

Results 121–150 of 336
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Lot 4664

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

GARGILIUS, Ogulnius and Vergilius, (c.86 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.70 grams), obv. Jupiter (or Apollo Vejovis) head to right, with oak wreath, thunderbolt below, ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4665

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

L. JULIUS BURSIO, (c.85 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.896 grams), obv. Genius (or Apollo Vejovis) bust laureate to right, trident and LXXII behind, rev. ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4666

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C.LICINIUS L.f.Macer, (84 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.732 grams), obv. diademed bust of Apollo to left, viewed from behind, brandishing a thunderbolt, rev. Victory ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4667

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

P. FURIUS CRASSIPES, (c.84 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.686 grams), obv. turreted head of the City to right, AED CVR and deformed foot downwards ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4668

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

PUB. CREPUSIUS, (82 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.516 grams), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, sceptre over shoulder, T behind, symbol below chin, rev. ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4669

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. MAMILIUS LIMETANUS, (c.82 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.860 grams), obv. Mercury bust to right, caduceus behind, AT monogram above, rev. Ulysses walking to ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 4670

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. ANNIUS T.F. T.n. with C. Tarquitius P.f., (c.82-81 B.C.), silver denarius, North Italy and Spain mint, (3.736 grams), obv. Anna Perenna diademed head to ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 4671

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

Q. FABIUS MAXIMUS (RESTORED ISSUE), (82 or 80 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.864 grams), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, lyre before, *, [ROMA] ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 4672

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. MARIUS C.F. Capito, (81 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.820 grams), obv. Ceres draped bust to right, hair bound in corn-wreath, CAPIT CXXXVIII ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $80

Lot 4673

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

L. PROCILIUS, (c.80 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.638 grams), obv. Jupiter laureate head to right, S.C. behind, rev. Juno Sospita walking to right, hurling ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 4674

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

L. PROCILIUS, (c.80 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.58 grams), obv. Juno Sospita head to right wearing goat's skin, S.C. behind, rev. Juno Sospita in ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $120

Lot 4675

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. NAEVIUS BALBUS, (c.79 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.450 grams), obv. Venus diademed head right, S.C. behind, rev. Victory in triga, LXXI above, C. ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $120

Lot 4676

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

TI. CLAUDIUS, (c.79 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.862 grams), obv. Diana bust to right bow and quiver on shoulder, S.C. before, rev. Victory in ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $90

Lot 4677

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. VOLTEIUS M.F., (c.78 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.668 grams), obv. head of Jupiter laureate to right, rev. temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, M.VOLTEI. M.[F]. ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 4678

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. VOLTEIUS M.F., (c.78 B.C.), silver denarius, (3.558 grams), Rome mint, obv. head of young Hercules to right, wearing lion skin, rev. the Erymanthian boar ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 4679

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. VOLTEIUS M.F., (c.78 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (4.008 grams), obv. head of Liber or Bacchus to right, wearing ivy wreath, rev. Ceres standing ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $90

Lot 4680

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. VOLTEIUS M.F., (c.78 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.658 grams), obv. bust of Attis or young Corybas to right, wearing laureate helmet, rev. Cybele ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $100

Lot 4681

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. EGNATIUS CN.F.CN.N. Maxsumus, (c.75 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.952 grams), obv. Liberty with diadem, draped bust to right, cap and [MA]XSVMVS behind, rev. ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4682

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

C. POSTUMIUS (C.74 B.C.), Rome mint, (3.338 grams), obv. Diana draped bust to right bow and quiver at shoulder, rev. hound running right, spear below, ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4683

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

L. COSSUTIUS C.F. Sabula, (c.74 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.520 grams), obv. Medusa head to left, winged and entwined with serpents, SABALA behind, rev. ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $160

Lot 4684

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. PLAETORIUS M.F. Cestianus, (69 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.852 grams), obv. male head of Mercury to right, rev. winged caduceus, [CES]T EX S ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4685

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. PLAETORIUS M.F. Cestianus, (69 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.868 grams), obv. Cybele turreted bust to right, forepart of lion behind shoulder, globe under ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 4686

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

L. CASSIUS LONGINUS, (63 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.52 grams), obv. Vesta veiled draped head to left, kylix behind, L before, rev. male standing ...

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Estimate $220
SOLD $100

Lot 4687

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

M. AEMILIUS SCAURUS AND P. Plautius Hypsaeus, (c.58 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.75 grams), obv. king Aretas kneeling beside camel to right, M.SCAVR and ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $110

Lot 4688

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

Q. CASSIUS LONGINUS, (c.55 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.480 grams), obv. Vesta veiled head to right, VEST before, Q. CASSIVS behind, rev. curule chair ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $100

Lot 4689

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

P. FONTEIUS P.F. Capito, (c.55 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, 3.866 grams), obv. Mars helmeted draped bust to right, trophy behind, P. FONTEIVS. P.F. CAPITO ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $120

Lot 4690

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

CN. PLANCIUS, (c.55 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.782 grams), obv. Diana Planciana to right wearing petasus, CN PLANCIVS [AED CVR S.] C. around, rev. ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 4691

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

Q. POMPEIUS RUFUS, (c.54 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.83 grams), obv. Q. POMPEI Q F /RVFVS above curule chair between arrow and laurel wreath, ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $400

Lot 4692

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

Q. SICINIUS, (c.49 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.86 grams), obv. Fortune diademed head to right, FORT before, P.R. behind, rev. Q. SICINIVS III VIR, ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $360

Lot 4693

Sale 87   Roman Republican Silver Coins

MAN. ACILIUS GLABRIO, (c.49 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.98 grams), obv. Salus laureate head to right, SALVTIS upwards behind, rev. Valetudo (Salus) standing left ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $190