Lot 355
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof five dollars, 1998 (2); mint five dollars, Anzacs 1990 (4), Year of Space 1992; proof silver two dollars, 1988 (2); proof silver ...
Estimate $130
SOLD $80
Lot 356
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Sydney Olympics 2000, Triangular Coin Series, 2013, 2014, 2015, Heart Shaped Coin, Eternal Love 2015; mint one ounce one ...
Estimate $140
SOLD $340
Lot 357
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Paralympics 2000, Bradman 2001, Hologram Issue 2003, Rugby World Cup (gilt) 2003, Bicentenary Tasmania 2004 (4), 150 Years of ...
Estimate $370
SOLD $300
Lot 358
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Sydney Olympics Sea Change 2000; proof silver one dollars, 1990, 1997; mint two dollars, (8); mint one dollars, (3); ...
Estimate $180
SOLD $150
Lot 359
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Sydney Olympics Great White Shark and Coral 2000, 150 Years of Steam Railways 2004; proof five dollars, 1988; mint ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Lot 360
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Millennium Hologram Issues, 2001-2003, Queen Mother Commemorative 2002, Duyfken Voyage of Discovery (set of two) 2006; mint five dollars, ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $170
Lot 361
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Commonwealth Games 2002, Adelaide to Darwin 2004, Sydney to Athens 2004, Bicentenary of Tasmania 2004, 75th Anniversary Sydney Harbour ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $260
Lot 362
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, 2004 150 Years of Steam Railways; 2007 (3) The Ashes, Year of the Lifesaver, Sydney Harbour Bridge 75th Anniversary; ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $160
Lot 363
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, State Government series, 2006 Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, 2007 South Australia; 2008 Northern Territory; 2009 Queensland; Polar Series, ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $220
Lot 364
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce five dollars, Crux Southern Sky 2012; proof silver one ounce one dollar, Sydney NYE 2014; mint silver one ounce ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $440
Lot 365
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, mint silver ten dollars, 1985 (2), 1987; proof silver five dollars, Anniversary Parliament House (triangular coin) 2013, First Post Office and Early Posting ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $200
Lot 366
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver five dollars, Batavia 2015, Commemorative Triangular Series, Anzac Centenary 2015, Remember the Fallen 2016; proof five dollars, AFL Australia's Own Game ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $180
Lot 367
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver two dollars, 1988; proof silver one dollars, 1993 (2), 1994 (2), 1995 (3), 2005. In cases of issue with certificates, FDC. ...
Estimate $130
SOLD $100
Lot 368
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver two dollars, 1988; proof silver one dollars, Holey Dollar and Dump 1988, Landcare 1993, Dollar Decade 1994, Gallipoli 2005, Eureka 2004, ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $120
Lot 369
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof one dollars, 1984 (6), Queensland State Coin set (set of three) 2001, Year of the Planet Earth (set of two) 2008, Burke ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $170
Lot 370
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof one dollars, 1984 (3); mint one dollars, First Portrait 1984 (8), Waltzing matilda 1995C, Parkes 1996S, Kingsford Smith 1997S (3), (dual set) ...
Estimate $260
SOLD $240
Lot 371
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Commonwealth Games Auckland (set of four) 1990, Barcelona Olympic 1992, Coin Fair Issue 1992, Landcare 1993, Coin Fair Issue ...
Estimate $380
SOLD $250
Lot 372
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Barcelona 1982, Landcare 1993, Dollar Decade 1994, Waltzing Matilda 1995, Parkes 1996, Kingsford Smith 1997, Army 2001. In cases ...
Estimate $80
Lot 373
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Barcelona 1992, Landcare 1993, Waltzing Matilda 1995, Parkes 1996, Kingsford Smith 1997, Florey 1998, Last Anzacs 1999, HMAS Sydney ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $170
Lot 374
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Barcelona 1992, Dollar Decade 1994, Parkes 1996, Kingsford Smith 1997; proof one dollars, 1984 (2); mint one dollars, Landcare ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 375
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver dollar, 1993 Landcare; 1994 Dollar Decade; 1995 Waltzing Matilda; 1996 Parkes; 1997 Kingsford Smith; 1998 Florey; 1999 Last Anzacs; 2000 HMAS ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $220
Lot 376
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Subscription Series, 1996-2000, 2002, 2004-2007. In cases of issue with certificates, FDC. (10)
Estimate $260
SOLD $240
Lot 377
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Subscription Series, Decimal Currency 1996, Old Parliament House 1997, New Parliament House 1998, Majestic Images 1999, Proclamation Coins 2000, ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $290
Lot 378
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one dollars, Subscription Series, 1997 (3), 2000, 2003, 2008. In cases of issue with certificates, FDC. (6)
Estimate $150
SOLD $160
Lot 379
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollars, Centenary of Australian Commonwealth Coinage 2010, 2011, Australian Opal Series, Tasmanian Devil 2014, Python 2015. In cases ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $170
Lot 380
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollars, Silver Kangaroo Series, 1994 (2), Sydney International Coin Fair 1995; mint silver one ounce one dollars, Silver ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $170
Lot 381
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollars, Silver Kangaroo Series, 1994 (2), Sydney International Coin Fair 1995; mint silver one ounce one dollars, Silver ...
Estimate $140
SOLD $200
Lot 382
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollars, Kangaroo Series, 1999, 2001, 2007, gilt 2007; mint frosted silver one ounce one dollar, 1994. In pack ...
Estimate $130
SOLD $150
Lot 383
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollar, Silver Kangaroo 2000; Perth Mint, mint silver one ounce one dollar, Australian Koala (gilt) 2011. In cases ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 384
Sale 118 Decimal Proofs
ELIZABETH II, proof silver one ounce one dollars, Silver Kangaroo Series, 2005, NYE Sydney 2014; mint silver one ounce one dollars, Silver Kangaroo Series, (gilt) ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $300