Lot 2432
Sale 81 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, The United Africa Company Ltd. Umuahia Railhead, Local Carriers Pay chit for one Bushel of Kernels, No.42083. Very fine - extremely fine ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $50
Lot 2433
Sale 81 World Banknotes
BURMA, issues of 1938-1945, one rupee (5); five rupees; ten rupees (3); (P.5, 25, 26). Fine - very fine. (9)
Estimate $200
SOLD $140
Lot 2434
Sale 81 World Banknotes
BURMA, issues of 1945, ten rupees (7); (P.28). Mostly very fine. (7)
Estimate $180
SOLD $200
Lot 2435
Sale 81 World Banknotes
BURMA, Government of Thailand, Shan National Army, 5 tep (1964-65) (PS.102), dark violet front and back with two staple holes in Left margin (produced in ...
Estimate $100
Lot 2436
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CANADA, St. John, New Brunswick, Merchants note issued by Benjamin Smith, five shillings 18(35); another ten shillings 18(35) (2), both marked paid, and perforated cancelled ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $110
Lot 2437
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CANADA, Elizabeth II, one dollar, 1954 (trio) 1973 (two trios); two dollars 1974 (trio) 1986 (two different signature trios). Crisp, flat uncirulated. (18)
Estimate $100
Lot 2438
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CEYLON, Central Bank of Ceylon, one rupee, 20th January 1951 (P.47) four nearly consecutive notes. nearly uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $80
SOLD $140
Lot 2439
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, Chinese Engineering & Mining Company Limited, unissued one dollar Tongshan 1st March 1902 A 3070, printed signature, imprint Waterlow & Sons Limited London Wall, ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $320
Lot 2440
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, Russo-Asiatic Bank (1900-1926), issues of 1917 (not dated), fifty kopecks a run of five notes, (P.S473); one rouble, (5), (P.S474). Uncirculated. (10)
Estimate $380
Lot 2441
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, Sinkiang Provisional Government Finance Department Treasury, 100 cash year 8 (1919); another year 21 (1932); 400 cash year 20 (1931) various shades and varieties ...
Estimate $80
Lot 2442
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, a selection in binder housed on polymer Hagner pages. Fair - extremely fine. (29)
Estimate $100
Lot 2443
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, box of Hell money, cheque books, bankcards, cheque books, deposit books, also stamps, coins. Good - uncirculated. (approx 100)
Estimate $100
Lot 2444
Sale 81 World Banknotes
CHINA, Hell Bank Notes, an extensive collection of 'Hell Bank Notes', mostly more modern designs, all different. Mostly uncirculated. (92)
Estimate $80
SOLD $90
Lot 2445
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EAST AFRICA, The East African Currency Board, ten shillings, Nairobi 1st January 1933, F/5 12867 (P.21); one shilling, Nairobi, 1st January 1943 (P.27); twenty shillings, ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $60
Lot 2446
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EAST AFRICA, the East Africa Currency Board, five shillings, Nairobi, 1st October 1957 M83 95962 (P.33). Probably cleaned, good extremely fine and rare in this ...
Estimate $350
Lot 2447
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues 1952-1960, 25 piastres 1952 issues (2); five pounds 1958 issues (2); ten pounds, 1958, 1959, (P.28, 31-32). Nearly uncirculated - uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $250
Lot 2448
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues of 1958, ten pounds (4), (P.32). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
Lot 2449
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues of 1964, five pounds (4), (P.39, 40). Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $150
Lot 2450
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues of 1961-1964, ten pounds, issue 1961, 1964 (2), (P.41). Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 2451
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues of 1967-1978, 25 piastres 1977, 50 piastres 1978, 2002, one pound 1973 (2), 1978, twenty pounds, issue of 2001 (3), (P.44, 47, 50, ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $130
Lot 2452
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, issues of 1969-1978, ten pounds, issue 1969 (2); twenty pounds, issue of 1972 (2), (P.46-48). Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $200
SOLD $180
Lot 2453
Sale 81 World Banknotes
EGYPT, Central Bank of Egypt, one hundred pounds, undated (issued 1978) (P.53a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Lot 2454
Sale 81 World Banknotes
ESTONIA, Republic of Estonia Exchange Note, twenty five marka, 1922, overprinted in red 'PROOV' on front and back of note (P.54c); Indonesia, Republic, two hundred ...
Estimate $110
SOLD $110
Lot 2455
Sale 81 World Banknotes
ESTONIA, five hundred Krooni, 1991, (P.75a). Creases otherwise extremely fine.
Estimate $50
Lot 2456
Sale 81 World Banknotes
FIJI, British Administration, Government of Fiji, ten shillings, 29th October 1918, A/1 35279 (P.18a). Bank of New Zealand rubber stamp on back, minor pin holes ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $2,100
Lot 2457
Sale 81 World Banknotes
FIJI, British Administration, Government of Fiji, one pound, 1st March 1917, A/1 91951 (P.19). Two tiny rust holes lower left otherwise good fine and very ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $2,000
Lot 2458
Sale 81 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, George VI, five shillings, 1st June 1951, B/10 100,276 (P.29c); ten shillings, 1st June 1951, B/6 194,090 (P.30c). Fine or better. ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 2459
Sale 81 World Banknotes
FIJI, World War II emergency issues, 1942, penny and shillings (2) (P.39a, 40a, 41a); Government of Fiji, five shillings 1st June 1951 (P.29c) 1st December ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $160
Lot 2460
Sale 81 World Banknotes
FIJI, World War II, Grand Pacific Hotel penny, threepence and sixpence, uniface vouchers with serial numbers. Also China, central Bank, Shanghai five dollars, and five ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 2461
Sale 81 World Banknotes
GERMANY - CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Theresienstadt Concentration (Ghetto) Camp, one to one hundred kronen notes, issued 1943, the values from twenty to one hundred with full numbers, ...
Estimate $100