Estimate $50
SOLD $160
Lot 346
Sale 81 Shillings pt.1
EDWARD VII - ELIZABETH II, 1910 - 1963, complete set in Supreme album with extra 1952, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963(2). Better than average, includes good ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $4,800
Lot 347
Sale 81 Shillings pt.1
EDWARD VII - ELIZABETH II, 1910 - 1963, complete set except for 1954 and 1956, 1943S for 1943, in Supreme album. Above average, nearly very ...
Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,950
Lot 348
Sale 81 Sixpences pt.1
EDWARD VII, 1910. Also threepence, 1910. Extremely fine, good extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $60
Lot 349
Sale 81 Sixpences pt.1
GEORGE V, 1914, 1918M, 1920M. Threepences 1917M and 1922. Very fine - extremely fine. (5)
Estimate $120
SOLD $380
Estimate $100
SOLD $160
Lot 352
Sale 81 Sixpences pt.1
GEORGE VI, 1939. Also Edward VII florin 1910 set, field cut or voided and with scroll mount and loop at top, obverse smoothed extremely fine; ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 353
Sale 81 Sixpences pt.1
EDWARD VII - ELIZABETH II, 1910-1963, incomplete date set in press in album, 1953 nearly uncirculated, missing 1912, 1942S; also, threepence incomplete date set in ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $170
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 355
Sale 81 Threepences pt.1
GEORGE V, 1912, 1921, 1934 (bitten flan?). Also Elizabeth II, sixpence 1960 and shilling 1961 with bitten flans. Very good - extremely fine. (5)
Estimate $50
SOLD $20
Lot 356
Sale 81 Threepences pt.1
GEORGE V, 1924. Die break to each scroll end of the coat of arms, toned good very fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $30
Lot 357
Sale 81 Threepences pt.1
GEORGE V, 1927 and 1928. Good extremely fine - nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
Estimate $100
SOLD $70
Lot 359
Sale 81 Threepences pt.1
EDWARD VII - ELIZABETH II, 1910 - 1964, incomplete with much duplication, housed on three plastic pages. Fair - uncirculated. (187)
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Estimate $150
SOLD $220
Lot 361
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - ELIZABETH II, 1913, 1916-18I, 1920 dot below; dot above, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1930 (altered coin), 1931, 1935, 1936, balance 1938-1964 ...
Estimate $700
SOLD $2,900
Lot 362
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V, 1919 dot below scroll. Softly struck top scroll, brown with mint red, nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $240
SOLD $190
Lot 363
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - GEORGE VI, 1919 dot below, part rotation (15 degrees) 1924 (2), 1925, 1933/2 overdate, 1941Y., 1944 and 1946. Nearly very fine - ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $210
Lot 364
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - ELIZABETH II, 1921 Indian die, 1926, 1933/2 overdate, 1941 K.G, 1943Y., 1943I, 1944Y., 1945Y., 1947-52, 1950Y., 1952Y., 1955, 1955Y., 1958, 1958Y., 1959, ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $520
Estimate $500
SOLD $600
Estimate $250
SOLD $260
Lot 368
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - ELIZABETH II, 1936, 1946, 1950 and 1953. Extremely fine; very fine; the last two red uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $60
SOLD $90
Lot 369
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE VI, 1942Y., 1942I, 1943I, 1944Y. and 1948. Some mint red extremely fine or better. (5)
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 370
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE VI, 1943, 1946 (5), also florin 1944. Nearly very fine - uncirculated. (7)
Estimate $150
SOLD $230
Lot 371
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE VI, 1944(2), 1949, 1950; also halfpenny, 1941, 1942 Y. (2), 1943. Mostly mint red, extremely fine - uncirculated. (8)
Estimate $300
SOLD $250
Lot 372
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - ELIZABETH II, 1911-1964, complete set, except for 1930 (substituted with British issue) and 1940 K.G substituted with 1940 and 1944 is 1944Y., ...
Estimate $900
SOLD $1,850
Lot 373
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V - ELIZABETH II, 1911 - 1964, date set, in press in album, missing 1930, many with mint red, including a nearly uncirculated 1926; ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $500
Lot 374
Sale 81 Pennies pt.1
GEORGE V -ELIZABETH II, 1911-1964, missing 1930, in black plastic coin album, slightly better than average and well matched. Fine - uncirculated. (74)
Estimate $200
SOLD $200