

Results 1,051–1,080 of 3,146
Page 36 of 105

Lot 1050

Sale 67   Stamps

FRANCE - SYRIA, 1930, cover flown by Air Union Orient Marseilles - Beyrouth - Aleppo. Appropriate backstamps. Heavily hinged to album page. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $50

Lot 1051

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1912, First German Air Mail Flight, special (Brown) card #835, flown on the ``Gelber Hund'', franked with two stamps inscribed ``First German Air Mail'' ...

View Lot

Estimate $100
SOLD $320

Lot 1052

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1922, card carried by Air from Bremen to Volkach am Main ueber Dresden. Several handstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $20

Lot 1053

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1923, cover registered Berlin, flown to Koenigsberg. franked 1923 Airs 100M, 25M, 10M by 2, 5M, backstamped two-line ``Forwarded by Air/Koenigsberg (Pr.)'' in Red, ...

View Lot

Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 1054

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1923, card flown Munich - Leipzig. Hinge remainders. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $20

Lot 1055

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY - GERMANY, 1934, cover carried by First Express Air Mail Berlin - Hamburg. Red handstamp, backstamped Berlin. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 1056

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1936, cover carried by Air, Nuremberg to Frankfurt am Main, franked with two stamps showing Swaztika, cancelled Reichs Party Day. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 1057

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY, 1936, cover carried by Air from Berlin - Schoeneberg to Frankfurt am Main, stamps cancelled First Berlin Air Mail Exhibition. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 1058

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY - HOLLAND, 1920, cover franked with 1919 Airmail set of two and three others. Couple indistinct backstamps. Some rust. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $10

Lot 1059

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY - NEW ZEALAND, 1934, December, illustrated Air cover carried on the opening flight of the England - Australia Air Mail Service. Backstamped Sydney. Used ...

View Lot

Estimate $50
SOLD $90

Lot 1060

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY - SUDAN, 1932, photocard showing Zeppelin registered Halle/Leipzig airport (Schkeuditz), cancel shows plane, flown to Atbara. Handstamped Alexandria on front. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $60

Lot 1061

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY - SWITZERLAND, 1933, Do. X Mail, flown from Passau to Staad by the Dornier Flying Boat, clear Purple handstamp showing Flying Boat, indistinct backstamp. ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $30

Lot 1062

Sale 67   Stamps

GERMANY (HAMBURG) - TANGANYIKA (DAR-ES-SALAAM), 1933, cover with five - colour franking, backstamped oval Harry Greayer Hamburg, also Hamburg, Dar-es-Salaam. Opened roughly at left. Used ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 1063

Sale 67   Stamps

GREAT BRITAIN, 1934, various internal First Air Mail covers, most having plane cachet. Used (7).

View Lot

Estimate $70
SOLD $50

Lot 1064

Sale 67   Stamps

GREECE - EGYPT, 1934, cover flown Athens - Cairo, franked with two airs and five others, appropriate backstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 1065

Sale 67   Stamps

GREECE - ENGLAND, 1929, cover registered Athens, carried on First Flight to Paris, backstamped Dorking. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 1066

Sale 67   Stamps

GREECE - USA (GLADSTONE, Oregon), 1931, cover registered Athens, flown from Athens to Paris, backstamped Zemum (Belgrade), Paris, New York (twice), Portland, Gladstone. Heavily hinged ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 1067

Sale 67   Stamps

HAWAII - USA, 1937, illustrated cover flown via Trans - Pacific Clipper, small photo on cover of Clipper. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1068

Sale 67   Stamps

HONDURAS - ENGLAND, 1938, cover registered La Ceiba, backstamped Tegucigalpa, Cristobal and New York. Corner card Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, Jamaica. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $30

Lot 1069

Sale 67   Stamps

HONG KONG - HONOLULU, 1937, cover carried First Flight, franked with $1, 50c, 12c of 1912 set. Lovely Purple handstamp. Backstamped Honolulu. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $80

Lot 1070

Sale 67   Stamps

INDIA - INDIA, 1933, illustrated air mail cover carried on First Flight Indian Air Mail Service Delhi - Calcutta. Appropriate backstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 1071

Sale 67   Stamps

INDIA, 1935, cover flown First Flight Bombay - Trivandrum, appropriate handstamp in Red on front, another in Black on back. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 1072

Sale 67   Stamps

INDIA - ENGLAND, 1934, stamps cancelled Bombay Foreign. No backstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $20

Lot 1073

Sale 67   Stamps

INDIA (AHMEDABAD) - SUDAN (WADI HALFA), 1932, illustrated airmail cover carried on the First Air Mail Madras - Karachi. Appropriate handstamp. Backstamped Cairo, Wadi Halfa.

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $80

Lot 1074

Sale 67   Stamps

INDIA - TANGANYIKA, 1934, cover franked on back, taxed, postage dues on front. roughly opened at left. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $60

Lot 1075

Sale 67   Stamps

IRAN, 1928, cover carried on First Flight Teheran - Bushire. Small edge tears. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $60

Lot 1076

Sale 67   Stamps

IRAN - IRAQ, 1931, cover franked with four colourful stamps on back. Roughly opened (front torn). Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $50

Lot 1077

Sale 67   Stamps

IRELAND - EGYPT, 1924, cover flown on the London - Cairo Air Mail franked with strip of four 2 1/2d Red overprint of 1922. Oval ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $60

Lot 1078

Sale 67   Stamps

IRELAND - GERMANY, 1932, carried on First Flight Galway - Berlin, handstamped in Green (what else?). Backstamped Berlin. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $60

Lot 1079

Sale 67   Stamps

ITALY, 1917, cover carried Rome - Turin, franked with World's First Official Airmail Stamp, Express Letter stamp overprinted Esperimento Post Aerea Maggio 1917 Torina = ...

View Lot

Estimate $50
SOLD $80