Lot 2460
Sale 84 World Banknotes
BERMUDA, Bermuda Monetary Authority 1974 specimen set one, five, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred dollars (P.28-33s). Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $150
SOLD $110
Lot 2461
Sale 84 World Banknotes
THE BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY, twenty five cents, Sandakan, 1st March 1921, No.N348137 (P.12b). Thin paper as issued, a full note without faults save for ...
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $1,600
Lot 2462
Sale 84 World Banknotes
BRUNEI, Government of, fifty ringgit, 1967, A/2 893077 (P.4). Extremely fine.
Estimate $200
Lot 2463
Sale 84 World Banknotes
CANADA, Elizabeth II, one and two dollars, 1954-1986, all different. Nearly uncirculated. (7)
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2464
Sale 84 World Banknotes
CANADA, specimen cheques, Canadian Agricultural Bank, Kingston, three different coloured cheques all on Montreal Branch 18.., with Charles Skipper & East oval Specimen logo dated ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $130
Lot 2465
Sale 84 World Banknotes
CHINA, The Chinese Italian Banking Corporation, set of one, five and ten yuan, 1921 (P.S253-5). Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $150
SOLD $120
Lot 2466
Sale 84 World Banknotes
CHINA, Foreign Bank, The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, specimen ten dollars, Shanghai, 1st January 1924 (P.S365A) three hole cancelled with specimen Waterlow & ...
Estimate $3,800
SOLD $4,400
Lot 2467
Sale 84 World Banknotes
EGYPT, one pound (1967-70) (P.37), ten pounds, National Bank (1960) (P.32). Uncirculated, nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 2468
Sale 84 World Banknotes
ETHIOPIA, one dollar (1945) (P.12b). Mali, one hundred francs 22.9.1960 (P.2). Nearly very fine; fine. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2469
Sale 84 World Banknotes
FIJI, Government, one pound, 1st January 1941 (P.32a). Tear in top left corner otherwise fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $70
Lot 2470
Sale 84 World Banknotes
FIJI, one (4), two (5) and five dollars (P.63a, 64b, 68, 74, 79, 83, 84, 89a and 94). Uncirculated. (9)
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 2471
Sale 84 World Banknotes
FIJI, one dollar (1993) (P.83) twenty consecutive notes; two dollars (1987-91) (P.79a) pair and two singles. Crisp flat uncirculated. (24)
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 2472
Sale 84 World Banknotes
FIJI, Reserve Bank, one, two and twenty dollars (1993-95) (cf.P.83, 84, 87) but all missing signatures and serial numbers. Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $100
SOLD $320
Lot 2473
Sale 84 World Banknotes
FIJI, millennium (2000) two dollars (P.94) ten consecutive notes. Uncirculated. (10)
Estimate $60
SOLD $50
Lot 2474
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GERMANY, (Mainz) Mayence assignat for ten sols, May 1793 No.17296 (90x70mm) (Mailliet pl.LXXXII Pick S.1476b). Fine and rare.
Estimate $200
SOLD $280
Lot 2475
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GERMANY, (Mainz) Mayence assgnat issued May 1793 while under siege from Austro-Prussia Army, three livres, hand numbered 37170 (90x70mm) (Mailliet pl.LXXXI; Pick S1477b). Fine and ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $260
Lot 2476
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GERMANY, notgeld, 1914-1924, in official album for collectors at the time. Mostly extremely fine. (approx 750)
Estimate $500
SOLD $480
Lot 2477
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, specimen cheques, Messrs. Samuel Brothers & Sons, Bankers Strand, three different colour cheques all on London 18.., 'A9' 'B6', C9' with 'Charles Skipper ...
Estimate $120
Lot 2478
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Treasury note, Bradbury ten shillings (1915) A1/33 No.24593. Very good.
Estimate $100
SOLD $300
Lot 2479
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Elizabeth II, one pound, L.K. O'Brien (1960-1961), series C, 16K 043380 (P.374a, Duggleby B282) hand signed by L.K. O'Brien; another J.Q. Hollom (1962-1966) ...
Estimate $1,000
SOLD $650
Lot 2480
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, Queen Elizabeth II, issues, for Forde ten shillings to Somerset five pounds, one pound (four different). Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $50
SOLD $40
Lot 2481
Sale 84 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, O'Brien (1955-60) one pound B 73K 411732 (P.369c). Uncirculated.
Estimate $60
SOLD $35
Lot 2482
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, ten dollars, Hong Kong, 18th November 1941 (P.55c). Good extremely fine and very scarce in ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $500
Lot 2483
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, one hundred dollars, Hong Kong, 1st August 1955, Y/M 759886 (P.57c). Good.
Estimate $130
SOLD $170
Lot 2484
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, one dollar, Hong Kong, 1st January 1929, No. E321269/70 (P.172) consecutive pair. Original fresh uncirculated and ...
Estimate $2,800
SOLD $3,000
Lot 2485
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, five dollars, Hong Kong, 1st April 1941, No. M654, 163 (P.173d). Crisp, good extremely fine.
Estimate $150
Lot 2486
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, ten dollars, Hong Kong, 30th March 1946, No.X686, 621 (P.178d). Crisp, nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $170
SOLD $140
Lot 2487
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Mercantile Bank of India, five dollars, Hong Kong, 29th November 1941, No.187219 (P.235d). Crisp, very fine or better and very scarce.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $3,100
Lot 2488
Sale 84 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Mercantile Bank of India, ten dollars, Hong Kong, 29th November 1941, no.114921 (P.236e). Crisp, nearly extremely fine and very scarce.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $4,100
Lot 2489
Sale 84 World Banknotes
INDIA, unprinted paper note form for ten rupees (1940) by Portals (owned by Bank of England) as salvaged (circa 1991) from the wreck of S.S.Breda ...
Estimate $100