Lot 511
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, private issue banknotes, three & five jao, 1939, one yuan, 1939, two jao 1949. Fine - very fine. (4)
Estimate $80
SOLD $90
Lot 512
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Sibei Nung Min Inxang, ten thousand yuan, 1948. Very fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $510
Lot 513
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of China, twenty cents, 1939, two hundred yuan, 1942. Very fine. (2)
Estimate $80
SOLD $170
Lot 514
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of China, five hundred yuan, 1948. Very good - fine. (2)
Estimate $60
SOLD $120
Lot 515
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Dung Bai, ten yuan, 1945 (P.3729). Extremely fine - good extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $250
Lot 516
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Dung Bai, one yuan, 1946 (P.S3736). Extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $80
SOLD $220
Lot 517
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Hainan Bank, five Jao, five cents (2), two cents, all uniface and dated 1949. Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $80
Lot 518
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Jinan Bank, cashier's check, ten million yuan, 1948. Uncirculated.
Estimate $80
SOLD $310
Lot 519
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Bank of China, five yuan, 1949 (P.813) (3). Very fine. (3)
Estimate $150
SOLD $760
Lot 520
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Bank of China, ten yuan 1949 (I II III) 36783730 (P.816). Fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $300
Lot 521
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Bank of China, five hundred yuan, 1949 (VIII VII VI) 0600869 (P.849). Some toning spots, very fine.
Estimate $150
SOLD $1,000
Lot 522
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Bank of China, five hundred yuan, 1949, (I III V) 17447645 (P.843). Extremely fine.
Estimate $200
SOLD $960
Lot 523
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Republic, two jiao, 1953 (P.864) (3); five jiao, 1953 (P.865); two yuan, 1953 (P.867) (2); one yuan, 1956 (P.871); one jiao, 1960 (P.873). ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $1,000
Estimate $500
SOLD $1,260
Lot 525
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Peoples Republic, one to one hundred yuan, 2005 (P.903-7), matching serials 0176 2958. Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $240
Lot 526
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, People's Republic, twenty yuan (P.-), Winter Olympic Games 2022 wmk Panda snowboarding. Uncirculated. (20)
Estimate $400
Lot 527
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CHINA, Taiwan, one hundred yuan (1946) (P.939); one hundred yuan (1947) (P.941); one thousand yuan (1949) (P.945); fifty cents, 1949 (P.1949b); one yuan (1961) (P.1971a). ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $120
Lot 528
Sale 132 World Banknotes
COLOMBIA, El Banco De Pamplona, one peso, Pamplona, 9.7.1883, No. 0036 (P.S711). Good very fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 529
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CONGO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, Banque Nationale Du Congo, specimen five zaires, 2.1.1967, A 274228, (P.13s1.); one franc, 01.11.1997, F 0412757 F, (P.85a). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 530
Sale 132 World Banknotes
COOK ISLANDS, ten dollars, undated (1987) (P.4) two uncut sheets of twelve, two of six and two single specimen notes. Some crinkling otherwise uncirculated. (38 ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $220
Lot 531
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CUBA, Republic, Banco Nacional De Cuba, one peso, 1949 (P.69h) (writing on reverse); one peso, 1956 (P.87a); five pesos, 1958 (P.91a); ten pesos, 1960 (P.88c); ...
Estimate $50
Lot 532
Sale 132 World Banknotes
CYPRUS, Democratic Republic, Kentpikh Merkez Bankasi, two hundred and fifty mils, 1.4.1969 (P.41a); fifty sent, 1.10.1983 (P.49a); fifty sent, 1.11.1989 (P.52). Nearly uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $80
SOLD $180
Lot 533
Sale 132 World Banknotes
DANZIG, City Council, fifty pfennig, 15.4.1919, 171752* and 646460* (P.11, 12). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $60
SOLD $90
Lot 534
Sale 132 World Banknotes
DENMARK, National Bank, Copenhagen, krone 1912 (P.20a); ten kronur, 1944 (P.36); ten kronur, undated (1950) (P.44 var). Nearly fine; very fine; very fine. (3)
Estimate $100
Lot 535
Sale 132 World Banknotes
ESTONIA, fifty penni, 1919 (P.42); one mark, 1919 (P.43); ten krooni, 1928 (P.63); fifty krooni 1929 (P.65). Very fine - extremely fine. (4)
Estimate $100
SOLD $110
Lot 536
Sale 132 World Banknotes
ETHIOPIA, State Bank of Ethiopia, five dollars, 1961 (P.19a). Fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 537
Sale 132 World Banknotes
FIJI, WWII, GPH (Hotel) vouchers or chits for 1d, 3d, and 6d, two books of each with 1d (12 remaining), 3d (16), 6d (14), Government ...
Estimate $500
SOLD $7,510
Lot 538
Sale 132 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government of Fiji, one shilling, 1.1.1942 (P.48a); others dated, 1.9.1942 (P.49a, 49b); two shillings, , 1.1.1942 (P.50a); New Caledonia, fifty centimes, 29.3.1943 (P.54); one ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $210
Lot 539
Sale 132 World Banknotes
FRANCE, Banque de France, five francs, 1916, 353100094 (P.70). Pin holes, fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $60
Lot 540
Sale 132 World Banknotes
FRANCE, five francs, 7.1.1918 (P.72a); five francs, 25.11.1943 (P.98a); ten francs, 25.3.1943 (P.99d); twenty francs, 15.4.1943 (P.100 var); fifty francs, 17.3.1938 (P.85b); fifty francs, 3.10.1946 ...
Estimate $300