

Results 121–150 of 250
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Lot 5639

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 239 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. PROVID AVG, Providentia standing ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $90

Lot 5640

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 243-4 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. SECVRIT PERP, with Securitas ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 5641

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 243-4 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. SECVRIT PERP, with Securitas ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 5642

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 243-4 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. SECVRIT PERP, with Securitas ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 5643

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 243-4 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. SECVRIT PERP, with Securitas ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 5644

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 243-4 obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. SECVRIT PERP, with Securitas ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 5645

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver denarius, Rome mint, issued 241, (1.972 grams), obv. laureate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, ...

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Estimate $90

Lot 5646

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), AE sestertius, (20.79 grams), issued 241-243, Rome mint, obv. laureate bust to right of Gordian III, draped and cuirassed, around IMP ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 5647

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

GORDIAN III - TREBONIUS GALLUS, sestertii, Gordian III (S.8726, RIC 307a); Trebonianus Gallus (S.9683, RIC 127a) another (S.9671, RIC 112); Volusian (S.9784, RIC 249a); Herennius ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $100

Lot 5648

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, (5.26 grams), issued 248, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. cippus inscribed COS ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $160

Lot 5649

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Philip on horseback holding spear ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $90

Lot 5650

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Philip on horseback holding spear ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $90

Lot 5651

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Philip on horseback holding spear ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $90

Lot 5652

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Philip on horseback holding spear ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $90

Lot 5653

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianii, Rome mint, (3.90 grams), issued 245-7, obv. radiate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Annona ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $80

Lot 5654

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), AE sestertius, Rome mint, issued 248, (21.09 grams), obv. laureate bust to right, around IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, rev. Emperor ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 5655

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), AE sestertius, Rome mint, issued A.D. 244-245, (17.41 grams), obv. laureate bust of Philip I to right draped and cuirassed, around ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 5656

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), AE sestertius, Rome mint, (20.02 grams), obv. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate bust right, rev. PAX AETERIT (sic), S C ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $70

Lot 5657

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I, (A.D. 244-249), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, (3.82 grams), obv. diademed draped bust to right on crescent, around M OTACIL ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $100

Lot 5658

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

PHILIP II AS CAESAR, (A.D. 247-249), AE sestertius, (16.70 grams), obv. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare headed draped bust to right of Philip, rev. PRINCIPI ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $40

Lot 5659

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

TRAJAN DECIUS (A.D. 249-251), silver antoninianus, issued 250-1, Rome mint, (4.15 grams), obv. radiate bust to right, IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, rev. ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 5660

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

TRAJAN DECIUS, (A.D. 249-251), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 250, (3.88 grams), obv. radiate draped bust to right, around IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $80

Lot 5661

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Trajan Decius, (A.D. 249-251), base silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 250, (4.01 grams), obv. diademed draped bust to right on crescent, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 5662

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, (A.D. 251), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued A.D. 251, (3.33 grams), obv. radiate bust of Herennius draped to right, around Q HER ETR ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 5663

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, (A.D. 251), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued A.D. 250-1, (4.32 grams), obv. radiate bust of Herennius draped to right, around Q HER ETR ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 5664

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HOSTILIAN, as Caesar (A.D. 251), billon antoninianus, Rome mint, (4.96 grams), obv. radiate bust of Hostilian to right, C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $150

Lot 5665

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HOSTILIAN, as Caesar (A.D. 251), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, (3.39 grams), obv. radiate bust of Hostilian to right, C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $280

Lot 5666

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

HOSTILIAN, as Caesar (A.D. 251), billon antoninianus, Rome mint, (6.03 grams), obv. radiate bust of Hostilian to right, C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $220

Lot 5667

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

TREBONIANUS GALLUS, (A.D. 251-253), silver antoninianii, Milan mint, (2.59 and 3.13 grams), issued 252, obv. radiate draped bust to right, around IMP C C VIB ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $150

Lot 5668

Sale 95   Roman Imperial Coins

VOLUSIAN, (A.D. 251-253), silver antoninianus, uncertain mint, issued 252, (3.52 grams), obv. radiate bust draped to right, around IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG, rev. ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $60