

Results 4,171–4,200 of 4,692
Page 140 of 157

Lot 4171

Sale 89   Roman Imperial Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN COINS, issues of the third and fourth century, including Severus Alexander, denarius in base metal, rev. ANNONA AVG, (S.7867); antonianii issues of Gallienus ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 4172

Sale 89   Roman Imperial Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN AND BYZANTINE COINS, an accumulation of issues from 1st - 6th century includes sestertii and fractions, folles etc. (total weight 970 grams). Mostly ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $220

Lot 4173

Sale 89   Roman Imperial Coins

CALIGULA, (A.D. 37-41), Paduan cast medal, after Giovanni Cavino, (20.3 grams), obv. laureate head of Caligula to left, around C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 4174

Sale 89   Byzantine Silver and Bronze Coins

ANASTASIUS I, (A.D. 491-518), AE follis (large module), issued 512-517, Constantinople mint, (16.916 grams), obv. diademed draped bust to r., DN ANASTA SIVS AVC, rev. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 4175

Sale 89   Byzantine Silver and Bronze Coins

BYZANTINE, a small collection in mixed condition of folles from Constantinople mint unless stated, Anastasius I, off E., (S.19); Justin I, off E (S.62); Justinian ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $80

Lot 4176

Sale 89   Byzantine Silver and Bronze Coins

ANONYMOUS BYZANTINE AND NAMED ISSUES, AE folles, from Heraclius (S.833), Romanus I (S.1760), Constantine X (S.1854), Michael VII (S.1878), Manuel I trachy, anonymous issues John ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $250

Lot 4177

Sale 89   Byzantine Silver and Bronze Coins

VANDALS, Semi-Autonomous copper coinage of Carthage, Hilderic, (A.D. 530-533), AE four nummi, (1.126 grams), obv. bust to left, rev. N over IIII, (Hahn MIB I ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $120

Lot 4178

Sale 89   Byzantine Silver and Bronze Coins

OSTROGOTHS, Municipal Coinage of Ravenna, (A.D. 536-554), AE ten nummi (decanummium), (2.012 grams), obv. bust of Ravenna to right, around traces of legend, FELIX AVENNA, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $140

Lot 4179

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

UMAYYAD, Yazid II, (A.H. 101-105) (A.D. 720-724), gold dinar, anonymous dinar, no mint name (but probably Damascus mint), dated A.H. 103 = A.D. 721-722, (A.134, ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $500

Lot 4180

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ABBASID, al-Mansur, (A.H. 136-158) (A.D. 754-775), gold dinar, no mint, A.H. 149 = A.D. 766-767, (A.212, cf.BMC 16, Paris 593). Nearly very fine and scarce.

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Estimate $300
SOLD $350

Lot 4181

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ABBASID, al-Rashid, (A.H. 170-193) (A.D. 786-809), gold dinar, no mint name but struck at Misr, (Fustat in Egypt), A.H. 192 = A.D. 808, with the ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4182

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ABBASID, al-Muqtadir, (A.H. 295-320) (A.D. 908-932), gold dinar, Suq al Ahwaz mint (in Khuzistan), A.H. 318, = A.D. 930, with additional field inscriptions, dot ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 4183

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ABBASIDS, al-Radi, (A.H. 322-329) (A.D. 934-940), gold dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz Mint (Shustar in Khuzistan), A.H. 323 = A.D. 934-5, with additional field inscriptions on ...

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Estimate $280

Lot 4184

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ABBASID, al-Musta'sim, (A.H. 640-656) (A.D. 1242-1258), multiple gold dinar (7.02 grams), with caliph's name, Madinat al Salam mint (Baghdad mint), A.H. 642 = A.D. 1244-1245, ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 4185

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

MAMLUK COINAGE IN EGYPT, al-Nasir Nasir al din Mohammed, third reign, (A.H. 709-741) (A.D. 1310-1341), gold dinar, (3.05 grams), probably Al Qahira mint (Cairo, Egypt), ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $280

Lot 4186

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

BUWAYHID (BUYID), `Abud al-Dawla Abu Shuja`, (338-372 A.H.; A.D. 949-982), silver dirham, Shiraz mint, 360 (971), (A.1550); Khwarizmshahs (Anushtegind), `Ala al-Din Muhammad, (596-617 A.H.; A.D. ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 4187

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

GHAZNAVID, Mahmud b.Sebuktegin, (388-421 A.H.; A.D. 998-1030), gold dinar, Herat mint, year 395 (A.D. 1005), (A.1607). Very fine, bent and weak in places.

