

Results 1,531–1,560 of 5,498
Page 52 of 184

Lot 1531

Sale 78   Halfpennies

GEORGE VI, 1942 I, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1952. Good extremely fine- uncirculated. (5)

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Estimate $60
SOLD $120

Lot 1532

Sale 78   Halfpennies

GEORGE VI- ELIZABETH II, 1938- 1964, missing 1939 roo. All in 2 x 2 holders, the 1942, 1944 partly red. Good extremely fine - uncirculated. ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $640

Lot 1901

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

ARMORICAN (CHANNEL ISLANDS AND N.W. Gaul), Celtic issues of the Belgic migration, Armorican billon stater, Class III, 75-50 B.C., obv. crude head to right, rev. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $190

Lot 1902

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

SOUTH AND THAMES AREA, Cantii, potin issue, cast bronze of Class I, (c.85-50 B.C.), angular bull type, obv. celtized head of Apollo to right, pellet ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $110

Lot 1903

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

SOUTHERN BRITAIN AND THAMES AREA, Atrebates, Verica, (c.A.D. 10-40), silver unit, third coinage issued A.D. 25-35, obv. two cornucopiae with sceptre between, COM [MI ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $460

Lot 1904

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

SOUTHERN BRITAIN AND THAMES AREA, Northern Atrebates, Epaticcus, (c.A.D. 35-43), silver unit, third coinage issued A.D. 35-43, obv. head of Hercules to right, EPATI ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $640

Lot 1905

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

NORFOLK - SUFFOLK REGIONAL COINAGE, Ecen coinage, (A.D. 38-40), silver unit, obv. double crescent emblem, rev. Celticized horse to right, with pellets under horse, (S.444, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $120

Lot 1906

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

KING OF NORTHUMBRIA, Aethelred II, second reign, (c.844-849 Pirie chronology), billon sceat, phase II, Group Cii (Pirie), obv. +EDILRED RE, around eight dots and central ...

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Estimate $70
SOLD $70

Lot 1907

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

KING OF NORTHUMBRIA, Eanred, (c.837-841 Pirie chronology), billon sceat, phase II, Group Cii (Pirie), obv. +EANRED REX, around cross in centre, rev. +FORDRED around cross ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $170

Lot 1908

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

ARCHBISHOPS OF YORK, Wigmund, (c.837-854 Pirie chronology), billon sceat, phase II, Group Cii (Pirie), obv. +VIGMVND, around cross in centre, rev. +EDELHELM around cross in ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $180

Lot 1909

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

ANGLO SAXON, Wiglaf, (827-840), Ashmore replica of the silver penny, cross and pellets, rev. moneyer's name in three lines, (cf.S.934, Bulletin on Counterfeits Vol.20/2 No.22 ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 1910

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

BURGRED, King of Mercia (852-874), silver penny, (1.2 grams), obv. bust to right, around BVRGRED REX, rev. MON/CENRED/ETA in three lines between unbroken lunettes, (Moneyer ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $520

Lot 1911

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

ST.EDMUND, Viking Coinage of Danish East Anglia, (885-915), silver penny, memorial coinage with semi blundered legends, North-Eastern mint, (1.1 grams), obv. A in centre around ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $630

Lot 1912

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

VIKINGS OF YORK, in name of Cnut, (c.895-902), silver penny, (1.4 grams), obv. inverted patriarchal cross, around CNVT RX seperated and arranged around the edge, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $900

Lot 1913

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE ELDER, (899-924), silver penny, two line type, Wessex mint, (1.5 grams), obv. small cross in centre, around EADVVEARD REX, rev. EADM VND MO ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $720

Lot 1914

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EADGAR, (959-975), silver penny, two line type, 'York' group mint, (0.8 grams), obv. small cross in centre, around E.ADGAR.REX, rev. H.VN// BEINO in two lines, ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $380

Lot 1915

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

AETHELRED II, (978-1016), silver penny, first hand type issued 976-985, obv. bust to right, around AEDELRAED REX ANGLOX, rev. CYNSIGE M-O LVNDONI (Cynsige of London), ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $500

Lot 1916

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

AETHELRED II, (978-1016), silver penny, CRVX type issued 991-997, obv. AEDELRED REX ANGLOX, bust with sceptre to left, rev. AELFSTAN MO EAXE (Aelfstan of Exeter) ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $800

Lot 1917

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

AETHELRED II, (978-1016), penny, long cross type, issued 997-1003, obv. bare headed bust left, around AEDELRED REX ANGL, rev. long cross voided, around GODEMAN MO ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $230

Lot 1918

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

AETHELRED II, (978-1016), silver penny, CRVX type issued 991-997, obv. EDELRED REX ANG,helmet type to left, rev. PVLFSTAN MO LVND (Wulfstan of London) with long ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $1,100

Lot 1919

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

AETHELRED II (978-1016) PENNY, last small cross type, issued 1009-1017, obv. bust left, around AEDELRED REX ANGLORVN, rev., small cross, GODRIC ON LVNDEN (Godric of ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $420

Lot 1920

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

CNUT, (1016-1035), penny, quatrefoil type, issued 1017-1023, obv. crowned bust to left within quatrefoil, around CNVT REX ANGLOR., rev. on quatrefoil with long cross voided, ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $400

Lot 1921

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

CNUT, (1016-1035), penny, pointed helmet type, issued 1024-1030, obv. pointed helkmet bust left with sceptre, around CNUT REX AN, rev, short cross voied, around PIDRINE ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $700

Lot 1922

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

CNUT, (1016-1035), silver penny, short cross type, issued 1029-1035/6, obv. CNV T RECX AN, bust with sceptre to left, rev. GODMAN ON LVN (Godman of ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $500

Lot 1923

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, PACX type, issued 1042-1044, obv. EDPI I D RECX, diademed bust of king to left with sceptre, rev. EDRIC ON ...

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Estimate $750
SOLD $780

Lot 1924

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, radiate type, issued 1044-1046, obv. EDPER R REX, radiate bust of king to left, rev. ELFERE ON EOFER (Aelfere ...

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Estimate $750
SOLD $1,100

Lot 1925

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, trefoil quadrilateral type, issued 1046-1048, obv. EDPER D REX, diademed bust of king to left with sceptre, rev. LEOFPINE ON ...

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Estimate $750
SOLD $1,060

Lot 1926

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, short cross small flan type, issued 1048-1050, obv. EDPNR RPEX, diademed bust of king to left, rev. EDPINE ON LVND ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $840

Lot 1927

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, expanding cross type, issued 1050-1053, obv. EDP RD RPEX, diademed bust of king to left with sceptre, rev. LEOFPINE ON ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $600

Lot 1928

Sale 78   Great Britain Silver & Bronze

EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, (1042-1066), penny, expanding cross type, heavy issue, issued 1050-1053, obv. EDPR RD REX, diademed bust of king to left with sceptre, ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $940