

Results 4,651–4,680 of 5,116
Page 156 of 171

Lot 4651

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

JULIAN II, (A.D. 360-363), AE double maiorina, (8.51 g), issued 361-363, Heraclea mint, (7.89 g), obv. around D N FL CL IVLI ANVS P F ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $230

Lot 4652

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

VALENS, (A.D. 364-378), silver miliarense, issued 367-375, Treveri Mint, (3.90 g), obv. D N VALEN S P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $380

Lot 4653

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

PROCOPIUS, (A.D. 365-366), AE 3, Constantinople mint, (3.69 g), obv. around D N PRO COPIVS P F [AVG], laureate cuirassed bust to left of Procopius, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 4654

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

VALENTINIAN I, (A.D. 364-375), silver siliqua, Trier mint, (1.80 g), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Valentinian to right, around DN VALENTINI ANVS PF AVG, rev. VRBS ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $180

Lot 4655

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

GRATIAN, (A.D. 367-383), silver siliqua, Treveri mint, issued A.D. c.367-375 (1.89 g), obv. pearl-diademed head of Gratian to right, around DN GRATIA NVS PF AVG, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $220

Lot 4656

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

MAGNUS MAXIMUS, (A.D. 383-388), silver siliqua, Treveri Mint, (1.92 g), obv. pearl-diademed bust to right of Magnus Maximus, around D N MAG MAX IMVS PF ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $190

Lot 4657

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

FLAVIUS VICTOR, (387-388 A.D.), silver siliqua, Milan Mint, (1.10 g), obv. pearl - diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Flavius Victor to right, around D ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $360

Lot 4658

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

EUGENIUS, (392-394 A.D.), silver siliqua, Trier mint, (1.32 g), obv. diademed draped cuirassed bust right of Eugenius, D N EVGENIVS P F AVG, around, rev. ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $460

Lot 4659

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ARCADIUS, (A.D. 383-408), silver siliqua, Trier Mint, issued 392-395, (1.25 g), obv. D N ARCADI VS P F AVG, pearled diademed draped and cuirassed bust ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $150

Lot 4660

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

HONORIUS, (A.D. 393-423), silver siliqua, Milan mint, (0.77 g), obv. pearl-diademed bust of Honorius to right, around DN HON[ORIVS S PF AVG], rev. [VIRTVS RO] ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $110

Lot 4661

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

CONSTANTINE III, (A.D. 407-411), silver siliqua, Arles Mint, (1.67 g), obv. pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine to right, around DN CONSTAN TINVS PF ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $900

Lot 4662

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

JOVINUS, (A.D. 411-413), silver siliqua, issued 411-413, Arelate mint, (0.87 g), obv. large plain diademed draped bust to right of Jovinus, around, D N IOVINVS ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $420

Lot 4663

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN AND PROVINCIAL AE ISSUES INCLUDING, As of Augustus; Tiberius; Agrippa; Caligula; Vespasian; Domitian. Toning, poor - nearly very fine. (9)

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Estimate $200
SOLD $160

Lot 4664

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN ETC, a small mixed AE collection including Alexandria Egypt of Trajan year 20 hemidrachm, rev. Sarapis in quadriga (fair); Roman coins of Faustina ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $120

Lot 4665

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN DENARII INCLUDING, Marcus Aurelius, (A.D. 161-180), issued A.D. 165, (3.55 g), obv. laureate head of Marcus Aurelius to right, around M ANTONINVS AVG ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $480

Lot 4666

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN DENARII AND ANTONINIANI INCLUDING, Caracalla, (A.D. 198-217), issued 216, Rome mint, (3.03 g), obv. laureate head right, around ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, rev. ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $340

Lot 4667

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN SILVER ISSUES INCLUDING, Septimius Severus, (A.D. 193-211), silver denarius, Rome mint, issued A.D. 209, (3.22 g), obv. laureate head of Septimius Severus to ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $220

Lot 4668

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN AE ISSUES, mostle sestertii, including, Gordian III, (A.D. 238-244), AE sestertius, (13.56 g), obv. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate draped and cuirassed ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $400

Lot 4669

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN SILVER ISSUES INCLUDING, Philip I, (A.D. 244-249), antoninianus, issued 245-7, (3.36 g), rev. Aequitas standing to left holding scales and cornucopiae, (S.8918, RIC ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $180

Lot 4670

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN AND BYZANTINE COINS INCLUDING, Justinian I, (527-565), AE follis, Nicomedia mint, (18.73 g) issued year 12 = 538-9, officina A, obv. Justinian bust ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $110

Lot 4671

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN AND BYZANTINE SILVER AND AE ISSUES INCLUDING, Lycia, Trajan, (98-117), silver drachm, (3.24 g), issued 98-9, obv. laureate head of Trajan to right, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $140

Lot 4672

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN ISSUES, the remainder of a collection, mainly AE, (2nd - 6th century A.D.), noted, Faustina Junior; Maximinus; Gordian III; Postumus; Victorinus; Tetricus; Claudius ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $320

Lot 4673

Sale 127   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Imperial - Severus Alexan

ANCIENT ROMAN COINS, a mixed group in 2x2 holders on a sheet, mostly mis-described, but includes Trebonianus Gallus, antoninianus, Constantine I, rev. Sol; others are ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 4674

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

ANASTASIUS I, (A.D. 491-518), AE follis (large module), issued 512-517, Constantinople mint, (18.15 g), obv. diademed draped bust to right, DN ANASTA SIVS AVC, rev. ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $90

Lot 4675

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTIN I, (518-527), AE follis, Constantinople mint (16.81 g) obv. Justin I bust to right, draped, DN IVSTI NVS PP AVC, rev. M, stars either ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 4676

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I (527), AE follis, Constantinople Mint. issued 4 April - 1 August 527 A.D., (14.47 g), obv. Diademed bust cuirassed with ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 4677

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (19.16 g) issued year 16 = 542-543, officina E, obv. Justinian bust facing, DN IVSTINI ANVS PP AVC, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $130

Lot 4678

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Cyzicus mint, (21.57 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, officina B, obv. Justinian bust facing, DN IVSTINI ANVS PP AVC, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $90

Lot 4679

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE folles, Constantinople mint (18.63 g) issued year 28 = 554-555, officina E, obv. Justinian bust facing, DN IVSTINI ANVS PP AVC, ...

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Estimate $90
SOLD $50

Lot 4680

Sale 127   Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins

JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE half follis, Constantinople mint, (11.37 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, officina **G*, obv. Justinian bust facing, DN IVSTINI ANVS PP ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $40