

Results 6,751–6,780 of 8,447
Page 226 of 282

Lot 4767

Sale 58   World Banknotes

WORLD, an album and box containing advertising, political and fun notes. Very good - extremely fine. (100's)

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Estimate $60
SOLD $160

Lot 4768

Sale 58   World Banknotes

AFGHANISTAN, 1926-1993, Kingdom Pre Rebellion, 1926-1928 issues (P.6,10b(4)), Post Rebellion, 1936 issues (P.15(3),16(2)). Very good-uncirculated.(181)

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Estimate $350
SOLD $520

Lot 4769

Sale 58   World Banknotes

ALBANIA,(61) including one hundred leke, one leke - one hundred leke (P.39, 40-46), Algeria, (27), ten dinars (P.123). Very fine-uncirculated.(88)

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Estimate $200
SOLD $250

Lot 4770

Sale 58   World Banknotes

ANGOLA,(27), 1970-1995, five hundred escudos, 1970 (P.97), Argentina,(274). Very fine-uncirculated.(301)

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Estimate $110
SOLD $200

Lot 4771

Sale 58   World Banknotes

ARMENIA,(36), 1919-1995, including five hundred rubles, 1919, two hundred and fifty rubles, 1920 (P.26, 32), Austria, (41), 1918-1986, twenty kronen, 1918, one hundred kronen (PS.103, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $210

Lot 4772

Sale 58   World Banknotes

AZERBAIJAN,(97), 1919-1994, including twenty five, fifty and one hundred rubles, 1919 (P.1, 2, 5), Bahamas,(24), 1984-1996, twenty dollars, 1984 (P.47b(2)). Extremely fine-uncirculated.(101)

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Estimate $250
SOLD $540

Lot 4773

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BAHRAIN,(11), 1914-1993, including ten dinars, 1993 (P.5), Bangladesh,(39), 1972-1986 (P.4, 5b, 17), Barbados,(9), 1980-1995 (P.7, 35c, 41), Belarus,(104), 1991-1996 (P.6-14). Nearly uncirculated-uncirculated.(163)

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Estimate $150
SOLD $270

Lot 4774

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BELGIUM,(4), 1938-1996 (P.108, 114, 132b, 147), Belgium Congo, five francs, 1947 (P.13Ad), Belize,(14), 1987-1996 (P.46,47b,51,52,58), Bermuda,(2), 1989-1993, five and ten dollars (P.35b,42), Bhutan,(69), 1974-1994, one ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $210

Lot 4775

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BIAFRA,(9), 1967-1969 (P.2,3c,4a(3),6a(3),7a), Bohemia and Morovia (7), 1940-1944 (P.3a,4,12a(2),17s), Bolivia,(58), 1902-1990, fifty centavos, 1902 (P.91(2)), one hundred bolivianos, 1982(P.125(2)). Very good-uncirculated.(74)

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Estimate $220
SOLD $380

Lot 4776

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BOSNIA HERZEGOVIA,(92), 1992-1994, one mil, ten, one hundred dinara, 1993 (P.32(2), 34(2), 35(3)). Very good-uncirculated.(92)

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Estimate $300

Lot 4777

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BOTSWANA,(20), 1976-1992, ten, twenty pala, 1982 (P.9b,10a), twenty pala, 1993 (P.13(3). Uncirculated.(20)

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Estimate $120
SOLD $190

Lot 4778

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BRAZIL, 1882-1994, including ten mil reis, undated (P.A231), Republica Dos Estados Unidas Do Brazil, five mil reis, 1925 (P.29b). Fine-uncirculated.(425)

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Estimate $300
SOLD $420

Lot 4779

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BRUNEI,(25), 1991-1996, one and five ringit (P.13(5),14), one, five and ten ringit (P.22(10),23(5),24(4)), Burma,(87), 1958-1987, five, ten and one hundred kyat (P.47(2),48(2),51), Burundi,(42), Banque de ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $300

Lot 4780

Sale 58   World Banknotes

BULGARIA, 1909-1996, including 1904-1909 ND silver issue, five anf ten leva Srebro (P.2a,b,3a,b,), 1904-1907 ND gold issue, twenty and fifty leva zlato (P.9b,10), 1943 issue, ...

