscia mint, (4.744 grams), obv. bust of Vetranio with diadem, draped and cuirassed to right, around D N ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3720

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

JULIAN II, (A.D. 360-363), silver siliqua, Arelate mint, issued c.360 (1.918 grams), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Julian II to right, around DN IVLIAN VS PF ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3721

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

JOVIAN, (A.D. 363-364), AE 19, Heraclea mint, issued 363, (3.318 grams), obv. laureate draped bust to left, around [D N I]OVIAN VS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 3722

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

VALENS, (A.D. 364-378), silver siliqua, Trier mint, (2.000 grams), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Valens to right, around DN VALEN S PF AVG, rev. VRBS ROMA ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $290

Lot 3723

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

GRATIAN, (A.D. 367-383), silver siliqua, Trier mint, (1.754 grams), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Gratian to right, around DN GRATIA NVS PF AVG, rev. VIRTVS RO ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3724

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

GRATIAN, (A.D. 367-383), AE 22, Siscia mint, issued 307-8, (5.106 grams), obv. laureate draped bust to right, around D N GRATIA NVS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $60

Lot 3725

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

VALENTINIAN II, (A.D. 375-392), silver siliqua, Treveri mint, issued A.D. c.375-378 (1.774 grams), obv. pearl-diademed head of Valentinian II to right, around DN VALENTINIANVS IVN ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $320

Lot 3726

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

THEODOSIUS I, (A.D. 379-395), silver siliqua, Trier mint, (2.026 grams), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Theodosius to right, around DN THEODO SIVS PF AVG, rev. CONCOR ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $230

Lot 3727

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

MAGNUS MAXIMUS, (A.D. 383-388), silver siliqua, Treveri mint, issued A.D. [1.956 grams], obv. pearl-diademed bust to right, D N MAG MAX IMVS PF AVG, rev. ...

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Estimate $220
SOLD $250

Lot 3728

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

MAGNUS MAXIMUS, (A.D. 383-388), AE 2, issue struck as Augustus, Arelate mint, (4.734 grams), obv. D N MAG MAXIMVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3729

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

FLAVIUS VICTOR, (A.D. 387-388), AE 13, Lugdunum mint, (0.934 grams), obv. laureate draped bust of Flavius Victor to right, around D N FL VIC TOR ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3730

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

JOHANNES, (A.D. 423-425), AE 11, Rome mint, (1.352 grams), obv. laureate draped bust of Johannes to right, around D N IOHANN ES P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3731

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER DENARII, second and first century B.C., a selection all described in packets from a coin dealer in Venice, a wide range of ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $120

Lot 3732

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

ROMAN SILVER DENARII, Roman Republic to Maximinus I, C. Mamilius Limetanus 82 B.C. (S.282) plated and broken; Vespasian (S.2301); Trajan (cf.S.3157, 3169); Hadrian (S.3468, 3475, ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $340

Lot 3733

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

ROMAN SILVER DENARII, first to third century A.D., of Tiberius (plated), rev. Livia seated, (S.1763); Trajan, rev. Felicitas standing, (S.3150); Antoninus Pius (2), rev. Aequitas ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $250

Lot 3734

Sale 76   Roman Silver & Bronze

ROMAN, silver denarii, Vespasian, issued 78-9, rev. Annona seated left, (S.2289); Antoninus Pius, issue of 157-8, rev. Annona standing l., (S.4131); Geta, issue of 201, ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $300