

Results 3,271–3,300 of 3,983
Page 110 of 133

Lot 3268

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (6.01 grams), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak leaves, behind ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3269

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (6.350 grams), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak leaves, behind ...

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Estimate $220
SOLD $140

Lot 3270

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ACARNANIA, Leucas (Colony of Corinth), (350-300 B.C.), silver stater, (8.276 grams), obv. Pegasos with pointed wing flying to left, **L* below, rev. head of Athena ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $300

Lot 3271

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Federal Coinage, Uncertain Mint (probably Thebes), Silver drachm, 387-374 B.C., (5.620 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, rev. amphora within incuse square, without pellet above, across ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $340

Lot 3272

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Boiotian League, Federal Coinage, silver drachm, (225-171 B.C.), (4.95 grams), obv. bearded laureate head of Poseidon to right, dotted border, Rev. BOI**WTWN* to left, ...

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Estimate $350

Lot 3273

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (363-338 B.C.), magistrate Kal(l)i.., silver stater, (11.94 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, rev. amphora in concave field, with letters **KA LLI* either side, (cf.S.2398, ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $400

Lot 3274

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Chalcis, (338-303 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (1.598 grams), obv. head of Hera to right, with hair rolled, rev. eagle flying to right carrying snake in ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $130

Lot 3275

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Histiaia, (mid 4th century B.C.), silver tetrobol, (2.62 grams), obv. nymph Histiaia head to right wreathed with vine leaves, hair rolled, rev. nymph Histiaia ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $70

Lot 3276

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Histaia, (3rd century B.C.), silver tetrobol and diobol?, (2.014, 1.148 grams), obv. nymph Histaia head to right wreathed with vine, hair rolled, rev. nymph ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3277

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.000 grams), issue c.420 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,500
SOLD $850

Lot 3278

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.83 grams), issue c.420 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,200
SOLD $700

Lot 3279

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.19 grams), issue c.430 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $750

Lot 3280

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (300-262 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.084 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. owl standing to ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3281

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (300-262 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.938 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. owl standing to ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $200

Lot 3282

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (20's - 19 B.C.), AE 19, hemidrachm, (7.040 grams), obv. head of Athena Parthenos to right, wearing triple crested helmet, rev. Athena advancing ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $60

Lot 3283

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Aegina, (445-431 B.C.), silver stater, (12.160 grams), obv. land tortoise with segmented shell, countermarked on obverse, rev. incuse square of large "skew" design, (S.2600, ...

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Estimate $1,500

Lot 3284

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sicyonia, Sicyon, (431-400 B.C.), silver stater, (11.760 grams), obv. Chimaera walking to left, **SE* below, rev. dove flying to left, all within wreath, (cf.S.2763, ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $350

Lot 3285

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sicyonia, Sicyon, (330/320-280's B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.216 grams), obv. chimaera to left, **SI* below, on ground line with right foreleg raised high, rev. dove ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $90

Lot 3286

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sicyonia, Sicyon, (before 146 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.11 grams), obv. dove flying to right, T behind, rev. large **S*, in three lines **KLE A ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $70

Lot 3287

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Achaean League, Aegium (Achaia), (c.late 1st century B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.33 grams), obv. Zeus head right, **[A]IGIEW[N]* rev. monogram of AX letters API/CTO - ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3288

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PONTUS OR BOSPOROS, uncertain area (Amisus?), c.130-100 B.C., AE 25, (20.29 grams), obv. male head to left wearing leather cap, with clear countermarks of a ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3289

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, Kalchedon, (c.340-320 B.C.), silver siglos (Persian standard), (5.38 grams), obv. bull standing to left, [on corn-ear], above **KALC* rev. quadripartite incuse square of mill-sail ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $470

Lot 3290

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

MYSIA, Parion, (c.480 B.C.), silver three-quarter drachm, (3.376 grams), obv. gorgoneion facing, rev. incuse square containing cruciform pattern with pellet in centre, (S.3917, BMC 1-13, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3291

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

IONIA, Ephesus, (390-330 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (14.480 grams), issue 360-350 B.C., obv. bee with straight wings dividing E - **F*, rev. forepart of kneeling stag ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $410

Lot 3292

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum, (4th-3rd century B.C.), AE 16, (4.462 grams), obv. armed horseman prancing to right, with spear, rev. humped bull butting to left, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3293

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

CARIA, Caunos (Kaunos), Uncertain ruler, (c.490-470 B.C.), silver stater, (11.83 grams), obv. Iris with curved wings and outstretched hands in kneeling-running position to right, rev. ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3294

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

CARIAN ISLANDS, Rhodes, (360-late 340's B.C.), silver didrachm, (6.724 grams), obv. head of Helios three-quarter face to right with hair loose, rev. rose, with bud ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3295

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

PHRYGIA, Laodikeia, (c.100-90 B.C.), silver cistophoric tetradrachm, (12.300 grams), obv. cista mystica containing serpent, all within ivy wreath, rev. bow in case between two coiled ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3296

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

LYCIA, uncertain Dynast issue, (520-500 B.C.), silver stater, (8.788 grams), obv. forepart of boar to left, both forelegs visible, O/A monogram on shoulder, rev. rough ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $350

Lot 3297

Sale 90   Greek Silver and Bronze Coins

LYCIA, Dynasts of Lycia. Uncertain. Circa 500-440 BC. silver Stater (9.25 grams). Obv. Pegasos flying left, Rev. Head of roaring lion left in incuse square, ...

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Estimate $400