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Estimate $600

Lot 4781

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CAMBODIA KINGDOM/KAMPUCHEA, 1970-1995, including one hundred riels, undated (P.10a), Bank of Kampuchea, one kak - one hundred riels, 1975 issue (P.18-24). Very good-uncirculated.(72)

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 4782

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CAMEROON,(4), five hundred francs, 1981, one thousand francs, 1990, five thousand francs, ND (P.15d,26b,22(2)), Canada,(31), 1967-1986, Bank of Canada, one dollar - five dollars (P.84a(4), ...

View Lot

Estimate $230
SOLD $540

Lot 4783

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC,(2), five hundred and one thousand francs, 1991 (P.14,16), Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Central African States,(23), Banques Des Estats de la Afrique ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $440

Lot 4784

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CEYLON,(13), 1942-1975, including ten rupees, 1975 (P.74b(10)), Chile,(96), 1942-1994, Banco Central de Chile, one thousand escudos, 10.3.1937 (P.99), one peso, 11.12.1942 (P.889). Very good-uncirculated.(109)

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Estimate $120

Lot 4785

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CHINA, Republic issues,(49), 1918-1941 including Bank of China Shanghai, ten cents, September 1918 (P.48b), ten yuan, 1934 (P.73), twenty five yuan, 1941 (P.160), The Central ...

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Estimate $270
SOLD $380

Lot 4786

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CHINA, Foreign Banks/Provisional Bank issues, (1917-1949), including Russo-Asiatic, one rouble, 1917 (P.474a), Charhar Commercial, Cheikang Provincial, Hainan, Sinkiang Finance Department Treasury four hundred cash (PS.1845), ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $760

Lot 4787

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CHINA, Puppet Banks Central Reserve Bank,(38), 1940-1944, fifty cash, 1943 (P.J18b), five hundred yuan, 1944 (P.J24b,25b,c), Federal Reserve Bank of China,(25), 1938-1945, ten yuan (P.J74,76,80,81,86a), ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $540

Lot 4788

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CHINA, Communist Banks, Republic period,(3), Bank of China, ten yuan, 1939 (PS.3070), five hundred yuan, 1945 (PS.3091), one thousand yuan, 1942 (PS.3080b), Communist Provincial Banks, ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $420

Lot 4789

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CHINA, Peoples Republic, 1952-1992, Peoples Bank of China,(40), including fifty and one hundred yuan, 1990 (P.888b, 889b), Foreign Exchange Certificates,(44), 1979, ten fen - ten ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $130

Lot 4790

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CROATIA,(91), 1941-1994, including one thousand kuna, 1941 (P.4), five, ten, twenty and fifty mil dinara, 1993 (P.R11, 12, 13, 14). Very fine-uncirculated.(91)

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Estimate $200
SOLD $540

Lot 4791

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CUBA, 1896-1995, including El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba, five, ten pesos, 1896 (P.48b, 49a,c), Banco Nationale Cuba, one hundred pesos, 1958 (P.82c), ...

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Estimate $270
SOLD $210

Lot 4792

Sale 58   World Banknotes

CYPRUS,(14), 1985-1997, including one and five pounds, 1997, Czechoslovakia/Republic,(27), 1922-1993, fifty korun, 1922, 1929, 1953 (P.16,22a,85a). Good-uncirculated.(41)

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Estimate $100
SOLD $320

Lot 4793

Sale 58   World Banknotes

DENMARK,(3), ten kroner, 1944, 1977 (P.36,38), fifty kroner, 1992 (P.50), Djibouti,(12), 1979-1997, Banque Nationale de Jibouti, two thousand and five thousand francs (P.38a), Dominican Republic,(25), ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $480

Lot 4794

Sale 58   World Banknotes

EAST CARIBBEAN STATES,(10), East Caribbean Currency Authority, one dollar - twenty dollars, including (P.13a, 14P, 15j), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank,(30), one dollar - twenty dollars ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $740

Lot 4795

Sale 58   World Banknotes

EAST CARIBBEAN STATES, 1965-1995, East Caribbean Central Bank, twenty and fifty dollars, 1993 (P.28A, 29A, K). Uncirculated.(27)

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Estimate $150
SOLD $360

Lot 4796

Sale 58   World Banknotes

ECUADOR,(3), El Banco Y Agricola, one sucre, 1903 (P.S.121a), Banco Central Del Ecuador, ten and twenty thousand sucres (P.127, 129), El Salvadore,(8), five, ten and ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $190