

Results 2,221–2,250 of 4,836
Page 75 of 162

Lot 2217

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan), (103-76 B.C.), copper prutahs, obv. anchor, rev. star etc., and John Hyrcanus II, (67-40 B.C.), various types, (cf.S.6087-6099, H.10-33). Mixed ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 2218

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan), (103-76 B.C.), copper prutahs, obv. anchor, rev. star etc., (cf.S. 6087-6092, H.10-13). Mixed condition, but most are attributable to specific ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $60

Lot 2219

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Mattathias Antigonus, (40-37 B.C.), copper prutah, obv. wreath and inscription, rev. double cornucopiae with caduceus, (S.6105, H.36 [$100]), and four prutah obv. cornucopiae, ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 2220

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod I, (40-4 B.C.), copper prutahs, obv. anchor with legend around, rev. legend, (S.5533, H.52), another obv. tripod table, rev. legend around cross, ...

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Estimate $50

Lot 2221

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod I, (40-4 B.C.), copper prutah, obv. anchor with legend around, rev. double cornucopiae with caduceus between, (S.5534, H.54). Good fine with an ...

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Estimate $40

Lot 2222

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod I, (40-4 B.C.), copper prutah, obv. anchor with legend around, rev. eagle, (S.5535, H.56). Very good, scarce.

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Estimate $40
SOLD $40

Lot 2223

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod I to Herod Agrippa I, various bronze leptons and prutahs. Mostly poor, a few better. (17)

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Estimate $80

Lot 2224

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod Archelaus, (4 B.C. - A.D. 6), copper prutah, obv. bunch of grapes, rev. tall helmet, (S.5539, H.63), Egypt, Ptolemy V, (204-180 B.C.) ...

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Estimate $50

Lot 2225

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Marcus Ambibulus under Augustus, (A.D. 9-12), copper prutahs, obv. ear of barley curved to right, KAICAPOC, rev. palm tree, across ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 2226

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Valerius Gratus under Tiberius, (A.D. 15-26), copper prutah, obv. TIB KAI CAP in wreath, rev. palm branch IOYLIA across, date ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 2227

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, under Tiberius, (A.D. 26-36), copper prutah, obv. three bound ears of barley, IOYLIA KAICAPOC around, rev. libation ladle ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $90

Lot 2228

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Antonius Felix, under Claudius, (A.D. 52-59), copper prutah, obv. inscription in wreath, rev. crossed palm branches, struck year 14 (A.D. ...

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Estimate $40

Lot 2229

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Antonius Felix, under Claudius, (A.D. 52-59), copper prutah, obv. two oblong shields and two spears crossed, rev. six branch palm ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $25

Lot 2230

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Antonius Felix, under Claudius, (A.D. 52-59), copper prutah, obv. two oblong shields and two spears crossed, rev. six branch palm ...

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Estimate $40
SOLD $60

Lot 2231

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Roman Procurators of Judaea, from Festus under Nero, (A.D. 59-62), bronze prutahs, issued year 5 (A.D.58), obv. Greek inscription in wreath, rev. palm. Mostly ...

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Estimate $60

Lot 2232

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, First Jewish revolt, (A.D. 66-70), copper prutahs, year 2 (67-8) and year 3 (68-9), obv. amphora, rev. vine leaf on branch. (S.5639, 5640, ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $70

Lot 2233

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, First Revolt, (A.D. 66-70), copper issues, years 2 & 3, obv. amphora, rev. vine leaf on small branch, Hebrew legend around, (S.5639-5640, H.123, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2234

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Second Revolt or Bar Cochba War, (A.D. 132-135), medium bronze (dupondius), AE 24, (11.19 grams), year 2, obv. seven branched palm tree, inscription ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 2235

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Second Revolt or Bar Cochba War, (A.D. 132-135), medium bronze, AE 20-22, third Coinage, uncertain issues, obv. vine leaf, around Hebrew legend = ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $70

Lot 2236

Sale 50  

ROME, Tiberius, (A.D. 14-37), silver denarius, Rome mint, issued A.D. 14-37, (3.69 grams), obv. laureate head of Tiberius to right, around [TI CAES]AR DIVI AVG ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $375

Lot 2237

Sale 50  

PHOENICIA, Tyre, (c.2nd century B.C. - 1st century A.D.), silver shekel or tetrarachm, (14.20 grams), Tyre mint, issued 96-95 B.C., obv. laureate head of Melqarth ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $640

Lot 2238

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Judaea, Roman Administration, Issue to Commemorate Roman victory in Judaea, Titus, (A.D. 79-81), AE 20-22, Caesarea mint, Judaea Capta coinage, obv. laureate head to ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $60

Lot 2239

Sale 50  

JUDAEA, Roman Administration, Domitian, (A.D. 81-96), AE 22, Caesarea mint, (10.40 grams), issued to Commemorate Roman Judaean victory, of A.D. 69, obv. IMP DOMITIANVS [CAES ...

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Estimate $70

Lot 2240

Sale 50  

PALESTINE, Biblical city coins, various cities, a few identifiable, and a few under Arab control, but mostly unidentified types, all found in Israel area. Poor ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2241

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, Struck Coinage, Anonymous Series, (225-212 B.C.), silver didrachm (quadrigatus), (6.18 grams), uncertain mint, obv. laureate janiform head of the Dioscuri, border of dots, rev. ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $500

Lot 2242

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, Struck Coinage, Anonymous Series, (225-212 B.C.), silver didrachm (quadrigatus), (6.10 grams), uncertain mint, obv. laureate janiform head of the Dioscuri, border of dots, rev. ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $450

Lot 2243

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, C. Caecilius. AE as, issued 169-158 B.C., (28.75 grams), obv. laureate head of Janus, I above, rev. prow to right, above monogram A CAE, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2244

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, M. Baebius Q.f. Tampilus, (c.137 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.72 grams), obv. helmeted head of Roma to left, TAMPIL behind, rev. Apollo in ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $40

Lot 2245

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, M. Fannius, (123 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.85 grams), obv. Roma head to right, ROMA behind head, rev. Victory in quadriga to right, ...

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Estimate $60
SOLD $60

Lot 2246

Sale 50   Roman Silver & Bronze

REPUBLIC, C.Fabius, L.Roscius and Q.Marcius, (118-7 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, obv. Roma head to right, * behind, rev. Victory in quadriga to right, ROMA ...

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Estimate $60