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Estimate $220

Lot 4188

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

GHAZNAVIDS, Mahmud b. Sebukt-egin as Yemin al-dawla, (A.H. 388-421) (A.D. 998-1030), silver four dirhams, Anderaba mint, A.H. 389 = A.D. 999, (A.1608, M.766); Arab-Sassanian issue, ...

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Estimate $60

Lot 4189

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

GHAZNAVIDS, Ibrahim ibn Mas'ud, (A.H. 451-492) (A.D. 1059-1099), associated with the Caliph Al-Muqtadi Bi'amir Allah (A.H. 467-487). (A.D. 1074-1094), gold dinars, (2), Ghazna mint, uncertain ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 4190

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

KHWARIZMSHAHS, 'Ala al-Din Muhammad, (A.H. 596-617) (A.D.1200-1220), silver dirham, probably Davar mint, not dated, inscription inside square within circle, (5.22 grams), (A.1718); Jalayrid, Shaykh Oweys ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4191

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ARTUQIDS OF MARDIN, Najm al-Din Alpi, (A.H. 547-572) (A.D. 1152-1176), copper dirham, pictorial type, no mint or date, obv. facing male heads (Gemini), rev. facing ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4192

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

SALGHURIDS, Abish bint Sa'd (Queen), (A.H. 663-684) (A.D. 1265-1285), gold dinar (usually 6 grams or heavier this example 6.350 grams, probably Shiraz mint, issued c.A.H. ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $250

Lot 4193

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ILKANIDS (MONGOLS OF PERSIA), Local Coinage, First Period, Abaqa, (A.H. 665-680) (A.D. 1265-1282), gold dinar, [Yazd mint], (3.720 grams), issued A.H. [679 (A.D. 1280-1), (A.2126.1, ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $250

Lot 4194

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

ILKANIDS (MONGOLS OF PERSIA), Uljaytu b. Arghun, (703-716 A.H.; A.D. 1304-1316), silver two dirhams, al-Mawsil mint, type B, dated 710 (1310), (A.2184); another silver two ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4195

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

THE WALIDS, Amir of Astarabad, Amir Wali, (A.H. 757-788) (A.D. 1356-1386), silver six dirhems, Astarabad mint, A.H. 778 = A.D. 1376-1377, (A.2343, cf.M.1873-4). Flat in ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 4196

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

TIMURID, Shahrukh, (A.H. 807-850) (A.D. 1405-1447), silver quarter tanka, Herat mint, not dated, (1.22 grams), (A.2407); copper fals or adliya, Bukhara mint, partial date ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4197

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

TIMURIDS, Abu al Qasim Baber (Babur) ibn Baisunqur ibn Shah Rukh, (A.H. 851-861) (A.D. 1447-1457), silver tanka, (Firuzkuh) mint type, dated A.H. 860 = A.D. ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $80

Lot 4198

Sale 89   Islamic Coins

TURKEY, Ottoman Empire, Selim III (A.H. 1203-1222, A.D. 1789-1807), silver yuzluk, years 7 and 17; (KM.507). Fine - very fine. (2)

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Estimate $60
SOLD $40

Lot 4199

Sale 89   Indian Coins

ANCIENT INDIA, punched marked coinage, Magadha, Mauryan and other Empires, (400-100 B.C.), punch marked mostly square shaped issues, silver karshapana, usually with set of five ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 4200

Sale 89   Indian Coins

ANCIENT, Kaushambi (c.200 BC), cast copper coins (4), obv. bold lanky bull type, rev tree and other symbols (M.4588-4591). Fine - very fine. (4)

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Estimate $100
SOLD $120