

Results 1,111–1,140 of 3,146
Page 38 of 105

Lot 1110

Sale 67   Stamps

SPAIN, 1930, two covers, each franked with seven bicolour airs. Backstamped Spanish - American Exposition Seville. Used (2).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $40

Lot 1111

Sale 67   Stamps

SPAIN - CUBA, 1937, Censored Cover flown via Lisbon and New York, backstamped Lisbon. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30

Lot 1112

Sale 67   Stamps

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - ENGLAND, 1934, cover carried by air Singapore - Amsterdam. Some creasing and edge tear at top. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1113

Sale 67   Stamps

SUDAN, 1932, two covers each illustrated with map showing route, one from Wadi Halfa - Mongalla via Juba backstamped Juba, the other Wadi Halfa - ...

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $70

Lot 1114

Sale 67   Stamps

SURINAME - TRINIDAD, 1931, cover flown by Dornier Do-X, circular Black handstamp on front, large Purple handstamp on back. Backstamped Port of Spain. Heavily hinged ...

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $80

Lot 1115

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - ENGLAND, 1928, photocard cancelled First Air Mail Exposition, flown on the Overnight Service Stockholm - London. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1116

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - ENGLAND, 1929, flown by First Night Air Mail Malmo - London. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $50
SOLD $50

Lot 1117

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - ENGLAND, 1929, cover registered Stockholm, flown First Flight Stockholm - Kalmar - Stettin - Berlin - Vienna, appropriate handstamps, backstamped Berlin (two, different), ...

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 1118

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - FINLAND, 1929, small cover flown Stockholm - Helsingfors, Black and Green handstamps on front, Backstamped Helsingfors and Tallinn, Estonia. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $50
SOLD $40

Lot 1119

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - FRANCE, 1929, small cover flown Sista Turen - Stockholm - Kalmar - Stettin - Berlin - Vienna. Appropriate handstamps. Backstamped Berlin (two, different. ...

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $40

Lot 1120

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - GERMANY, 1929, small cover flown by Night Air Mail Stockholm - Stralsund, Green handstamps on front. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 1121

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - GERMANY, 1929, small cover flown Sista Turen - Stockholm - Kalmar - Stettin. Appropriate handstamps. No backstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $20

Lot 1122

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - GERMANY, 1930, cover carried on First Flight Stockholm - Berlin via Kalmar and Stettin. Red handstamp on front, backstamped Berlin. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 1123

Sale 67   Stamps

SWEDEN - SWITZERLAND, 1931, cover registered Stockholm, backstamped Davos Platz. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1124

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND, 1925, illustrated postcard, International Meeting Geneva, franked with 25c Grey and Blue and two different Cinderellas showing plane, tied, appropriate handstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 1125

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND,. 1925. Similar to above.

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 1126

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND, 1925, card carried on Geneva - Milan flight to Lausanne. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1127

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - ENGLAND, 1926, cover registered Geneva, franked with two airs showing planes, backstamped London and Battersea. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1128

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - ENGLAND, 1927, small cover cancelled International Air Meeting Zurich. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $20

Lot 1129

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - ENGLAND, 1927, small cover , franked with two airs showing plane. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $30

Lot 1130

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - FRANCE, 1925, illustrated postcard, International Meeting Geneva, flown Geneva - Paris, one cinderella showing plane, appropriate handstamps. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 1131

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - FRANCE, 1930, cover registered Geneva, backstamped Paris, Aubervilliers. A little grubby, heavily hinged to album page. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $30

Lot 1132

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - FRANCE, 1932, cover registered Geneva, large Red sticker on back, backstamped Lyon and two others (indistinct). Cover a little creased, heavily hinged to ...

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Estimate $30
SOLD $40

Lot 1133

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - GREECE, 1926, small cover franked with 25c and 35c airs, flown on the Swiss - African Flight. Backstamped Athens. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $60
SOLD $70

Lot 1134

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND - HAWAII, 1937, airmail cover carried via Cherbourg, S.S.Bremen, Clipper New York - San Francisco - Honolulu. Back damaged. Used (1)

View Lot

Estimate $20
SOLD $20

Lot 1135

Sale 67   Stamps

SWITZERLAND (GENEVA) - ITALY (MILAN), 1925, cover registered Acacias, backstamped Milan. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 1136

Sale 67   Stamps

SYRIA, 1926, cover franked with four different airs, flown from Tartous to Damascus, backstamped Rayak and Damascus. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $80

Lot 1137

Sale 67   Stamps

SYRIA - IRAQ, 1930, cover registered Damascus, by air to Baghdad, franked with six different including four airmail, large circular handstamp on front, backstamped Baghdad. ...

View Lot

Estimate $40
SOLD $90

Lot 1138

Sale 67   Stamps

TANGANYIKA (DAR-ES-SALAAM) - KENYA (MOMBASSA), 1933, Purple handstamps on front, backstamped Mombassa. Heavily hinged to album page. Used (1).

View Lot

Estimate $30
SOLD $50

Lot 1139

Sale 67   Stamps

TANGANYIKA - PAPUA, 1932, Registered cover flown by Air via Cairo, Karachi, Perth to Adelaide. Backstamped Dar-es-Salaam, Sydney (twice). Ten different stamps, two not cancelled. ...

View Lot

Estimate $50
SOLD $70