Lot 1816
Sale 49
TWO DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1976), HPU 849045, Gothic script with centre thread, HPU 428075, OCR-B or ECMA-11 centre thread serial, Australia, (R.86a, 86b, Vort-Ronald 90a, 90b, ...
Estimate $100
Lot 1817
Sale 49
TWO DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1976), HRY 932765, (centre thread 70mms from edge), HZZ 802633 (side thread 55mms from edge), both OCR-B or ECMA-11 type serial numbers, ...
Estimate $50
Lot 1818
Sale 49
TWO DOLLARS TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1985), two dollars KZH 561769, five dollars PLA 547454, ten dollars UDL 195900, twenty dollars VSL 722100, fifty ...
Estimate $500
SOLD $480
Lot 1819
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Coombs-Randall (1968), NAL 732111, (R.91, Vort-Ronald 105, Nicholson 74). Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $50
Lot 1820
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Phillips-Randall (1969), NDT 209095, (R.92, Vort-Ronald 106, Nicholson 75). Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 1821
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1972), NHL 096619, Commonwealth of Australia, (R.93, Vort-Ronald 107, Nicholson 76). Uncirculated.
Estimate $40
SOLD $30
Lot 1822
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), NLD 032208, Australia, (R.94, Vort-Ronald 108, Nicholson 91). Uncirculated.
Estimate $70
SOLD $50
Lot 1823
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1976), NRA 699303, Gothic script with centre thread, NUZ 232700, Gothic script with side thread, Australia, (R.95a, 95b, Vort-Ronald 109a, 109b, Nicholson ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $40
Lot 1824
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1978), NVN 582109, OCR-B or ECMA-11 serial numbering with side thread, Australia, (R.95c, Vort-Ronald 109c, Nicholson 92a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $20
SOLD $10
Lot 1825
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS, twenty and fifty dollars, Johnston-Fraser (1985), five dollars PYJ 661269, twenty dollars EKK 645404, fifty dollars YPR 013505 all with Gothic serial numbers, ...
Estimate $500
SOLD $440
Lot 1826
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Fraser-Higgins (1990), five dollars QFG 736796, ten dollars MAS 782826, twenty dollars RBD 647266, fifty dollars YYV 080011 one ...
Estimate $220
Lot 1827
Sale 49
FIVE DOLLARS TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Fraser-Cole (1991-2), five dollars QPC 404771, plastic polymer notes (2) AA 10 006 381 and AA 28 001 995 ...
Estimate $220
SOLD $200
Lot 1828
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs-Wilson (1966), SAV 208066, (R.101, Vort-Ronald 125, Nicholson 77). Uncirculated.
Estimate $20
SOLD $20
Lot 1829
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs-Randall (1968), SFA 614311, (R.102, Vort-Ronald 126, Nicholson 78). Uncirculated.
Estimate $120
SOLD $100
Lot 1830
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Randall (1969), SKU 113444, (R.103, Vort-Ronald 127, Nicholson 79). Uncirculated.
Estimate $20
SOLD $20
Lot 1831
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1972), SUL 808885, Commonwealth of Australia, (R.104, Vort-Ronald 128, Nicholson 80, This Note illustrated p.88 & p.148). Uncirculated.
Estimate $25
SOLD $20
Lot 1832
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), TCN 531350, Australia, (R.105, Vort-Ronald 129, Nicholson 94). Uncirculated.
Estimate $120
SOLD $120
Lot 1833
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1976), TEN 061119, Gothic script with centre thread, TJU 571875, Gothic script with side thread, Australia, (R.106a, 106b, Vort-Ronald 130a, 130b, Nicholson ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $100
Lot 1834
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Knight-Stone (1979), TSP 507909 with Gothic serial numbers, TTT 873459 with OCR-B or ECMA-11 serial numbering, both with side thread, (R.107a, 107b, Vort-Ronald ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $110
Lot 1835
Sale 49
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston-Fraser (1988) commemorative issues, ten dollars 26 January 1988 issue AA 10047700, undated issue AB 31801528, (R.C1, 110b). Uncirculated, no folder. (2)
Estimate $30
SOLD $30
Lot 1836
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs-Wilson (1966), XBB 867163, (R.111, Vort-Ronald 145, Nicholson 81). Uncirculated.
Estimate $40
SOLD $30
Lot 1837
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs-Randall (1968), XBR 949494, (R.112, Vort-Ronald 146, Nicholson 82). Uncirculated.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $2,000
Lot 1838
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Randall (1969), XEP 111088, (R.113, Vort-Ronald 147, Nicholson 83). Uncirculated.
Estimate $40
SOLD $30
Lot 1839
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1972), XFP 940005, Commonwealth of Australia, (R.114, Vort-Ronald 148, Nicholson 84). Uncirculated.
Estimate $80
SOLD $70
Lot 1840
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), XKB 635021, Australia, (R.115, Vort-Ronald 149, Nicholson 97). Uncirculated.
Estimate $80
SOLD $100
Lot 1841
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Wheeler (1975), XLQ 932861, Gothic script with centre thread, XTH 771922, Gothic script with side thread, Australia, (R.116a, 116b, Vort-Ronald 150a, 150b, Nicholson ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $200
Lot 1842
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Knight-Stone (1979), VAB 432552 with Gothic serial numbers, VEF 941565 with OCR-B or ECMA-11 serial numbering, both with side thread first 62mms from ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $120
Lot 1843
Sale 49
TWENTY AND FIFTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Fraser (1989), twenty dollars EXF 662577, fifty dollars YYE 938406 both with OCR-B serial numbers, and side thread, (R.120, 126). Uncirculated. ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 1844
Sale 49
TWENTY DOLLARS, Fraser-Cole (1993), red serial number with commemorative overprint, M 001176, side thread, (R.C3b). Uncirculated, without folder.
Estimate $50
SOLD $50
Lot 1845
Sale 49
FIFTY DOLLARS, Phillips-Wheeler (1974), YAA 860136, Australia, (R.121, Vort-Ronald 165, Nicholson 100, This Note illustrated p.90 & p.150). Uncirculated.
Estimate $500
SOLD $600