

Results 61–90 of 284
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Lot 3193

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Calabria, Tarentum (Taras), (334-330 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.82 grams), obv. naked horseman on prancing horse to right holding lance downwards, shield behind, ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 3194

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Calabria, Taras, (272-235 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (6.356 grams), obv. naked rider crowning stationary horse to right, below PhILICKOC, rev. Taras astride ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3195

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Heraclea, (330-280 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.816 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet adorned with a ...

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Estimate $1,500
SOLD $1,200

Lot 3196

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.400-350 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.60 grams), by Aristoxenos, obv. head of female (Kore) to right, the hair falls into thick ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3197

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.350-340 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.528 grams), obv. female head to right with diadem and leaves attached, rev. corn ear, ...

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Estimate $240

Lot 3198

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.400-350 B.C.), silver stater, (7.524 grams), obv. head of female to right, the hair is held bound by a sphendone or sakkos, ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3199

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Poseidonia, (c.480-450 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.58 grams), obv. Poseidon, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, advancing brandishing trident, [**POMES], rev. bull ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $170

Lot 3200

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Sybaris, (530-510 B.C.), silver obol, (0.342 grams), obv. bull standing left, looking back, dotted border, rev. large M as **S* (but no V), ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 3201

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Sybaris (new Sybaris later called Thurium), (443-425 B.C.), silver triobol, (1.055 grams), obv. head of Athena to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet, rev. ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3202

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (400-350 B.C.), silver distater or tetradrachm, (15.374 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with figure ...

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Estimate $1,250

Lot 3203

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (350-300 B.C.), silver stater, (7.596 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with figure of Scylla, ...

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Estimate $2,000
SOLD $1,400

Lot 3204

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (c.350 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.406 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3205

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (350 -300 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.428 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3206

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Velia, (c.305/4-293/290 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (6.972 grams), Period VII, obv. head of Athena to right, wearing Attic helmet, AH behind, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $140

Lot 3207

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Bruttium, Croton (Kroton), (299-281 B.C.), silver diobol (1.14 grams), obv. Athena head right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, traces of KPOTR above, rev. Herakles standing ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $90

Lot 3208

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Bruttium, Rhegion, (c.450 B.C. [Arnold-Biucchi chronology]), silver tetradrachm, (17.26 grams), obv. lion's head facing, within dotted border, rev. Iokastos the traditional founder of the ...

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Estimate $4,000
SOLD $3,600

Lot 3209

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Abacainon, silver litra, (450-400 B.C.), (0.62 grams), obv. Zeus laureate head to right, rev. boar standing to right, acorn in field below chin, ABAK ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $70

Lot 3210

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.500-480 B.C.), silver didrachm, Jenkins Group IV, (8.384 grams), obv. eagle with closed wings standing to left, AK behind, RA in front, ...

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Estimate $750

Lot 3211

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Gela, (c.465-450 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.92 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven right by male charioteer holding reins, column behind, dotted border, rev. forepart of ...

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Estimate $750

Lot 3212

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Gela, (465-450 B.C.), silver litra, (0.488 grams), obv. horse standing to right, rein trailing from mouth, wreath above, dotted border, rev. forepart of man-headed ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3213

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Gela, (430-425 B.C.), silver litra, (0.468 grams), obv. horseman carrying spear and shield to left, rev. forepart of man-headed bull to right, **GELAS* above, ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $150

Lot 3214

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Himera, (410-400 B.C.), Copper hemilitron, (16.166 grams), obv. facing Gorgon head, rev. six pellets, (S.1105, Weber 1356, SNG Cop. 313, McClean 2305). Dark brown ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 3215

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Leontini, (c.425 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.122 grams), obv. laureate head of Apollo to left, dotted border, rev. head of lion to left, around three ...

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Estimate $1,400
SOLD $900

Lot 3216

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Selinus, (c.445-435 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.024 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven right by Apollo and Artemis standing side by side, holding bow and arrow, ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $500

Lot 3217

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.485-479 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.404 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven to right by male charioteer, Nike flying right crowning horses, rev. **SUPAKOSION around ...

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Estimate $3,500
SOLD $3,000

Lot 3218

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.485-478 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.31 grams), obv. fast walking quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer, Nike flying right crowning horses, rev. ...

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Estimate $2,200

Lot 3219

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (474-450 B.C.) issued c.460 B.C., silver tetradrachm, (16.54 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven to right by male charioteer holding goad, Nike flying left ...

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Estimate $2,500
SOLD $3,100

Lot 3220

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.474-450 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.93 grams), obv. slow quadriga driven to left by male charioteer, Nike flying right crowning horses, pistrix in exergue, ...

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Estimate $2,200

Lot 3221

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (485-479 B.C.), silver obol, (0.708 grams), obv. Artemis-Arethusa head to right,diadem of beads, hair turned back, dotted border, rev. wheel of four spokes, ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3222

Sale 73   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, period of Timoleon, (344-336 B.C.), AE litra, (AE 29), (34.370 grams), obv. head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet to left bound with olive ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $220