Lot 2772
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967) SFC 382773 (R.302). Virtually uncirculated.
Estimate $200
SOLD $100
Lot 2773
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967), SDT, SEA, SEL, SES, SEX, SFE (2, consecutive pair), SFJ and SFR (R.302, 302L). Uncirculated. (9)
Estimate $900
SOLD $1,900
Lot 2774
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Wheeler (1976) centre thread, TEU 541470 (R.306a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $140
Lot 2775
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Wheeler (1976) centre thread, TEV 541038/9 consecutive pair (R.306a). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $200
SOLD $120
Lot 2776
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Wheeler (1976) TKA 720519/21, 23/7; TLH (306b) single, runs of three and five. Centre folds, crisp extremely fine or better. (9)
Estimate $200
SOLD $120
Lot 2777
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Stone (1979) TTQ, TUE, TUP, TUS, TUX, TVA pair, TUB, TVG run of six, pair and singles, TVQ, TVR (R.307b). The first very ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $200
Lot 2778
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Stone (1979) TPE, TPF, TPP, TQJ trio, TRN trio, TRP run of six and single, TRR, TRX pair, TRZ (R.307a). Crisp extremely fine ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $200
Lot 2779
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Knight/Stone (1979) TSA, TSN, TSP single and trio, TSX, TTA four singles and a pair, TTC, TTD (2, close to pair), TTE (2) ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $200
Lot 2780
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Stone (1983) TYP 848075/9 (R.308) five consecutive notes. Light centre folds, otherwise nearly uncirculated. (5)
Estimate $100
SOLD $110
Lot 2781
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Stone (1983) to Fraser/Cole (1991) (R.308, 309 pair, 310b run of eight, 312 trio, 313 run of four). Uncirculated. (18)
Estimate $400
Lot 2782
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) - Macfarlane/Henry (2002) (R.310a, b, 316a, 316aF, 316ai, 318aF, 318cF, 320aF, 320aL, 320bF, 320bL). Uncirculated. (11)
Estimate $250
SOLD $240
Lot 2783
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) AB 10 168602 (R.310b) first serial prefix of second release. Virtually uncirculated.
Estimate $150
Lot 2784
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) AB 10 510055/6 (R.310b) first prefix, second release, consecutive pair. Light centre fold, nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $200
Lot 2785
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) AB 10 228611, AB 10 245233, first prefix, second release (R.310b). Nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $200
Lot 2786
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) AB 10 494442, AB 10 631221 (R.310b) first serial prefix second release. Fine; nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
Lot 2787
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) Bicentennial second release AB 57 986889 last prefix (R.310bL). Creases, very fine.
Estimate $150
Lot 2788
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) AB 57 808746; AB 57 947802 (R.310b) last prefix of second release. Fine. (2)
Estimate $200
Lot 2789
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1991) MRR 698767/866 (R.313) original pack of one hundred consecutive last serial prefix notes. Uncirculated. (100)
Estimate $2,500
SOLD $3,200
Lot 2790
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Evans (1993) AA 93 006532 (R.316aF), BL 93 907819/21, 099315/17 (R.316a) first prefix note, single note and two consecutive runs of three notes. ...
Estimate $110
Lot 2791
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Evans (1993) DA 93 477666/7, IC 93 298561/4, 298566/70 (R.316a) a consecutive pair and consecutive runs of four and five notes. Uncirculated. (11)
Estimate $150
Lot 2792
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Evans (1993) single notes, DB, DC, EM, FH, HK, IL, BL 93 907842/48 (R.316a) six single notes and a consecutive run of seven ...
Estimate $180
Lot 2793
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Evans (1994) BG 94 992811/20 (R.316b) ten consecutive Dobell blue shading notes. Uncirculated. (10)
Estimate $1,000
Lot 2794
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (2002) BJ 02 372630, BK 02 957613, 957604/09, 957611/12, DA 02 875165, DI 02 850934, GF 02 703948/50 (R.320a) four single notes, ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $190
Lot 2795
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TEN DOLLARS - ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, a collection missing all star notes but including, R.301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306a, b, 307a, b, 308, 309, ...
Estimate $2,500
SOLD $2,200
Lot 2796
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) XAA 931734 (R.401) first serial prefix. Uncirculated.
Estimate $200
SOLD $200
Lot 2797
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) XAJ 023043/4 (R.401) consecutive pair. Nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $80
SOLD $70
Lot 2798
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) XAR 854675/8 (R.401) run of four consecutive. Very light centre bends, virtually uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $160
SOLD $140
Lot 2799
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) XAA (first prefix) XBP (last prefix), general prefixes (20) (R.401). Fair - fine. (22)
Estimate $500
SOLD $400
Lot 2800
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) to Fraser/Evans (1993) (R.401 trio, 409a trio, 413i trio, 415i pair). Uncirculated. (11)
Estimate $750
Lot 2801
Sale 107 Australian Banknotes - Decimal Issues
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967) XBQ 577431 first prefix and XBR 337630 (R.402, F). Flattened, nearly very fine; very fine. (2)
Estimate $250
SOLD $260