Lot 3879
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, Elizabeth II, five dollars, undated (1970), A/1 006539 (P.61a); ten dollars, undated (1969), A/1 410397 (P.62a) and twenty dollars, undated (1969), ...
Estimate $150
Lot 3880
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, Elizabeth II, twenty dollars, undated (1969) A/1 382515 (P.63a) and undated (1971), A/1 632711 (P.69b). Very fine. (2)
Estimate $150
Lot 3881
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, Ad-interim Currency Board issue, Elizabeth II, five dollars, undated (1971), A/1 599541 (P.67a); ten dollars, undated (1971), A/1 681518 (P.68a) and ...
Estimate $350
Lot 3882
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, Ad-interim Currency Board issue, Elizabeth II, five dollars, undated (1971), A/1 682917 (P.67b); ten dollars, undated (1971), A/1 928696 (P.68b) and ...
Estimate $320
Lot 3883
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, undated (1974 issue), five dollars, A/1 883010 (P.73a); ten dollars, A/2 305063 (P.74a) and twenty dollars, A/1 749439 (P.75a). ...
Estimate $220
Lot 3884
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, undated (1974 issue), five dollars, A/4 104909 (P.73b); ten dollars, A/3 617807 (P.74b) and twenty dollars, A/3 315048 (P.75b). ...
Estimate $350
SOLD $800
Lot 3885
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, undated (1974 issue), five dollars, A/5 603916 (P.73c); ten dollars, A/6 491060 (P.74c) and twenty dollars, A/3 892844 (P.75c). ...
Estimate $300
Lot 3886
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, Central Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, undated (1980 and 1986 issues), ten dollars, B/2 269204 (P.79a) and B/5 540473 (P.84a); twenty dollars, B/2 773042 (P.80a) ...
Estimate $250
Lot 3887
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, a range of mostly decimal issues from George VI (1941) to Elizabeth II (2007), includes five shillings of 1st January 1941 and some scarcer ...
Estimate $170
SOLD $320
Lot 3888
Sale 117 World Banknotes
FIJI, cheques, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, Suva, Victoria Parade Branch; another, Lautoka, Naviti Street; First National City Bank, Lautoka; another, small size, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 3889
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, regional occupation of Lithuania, WWI, State Loan Bank currency notes, Eastern Bank of Commerce and Industry, Posen (Poznan), fifty kopeken, 17 April 1916 (P.R121a). ...
Estimate $70
Lot 3890
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, regional occupation of Lithuania, WWI, State Loan Bank currency notes, East Bank, Kowno (Kaunas), half mark, 4 April 1918, B 2382475; one mark, A ...
Estimate $300
Lot 3891
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, regional occupation of Lithuania, WWI, State Loan Bank currency notes, East Bank, Kowno (Kaunas), 4 April 1918, one hundred mark, 2024996 (P.R133). Extremely fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $150
Lot 3892
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, regional occupation of Lithuania, WWI, State Loan Bank currency notes, East Bank, Kowno (Kaunas), specimen one thousand mark, A 000000, DRUCKPROBE perforated horizontally and ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $1,300
Lot 3893
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, regional occupation of Lithuania, WWI, State Loan Bank currency notes, East Bank, Kowno (Kaunas), one thousand mark, 4 April 1918, A231286 (P.R134a). Good fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $160
Lot 3894
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, notgeld, 1920s emergency notes Tilsit East Prussia Memel, Sovetsk Kaliningrad, fifty and seventy five pfennig, one and three marks; Heydekrug Memel, 1921, twenty five, ...
Estimate $40
SOLD $30
Lot 3895
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, Hamburg, Aushilsfchein der Freien und Hansestadt (Welfare Certificate of the Free and Hanseatic City), notgeld of five hundred billion mark, 10 November 1923, A1574330/1* ...
Estimate $120
Lot 3896
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, Norderney, North Sea Scout Camp, emergency money voucher for five mark for travel, (c1921); notgeld issue for Berlin-Britz, J.D.Riedel Aktiengesellschaft, 42 Pfg Gold, 29 ...
Estimate $50
Lot 3897
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, various towns, 1919-1923, includes notgeld issues, a large variety and mostly uncirculated, also a few other town coupons from this period including a Glauchau, ...
Estimate $200
Lot 3898
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GERMANY, Weimar Republic, five hundred thousand mark, 1 Mai 1923, E.01713834 (P.88b); Rentenbank - Stabilization Bank, one rentenmark, 1 November 1923, E.03620480 (P,161). Extremely fine; ...
Estimate $50
Lot 3899
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, one pound, 4.8.1988, L 594311; five pounds, 4.8.1988, E 844438; ten pounds, 21.10.1986, A 919831 (P.20c, 21b, 22b). Uncirculated. ...
Estimate $170
SOLD $140
Lot 3900
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, one pound, 4.8.1988, L594310; five pounds, 4.8.1988, E844436; five pounds, 2000 Millennium commemorative, MM005437; ten pounds, 10.9.2002, B002078 (P.20e, ...
Estimate $200
Lot 3901
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, five pounds, 4th August 1988, E 845758/61 (P.21b) consecutive run of four. Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $200
Lot 3902
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, ten pounds, 21st October 1986, A 923690/1 (P.22b) consecutive pair. Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $100
Lot 3903
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, ten pounds, 1st July 1995, AA 293784/6 (P.26a) consecutive run of three. Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $200
SOLD $120
Lot 3904
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, five pounds, 2000, Millennium Commemorative, MM 006696; ten pounds, 1.7.1995, AA 293797 (P.26a, 29). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $90
SOLD $70
Lot 3905
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, twenty pounds, 1st July 1995, AA 995378, AA 995436 (P.27a). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $220
Lot 3906
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, ten pounds, 10.9.2002, B 004568; another, 1.12.2006, AA 399227 (P.30, 32a). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
Lot 3907
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GIBRALTAR, The Government of Gibraltar, Elizabeth II, ten pounds, 10.9.2002, B 002078; another, 1.12.2006 AA 399228; twenty pounds, 1.12.2006, AB 018007 (P.30, 32a, 33a). Uncirculated. ...
Estimate $250
Lot 3908
Sale 117 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, one pound (1970-77), J.B.Page, BW45 065576; D.H.F.Somerset (1981-84), CN24 393981; five pounds, G.M.Gill (1988-91); another, smaller size (135x70mm), G.M.Gill (1990-91) ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $70