Lot 2751
Sale 78 New Zealand Tradesman Tokens
DUPLICATE TOKENS OF VARIOUS ISSUERS; Licensed Victuallers (A.32 (3); L.304a (3)); Milner & Thompson (A.378 (3); L334b); S. Hague Smith (A.470; L.341); Somerville (A.497, 499, ...
Estimate $180
SOLD $210
Lot 2752
Sale 78 New Zealand Tradesman Tokens
DUPLICATE TOKENS OF MILNER & THOMPSON (A.378 (3), 379, 381, 382, 383; L.334b (3), d, e, f, g) also Licensed Victuallers (A.326 (2), L. 304a(2)). ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $130
Lot 2753
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WHANGARIE (WHANGAREI, Auckland) Church, undated (circa 1864), (L.361; GRW.132; C.6245; B.7170). Extremely fine - nearly uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $60
SOLD $80
Lot 2754
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
AUCKLAND, St. Andrew's Church, undated (circa 1865) (L.362; GRW.101; C.503, B.589). Both full mint bloom, nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $260
Lot 2755
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OTAHUHU (AUCKLAND), 1854, (L.363; GRW.121; C.4788). Extremely fine and rare.
Estimate $500
SOLD $420
Estimate $400
SOLD $380
Lot 2757
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WELLINGTON, St. Andrew's Church, undated (circa 1870) (L.365; GRW.-; C.-; B.7143). Toned with slight tin pest, fine and excessively rare.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $3,400
Lot 2758
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WELLINGTON, St. John's Church, 1878 & 1886 (L.366,367; GRW.129,130; C.6219,6220; B.7141,7142). Extremely fine, both cast replicas. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $120
Lot 2759
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WELLINGTON, St. John's Church, 1886 (L.367; GRW.130; C.6220; B.7142). Uncirculated and extremely rare thus.
Estimate $600
SOLD $900
Lot 2760
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WELLINGTON, St. John's Church, as previous. Good very fine and extremely rare.
Estimate $550
SOLD $800
Lot 2761
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
NELSON, Trinity Church 1849 (L.368; GRW.114; C.6073; B.6953). Extremely fine with traces of mint bloom, possibly the finest known.
Estimate $500
SOLD $450
Lot 2762
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
NELSON, Trinity Church 1849 (L.368; GRW.114; C.6073; B.6953). Fine and very rare.
Estimate $200
SOLD $190
Lot 2763
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
CHRISTCHURCH (CANTERBURY), St Pauls Presbyterian Church, undated, (circa 1860), (L.369; GRW.102; C.1244; B.1432). Extremely fine.
Estimate $40
SOLD $40
Lot 2764
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OAMARU (OTAGO) (ST. Paul's Church) undated (circa 1868) (L.370; GRW.117; C.4707; B.5355). Extremely fine. (2)
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 2765
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OAMARU (OTAGO) (ST. Paul's Church), as previous. Good very fine - extremely fine. (4)
Estimate $120
SOLD $150
Lot 2766
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, (used in Otago), undated, (circa 1840's), (L.371; GRW.118; C.6457; B.7503). Good very fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 2767
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OTAGO, Scottish Reformed Presbyterian Mission, 1844 (L.372; GRW. 119; C.4629; B.5259). Considerable original mint bloom, good extremely fine and very rare.
Estimate $500
SOLD $660
Lot 2768
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OTAGO, Scottish Reformed Presbyterian Mission, 1844 (L.372; GRW. 119; C.4629; B.5259). Has been lacquered, otherwise extremely fine and very rare.
Estimate $500
SOLD $500
Lot 2769
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
OTAGO, Presbyterian Church of Otago, undated (circa 1864) (L.373; GRW.120; C.4782; B.5439), Very fine - nearly extremely fine (2).
Estimate $40
SOLD $50
Lot 2770
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, First Church Otago, 1848 (L.374, this piece; GRW.105; C.4787; B.5444). Nearly extremely fine and rare.
Estimate $300
SOLD $340
Lot 2771
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, First Church Otago, 1848 (L.374; GRW.105; C.4787; B.5444). Slight tin pest otherwise very fine and rare.
Estimate $200
SOLD $190
Lot 2772
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
WAIKOUAITI (OTAGO) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 1863 (L.375; GRW.127; C.6194; B.7114). Usual 'tin pest' or blistering otherwise nearly very fine - very fine and rare. (2) ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $110
Lot 2773
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
PORT CHALMERS (OTAGO) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1848 (L.376; GRW.123; C.5007; B.5713). Extremely fine with original colour and rare.
Estimate $150
SOLD $130
Lot 2774
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
PORT CHALMERS (OTAGO) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1848 (L.376, this piece; GRW.123; C.5007; B.5713). Good very fine with original colour and rare.
Estimate $120
SOLD $140
Lot 2775
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, Knox's Church 1860 (L.378, this piece; GRW.106; C.1918; B.2178). Usual 'tin pest' or blistering for this otherwise good very fine and scarce.
Estimate $100
SOLD $120
Lot 2776
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, Knox's Church 1860 (L.378; GRW.106; C.1918; B.2178). Usual 'tin pest' or blistering for this otherwise very fine and scarce.
Estimate $100
SOLD $80
Lot 2777
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
NORTH DUNEDIN (OTAGO) (ST. Stephen's) Presbyterian Church, 1871 (L.379; GRW.115; C.4677; B.5312). Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $60
SOLD $100
Lot 2778
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, St. Andrew's, undated (circa 1860) (L.380; GRW.107; C.1917; B.2177). Brilliant uncirculated - toned uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $90
SOLD $70
Lot 2779
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN, St. Andrew's, undated (circa 1860) (L.380; GRW.107; C.1917; B.2177). Extremely fine. (3)
Estimate $90
SOLD $70
Lot 2780
Sale 78 NZ Communion Tokens
DUNEDIN (OTAGO) ANDERSON'S BAY CHURCH, undated (circa 1848) (L.381; GRW.103; C.4783; B.5440). Extremely fine; brilliant uncirculated and rare thus. (3)
Estimate $200
SOLD $160