

Results 91–120 of 134
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Lot 3162

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

BRITISH PRISONERS OF WAR CAMP, penny in tin (31mm), obverse, across centre, 'Penny/Token', around impressed, '(image of swastika) &. Commandant. Prisoners. Of. War. Camp. Bvrnham. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $110

Lot 3163

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

BRITISH ARMED FORCES, tokens in brass with centre hole, 1952, half unit (20mm), one unit (25mm), obverse, around, 'British Armed Forces', reverse, around top, 'Half ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $170

Lot 3164

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

BRITISH RESTAURANT, WWII, tokens in plastic (round 30mm) (2) and (dished oval 27x30mm) (3), obverse, 'British Restaurant' around centre hole, reverses, (blue), 'Soup' at top ...

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Estimate $70

Lot 3165

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, Victorian Artillery, canteen tokens, c1890, one penny (silvered bronze 23.5mm), penny halfpenny (brass 23.5mm), obverse, young head Queen Victoria left, around, 'Vic. Arty. Canteen', ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $70

Lot 3166

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, Victorian Artillery, canteen tokens, c1890, one penny (silvered bronze 23.5mm), penny halfpenny (brass 23.5mm), threepence (bronze 23.5mm), obverse, young head Queen Victoria left, around, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 3167

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, Victorian Naval & Military Club,?tokens, type 1, sixpence in copper (24mm), obverse, 'V.N./&/M.C.', reverse, denomination, type 2, two shillings in cupro-nickel (24mm), obverse, crossed ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 3168

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, WWI, Internment Camp (Liverpool, NSW), square threepence in aluminium (18mm), obverse, German eagle (YMT.AUT013). Plugged hole at top, otherwise fine and rare.

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Estimate $300
SOLD $360

Lot 3169

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, H.M.A.S.?Tingira, tram pass in cupro-nickel (31mm) by G.A. Miller, Sydney, reverse stamped 222 (YMT.AUT015).?Toned good very fine and scarce.

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Estimate $400
SOLD $280

Lot 3170

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

2ND AUSTRALIAN GENERAL HOSPITAL, Officer's mess tokens in plastic (24mm), c1942, penny (dark red), threepence (white), sixpence (light blue), shilling (2, one yellow, one cream), ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $190

Lot 3171

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, WWII, Internment Camps (Hay, NSW), penny in brass (20.5mm) (YMT.AUT025). Small oxidation spot on obverse, otherwise very fine.

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Estimate $100
SOLD $190

Lot 3172

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, WWII, Internment Camps (Hay, NSW), threepence in bronze (16mm) (YMT.AUT026). Much mint red, extremely fine.

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Estimate $150
SOLD $220

Lot 3173

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth Government Explosives Factory, checks in brass (33mm), uniface and all with pierced hole at top, the first impressed '304', and by Stokes, Melb, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $220

Lot 3174

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

AUSTRALIA, Garden Island Naval Dockyard, proof of attendance check in brass (35mm), uniface and centre hole, obverse impressed, 'G I/955'; Naval Establishments, gate pass in ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 3175

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

ISLE OF MAN, Onchan Internment Camp, WWII, tokens in brass, halfpenny (20mm), penny (18mm), sixpence (26mm), obverse, denomination, above, 'Onchan Internment Camp', reverse, triskeles (YMT.IOM01-03). ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $440

Lot 3176

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADA, B.B. Canteen ('B' Battery, Quebec City), pre 1990, token in brass (24mm), five cents, obverse, 'B.B./Canteen', reverse, denomination in centre, around, 'Good For/In Trade'; ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3177

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADA, Royal Canadian Engineers, tokens in white metal, WWII, twenty five cents (26mm), ten cents (20mm), five cents (23mm), obverse, '9/Field/Co./R.C.E', reverse, denomination above 'Souvenir', ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $70

Lot 3178

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE,?5TH Canadian Battalion, canteen token, WWI, half franc in bronze (22mm), one franc in white metal (26mm), obverse, denomination in centre, around, '5th ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3179

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

ESQUIMALT ROYAL NAVAL BASE,?C1950, token in aluminium (25mm), five cents, obverse, denomination in centre and around, 'Royal Naval Canteen', reverse, in centre, 'Esquimalt/B.C.' (YMT.CT028).?Fine and ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $110

Lot 3180

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADA, Regimental Institute, 47 B.C. Canada, tokens in brass, 1915, five cents (19mm), ten cents (22mm), twenty five cents (25mm), obverse, badge of 47 Regiment ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3181

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION,?TOKENS in plastic (28mm), ten cents (white), twenty five cents Happy Hour (blue), one dollar (100) Happy Hour (red), obverse, type ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3182

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

NEWFOUNDLAND,?SERGEANTS Club, Newfoundland Base Command, WWII, token in brass (21mm), obverse, centre star, at top, Sergeants Club/Newfoundland', below, 'Base/Command', reverse, 'Good For/5c/In Trade' (YMT.CT066).?Very fine ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3183

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADA, Canadian Forces International Deployment Operations, Afghanistan, twenty five cents token in brass (25mm), obverse, denomination in centre, above, 'Op Depl Intel Des FC', below, ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $70

Lot 3184

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

1ST CANADIAN BRIGADE,?CANTEEN token in zinc (25mm), WWII, obverse, '10' in centre, around, '1st Can Bde/Canteen", reverse, denomination.?Punched suspension hole at left edge, some oxidation ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 3185

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

CANADA, souvenir dollars (3), all in cupro-nickel, includes The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Diamond Jubilee 1961, The Royal Canadian Regiment Reunion/100 Years of Service ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3186

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

INDIA, 18th (Victoria Mary Princess of Wales' Own) Hussars, canteen tokens in brass, two annas (23mm), four annas (25mm), eight annas (28mm), obverse, unit badge, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $130

Lot 3187

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

INDIA, Durham Light Infantry, six pies in bronze (28mm), uniface, obverse, '6' in centre, above, 'D.L.I', below, 'Pies'; Lancashire Regiment, three pies in brass (19mm), ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $280

Lot 3188

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

INDIA, army contractors' tokens, half anna in brass (21mm), obverse, denomination in centre, above, 'Regtl Institutes', at bottom, 'Credit Ticket', reverse, in middle, '(NSD.)/[impressed] 1052', ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $190

Lot 3189

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

INDIA, (Madras), Royal Artillery, canteen token in bronze (31mm), eleven dubs, uniface, obverse, across centre, '11 Dubs', around, 'Royal Artillery General Canteen' (Pridmore 344); another ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $400

Lot 3190

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

INDIA, Army Temperance Association medal, in silver (35mm), no suspender (Y&J MT2019S. p88); USA 5th Army, Commemorative of Allied Armies Entrance in Naples, 1943, in ...

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Estimate $60

Lot 3191

Sale 128   J. Yarwood Collection - Brit. Com. Military Tokens & C

6 A.E.T.C.,?BASRA, (Iraq), uniface, check piece in brass (33mm).?Some worn details, otherwise very good and very rare.

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Estimate $80
SOLD $80