

Results 2,101–2,130 of 5,851
Page 71 of 196

Lot 2101

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

DUKE OF WELLINGTON'S CONTINENTAL VICTORIES, boxed medal in bronze, with gilded surround (47mm), obverse, uniformed bust of Wellington left, reverse, English inscription in eleven lines ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $320

Lot 2102

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

RT.HONBLE William Pitt, Wolverhampton Pitt Club, 1813, in silver, in lunette, by P.Wyon (cfEimer 1039), 1837-1897 small silver medals by Royal Mint (4), 1911 Coronation ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 2103

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY MEDAL, 1774, (issued until c1820s), in white metal (51mm) (Eimer 758), by L.Pingo, no suspension, unnamed specimen; another, almost identical medal (type ...

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Estimate $700

Lot 2104

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

GEORGE IV, Coronation 1821, in bronze (50mm) by Rundell Bridge and Rundell, obverse, bust laureate, cuirassed and draped left, reverse British lion seated upon seashore, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 2105

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

DEATH OF QUEEN CAROLINE, 1821, in brass (BHM 1150, 1154, 1156 [2]). Very fine. (4)

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Estimate $50
SOLD $30

Lot 2106

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

JOHN SCOTT, Earl of Eldon and Lord High Chancellor, 1827 in bronze (48mm, 68.24g) by C.Voight (BHM 1308). Nearly uncirculated.

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Estimate $100

Lot 2107

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

GEORGE CANNING, French memorial medal, 1827, in bronze (51mm) by Galle, obverse, bust left, reverse, inscription in French; Iron & Steel Institute Meeting in Belgium, ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 2108

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

PRINCESS VICTORIA, 1837, in white metal (45mm) by T.Halliday (BHM 1738); Queen Victoria, ascension, 1837, in white metal (46mm) by T.Halliday (BHM 1760); coronation, 1838, ...

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Estimate $130
SOLD $180

Lot 2109

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

VICTORIA, the Princess Royal, birth, 1840, in bronze (40mm) by A.J.Stothard, obverse, conjoined busts of Victoria and Albert, reverse, latin inscription in five lines within ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $240

Lot 2110

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

ALBERT EDWARD, Prince of Wales, Christening, 1842, in bronze (61mm) by T.Halliday, obverse, conjoined busts of Victoria and Albert left, reverse, priest holding the infant ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $120

Lot 2111

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

THE STAFFORDSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, established 1844, medal in frosted silver (46mm) by Ottley, Birmingham, set within a watch-style glass bound by a silver frame with ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 2112

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

ART UNION OF LONDON, 21 of the 30 medals in the series, mostly by the Wyons, in bronze (55 mm), Eimer pp311, numbers; Bacon, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $1,650

Lot 2113

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

PRINCE ALBERT, Chancellor of Cambridge University, 1847, in bronze (58mm) by G.G.Adams, obverse, bust left, reverse, latin inscription in seven lines (Eimer 1417, BHM 2255). ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 2114

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

GLASGOW ATHENAEUM, Instituted 1847, Life Member's Ticket in silver (27mm), with suspension loop, a plain disc with two recessed channels around the edge, obverse inscribed, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $120

Lot 2115

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, 1851, exhibitor's medal in bronze (45mm) by W.Wyon, obverse, bust of Prince Albert left, reverse, dove ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 2116

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

BOARD OF TRADE, Sea Gallantry medal, undated (1855) in bronze (58mm) by B.Wyon, obverse, laureate bust of Victoria left, reverse, three men and a woman ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $420

Lot 2117

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

PRINCE ALBERT, death and obsequies, 1861, in bronze (64mm) by Ottley, obverse, bust left, reverse, Britannia seated on recumbent lion, weeping beside sarcophagus, 'In Memory ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 2118

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES TO PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OF DENMARK, 1863, in bronze (63mm) by L.C.Wyon, obverse, conjoined busts right, reverse, arms of the ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $340

Lot 2119

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

MARRIAGE OF PRINCESS LOUISE TO THE MARQUIS OF LORNE, 1871, in bronze (54mm) by T.Ottley, obverse, draped busts of the Princess and Marquis within ovals ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 2120

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

MARRIAGE OF PRINCE ALFRED DUKE OF EDINBURGH TO GRAND DUCHESS MARIE ALEXANDROWNA OF RUSSIA, 1874, in silver (63mm) by C.Schnitzspahn, Darmstadt, obverse, conjoined busts right, ...

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Estimate $800
SOLD $900

Lot 2121

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

SCOTTISH HIGHLAND, Banchory-Devenick ploughing medal, 1875 in sterling silver (42mm), a plain disc marked by maker, 'B.B', with an ornate surround and suspension, the obverse ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $200

Lot 2122

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

ROYAL SOCIETY QUEEN'S MEDAL, 1838, in frosted silver (73mm) by W.Wyon, obverse, diademed bust left, reverse, standing figure of Sir Isaac Newton, medal set within ...

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Estimate $900
SOLD $1,800

Lot 2123

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

MARRIAGE OF THE DUKE OF ALBANY TO PRINCESS HELEN OF WALDECK, 1882, in bronze (64mm) by J.S. & A.B.Wyon, obverse, conjoined busts right, reverse, crowned ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $180

Lot 2124

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

MARRIAGE OF PRINCESS BEATRICE TO PRINCE HENRY OF BATTENBERG, 1885, in bronze (64mm) by A.Wyon, obverse, conjoined busts left, reverse, crowned arms of the Princess ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $300

Lot 2125

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION LONDON, 1885, in white metal (33mm) (BHM 3197), by R Neal, obverse, title as above, reverse, view of London street and above, ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 2126

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

COLONIAL & INDIAN RECEPTION, at the Guildhall, London, 1886, in bronze (77mm) (BHM 3214; Eimer 1726), obverse, a mantle decorated with a crowned Royal shield ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $320

Lot 2127

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

QUEEN VICTORIA GOLDEN JUBILEE, 1887, enamel and silver brooch, with safety chain but missing small safety pin, obverse, crown seated on an open book with ...

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Estimate $50

Lot 2128

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

IMPERIAL INSTITUTE, Queen Victoria Jubilee, 1887, in silver (38mm) by (G.W.de Saulles) obverse, bust crowned, laureate, veiled and draped left, reverse, view of building, to ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $250

Lot 2129

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, 1887, in bronze (77mm) (BHM 3219; Eimer 1733b), by L.C.Wyon after Sir J.E.Boehm and Sir Frederick Leighton, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $320

Lot 2130

Sale 117   Great Britain Historical Medals

SOUTH PORTWOOD CHESS CLUB, Tournament, 1887-8, fob medal, handcrafted and inscribed in silver (45x32mm), no maker, ring top suspension, inscribed 'Won by Harding Rees', reverse ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $30