Lot 1028
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
HERLI, Hans., "The Coins of The Sikhs" 255 pps, published by Indian Coin Society, 1993 ; Liddle, Andrew., "Coinage of Akbar, The Connoisseur's Choice" 89 ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $90
Lot 1029
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
HIBBARD, M.G., Boer War Tribute Medals, 1500 copies produced this copy No. 492, London, 1982, 240pp. Fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 1030
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
THE HISTORY OF UNITED STATES COINAGE AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE GARRETT COLLECTION, Q. David Bowers, Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Inc, 1979; "The Garrett Collection", Sales ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $150
Lot 1031
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
HOLDER, R.F., Bank of New South Wales, A History:Vol 1 1817-1893, Angus and Robertson Sydney 1970, 985pp. & Vol II 1894-1970, 491pp., in case. Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 1032
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
HULL, Donald B., "Collector's Guide to Muhammadan Coins of India" 789 pps illustrated throughout. Printed by Cunningham Press, 1972. Copy No.29 of 250. Good very ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $180
Lot 1033
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
JEWITT, Llewellynn, The Descriptive Handbook of English Coins, William Tegg & Co, London, 1879 (2); MacKenzie, A.D., The Bank of England Note, a history of ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 1034
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
JHUNJHUNWALLA, Kishore, Indian Paper Money, The Standard Guide To, Kishore Jhunjhunwalla Mumbai 2000, 455pp. Very fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $40
Lot 1035
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
KANN, Eduard, The Currencies of China, second edition Shanghai 1927, 562pp. Fine.
Estimate $60
SOLD $70
Lot 1036
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
KEATING, F.A., On The Latest Aspects of the Currency Question, Melbourne 1894, 12pp. Fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $20
Lot 1037
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
KELLY, E.M., Spanish Dollars and Silver Tokens, Spink London 1976, 151pp., with dust cover; O'Sweeny, James., A Numimsatic History of the Birmingham Mint, England 1981, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 1038
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
KOZMINSKY, S., Catalogue of some Gold, Silver and Bronze, Melbourne, ND around 1909, rare publication, 11pp. Fine.
Estimate $40
SOLD $20
Lot 1039
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LAGESSE, Marcelle, A History Of The Mauritius Commercial Bank, celebrating 150 years, 3300 editions produced, this is an English version, 1988, 335pp. with a celebration ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 1040
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LAMPARD, William H., Catalogue of New Zealand Coins Tokens Bank Notes, No. 60, Wellington New Zealand, 1981, 84pp. Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 1041
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LITHERLAND, A.R & Simpkin, B.T., Standard Catalogue of British Orders Decorations & Medals with valuations, Spink, London, 1990, 222pp.; Joslin, E.C. & Litherland, A.R. & ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $50
Lot 1042
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LOBEL, Richard., The Edward VIII Coin Collection, London, 1977, 24pp. Fine.
Estimate $30
SOLD $10
Lot 1043
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LONG, Mark H., A Skeleton Catalogue of Australian Copper Tokens, 1901, signed fly, F.W. White Sydney 1901, 40pp., leather bound. Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 1044
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
LOYNES, J.B., The West African Currency Board 1912-1962, including a letter from Spink & Son, London in 1913. The Grosvenor Press, 1962, 43pp. Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 1045
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MALTA, Correspondence Respecting the Currency of Malta and Demonetisation of the Sicilian Dollar, Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1886, 86pp. Fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $110
Lot 1046
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MANVILLE HARRINGTON, E., & Robertson Terence J., British Numismatic Auction Catalogues 1710-1984, Baldwin & Sons London, 1986, 419pp. Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 1047
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MAO, KING O., History of Chinese Paper Currency, Volume 1, first edition 1968, 792pp., plastic cover. Fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $90
Lot 1048
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MARSH, Michael A., The Gold Sovereign, second edition Cambridgeshire, 2004, 111pp.; Duveen, Geoffrey & Stride, H.G., The History of the Gold Sovereign, Great Britian, 1962, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 1049
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MATHEWSON, R. Duncan III, Treasure of the Atocha, the wreck was discovered in 1632 in Florida Keys, Sidwick & Jackson London, first edition 1986, 159pp., ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 1050
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MAZARD, Jean, Histoire Monetaire Et Numismatique des Colonies et De L'Union Francaise 1670-1952, PB Emile Bourgey, Paris, 1953, including plates 202pp., writen in French language. ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 1051
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MCCAMMON, A.L.T., Currencies of the Anglo-Norman Isles, first edition, Spink & Son Ltd, London, 1984, 365pp.; Currencies of the Anglo-Norman Isles II, first edition, ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $50
Lot 1052
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MEEK, W.F.W., Currency Tokens of New Zealand, Dunedin, New Zealand 1951, 70pp. Fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Lot 1053
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MIRA, Dr. W.J.D., Coinage and Currency in New South Wales 1788-1829 and an Index of Currency References in The Sydney Gazette 1803-1811, signed fly by ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $140
Lot 1054
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MIRA,DR William J.D., From Cowrie to Kina, The Coinages, Currencies, Badges, Medals, Awards and Decorations of Papua New Guinea, first edition, Spink Australia 1986, 332pp., ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $190
Lot 1055
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MIRA, Dr.W.J.D. & Noble, W.J., The Holey Dollars of New South Wales, hardcover No.4/100, Sydney, 1988, 92pp; plus The Note Issues of the Colonial Police ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $180
Lot 1056
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MIRA, Dr. W.J.D., James Cook His Coins & Medals, fly signed by author, No 11/100, Sydney Australia, DN, 44pp; Klenman, Allan., The Faces of Captain ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $50
Lot 1057
Sale 124 Numismatic Literature
MITCHENER, Michael., "Oriental Coins and Theur Values - Non-Islamic States & Western Colonies A.D. 600 - 1979, 1979, 640 pps, illustrated throughout, published by Hawkins ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $340