

Results 901–930 of 3,146
Page 31 of 105

Lot 900

Sale 67   Stamps

USA, 1933, Zeppelin Mail, cover bearing 1933 50c Baby Zeppelin, cancelled New York, handstamps in Purple dispatched from Friedrichshafen to Century of Progress Exhibition, and ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $160

Lot 901

Sale 67   Stamps

BRAZIL - ENGLAND, 1934, Zeppelin Mail, Air Mail cover, circular handstamp on front ``Condor Zeppelin Lufthansa'', backstamped Stuttgart, with plane. Used (1).

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Estimate $40
SOLD $70

Lot 902

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY (FRANKFURT) - ENGLAND (LONDON), 1936, Zeppelin Mail, cover carried by the Hindenburg on its first North American trip, usual Red handstamp. Sieger 406. Used ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 903

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA, 1914, ``Wizard'' Stone air mail card, ``First Aerial Mail''. Eustis 2. Nice condition. Used (1).

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Estimate $450
SOLD $360

Lot 904

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA, 1914, First Official Air Mail, Melbourne - Geelong, #602 of approximately 1785, Eustis 3. Small edge tears, corner creasing, hinge remainders. Used (1).

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Estimate $350
SOLD $250

Lot 905

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA, 1914, First Official Air Mail, Melbourne - Geelong, #872 of approximately 1785 flown. Eustis 3. Small edge tears, corner creasing, a little stained, hinge ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $260

Lot 906

Sale 67   Stamps

BRISBANE - COOTAMUNDRA, 1934, cover sent First Flight Brisbane - Charleville on the Australia - England Air Mail Service. Cover addressed to Nelson Eustis. Cover ...

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Estimate $40

Lot 907

Sale 67   Stamps

HOBART - TEMORA, 1934, Registered cover carried on First Flight Hobart - Melbourne, backstamped Hobart, Melbourne. Eustis 425, 423. Rather grubby. Heavily hinged to album ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $10

Lot 908

Sale 67   Stamps

TEMORA - TEMORA, 1934, cover carried on First Flight Melbourne - Hobart, then returned to sender (two handstamps). Backstamped Hobart (two, different). Eustis 424, 426. ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $20

Lot 909

Sale 67   Stamps

MELBOURNE - PORTLAND, 1934, First Australian Autogiro Flight. Heavily hinged to album page. Eustis 461. #1237 of 3100. Used (1).

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Estimate $50
SOLD $30

Lot 910

Sale 67   Stamps

DARWIN - PERTH, 1934, First Flight cover carried to meet with the Australia - England Air Mail Service, addressed to Nelson Eustis. Heavily hinged onto ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 911

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA, 1946, Butler Air Transport Co. First Flight Bourke - Walgett - Coonamble - Tooraweenah - Sydney. Hinge remainders. Used (1).

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Estimate $30
SOLD $20

Lot 912

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ANTIGUA, 1931, ANA First All-Australian Air Mail to London, then by Pan American Airways to St. John's, Antigua via New York, Atlanta and ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $50

Lot 913

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ENGLAND, 1931, cover franked with 6d Kingsford Smith, 1/4 and 4d KGV, First ``All the way by air'' Royal Mail, Melbourne to London, ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 914

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ENGLAND, 1933, cover carried by air Adelaide - Perth and Karachi - England, franked with 6d Air Mail Service, 3d Bridge and two ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 915

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ENGLAND, 1934, First Flight registered cover franked with 3d and 6d Kingsford Smith, 3d and 9d Macarthur, backstamped Temora and Darwin, together with ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $40

Lot 916

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ENGLAND, 1934, December 5, Registered cover franked with Macarthur 2d Dark Hills (3), 3d Macarthur (2), 9d Macarthur. Used (1).

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Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 917

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - ENGLAND, 1935, Registered illustrated cover franked with 1/6 Hermes and two others to Surbiton Surrey, backstamped Sydney and Kingston on Thames. Used (1). ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 918

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - GREECE, 1934, cover with three - colour franking carried by Air, has Blue Greek Customs (?) sticker on front, Athens roller cancel across ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 919

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - NEW ZEALAND, 1934, April, First Official Air Mail. Usual Violet handstamp. Eustis 369. Used (1)

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Estimate $20
SOLD $10

Lot 920

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - NEW ZEALAND, 1940, airmail cover carried on the Inaugural Trans - Tasman Flying Boat Service, backstamped Auckland. Used (1).

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Estimate $30

Lot 921

Sale 67   Stamps

AUSTRALIA - CALIFORNIA, 1937, cover registered Tamworth, franked with 1/6 Hermes by three, 6d Air Mail Service, appropriate handstamp showing flying boat, carried on First ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $150

Lot 922

Sale 67   Stamps

BARBADOS - AUSTRALIA, 1931, Registered cover flown via England, by the London - Karachi Air Mail and by air in Australia Backstamped Perth, Sydney and ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $70

Lot 923

Sale 67   Stamps

BRAZIL - AUSTRALIA, 1935 (?), registered cover franked with pairs of the National Philatelic Exhibition stamps (low values). Used (1).

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Estimate $20
SOLD $40

Lot 924

Sale 67   Stamps

CANADA - AUSTRALIA, 1931, cover registered London Ontario, backstamped ten times, including Detroit, San Francisco and Central Concord. Heavily hinged to album page. Used (1) ...

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Estimate $20
SOLD $15

Lot 925

Sale 67   Stamps

CANADA (HAMILTON) - AUSTRALIA (MANLY), 1937, Registered cover franked with seven different stamps, backstamped Hamilton (three times), New York, Detroit (twice), San Francisco, Sydney and ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 926

Sale 67   Stamps

CUBA - AUSTRALIA, 1934, cover carried by Air from Havana to the US, thence by boat to Australia. No backstamps. Heavily hinged to album ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 927

Sale 67   Stamps

CZECHOSLOVAKIA (PRAGUE) - AUSTRALIA (MELBOURNE), 1922, postal card franked with three surcharged Airmail stamps and one other, sticker ``by air from Prague to Strasbourg''. CDS ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $120

Lot 928

Sale 67   Stamps

CZECHOSLOVAKIA - AUSTRALIA, 1934, Registered cover carried by the London - Karachi Air Mail from Athens to Karachi. Numerous backstamps. Cover overall rather grubby, heavily ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 929

Sale 67   Stamps

CZECHOSLOVAKIA - AUSTRALIA, 1935, Registered cover, franked with four airmail stamps, backstamped Sydney. Used (1).

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Estimate $40
SOLD $30