Lot 2715
Sale 49 World Banknotes
BRITISH CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Eastern Group, Elizabeth II, five dollars 2/1/58, two dollars 2/1/61, one dollars 5/1/53, 1/3/54, 2/1/59, 2/1/64, (P.7a, 7b, 7c, 8c, 9b). First ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $140
Lot 2716
Sale 49 World Banknotes
BRITISH GUIANA, Government issues, one dollar 1/6/37, 1/10/38, five dollars 1/10/38, 1/1/42, Bank of Guyana one dollar 1966 (2), (P.12, 14, 21a, d). Last two ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $170
Lot 2717
Sale 49 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, one shilling 30 November 1918, C/9 867508, (P.1). Nearly uncirculated and rare.
Estimate $300
SOLD $400
Lot 2718
Sale 49 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, ten shillings 1 December 1942, G/10 910532, (P.6a). Very fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $120
Lot 2719
Sale 49 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, issues of 31/3/1953, twenty shillings, another ten shillings, (P.10, 11), Bangladesh, one taka 1984, (P.6B), Biafra, one pound, ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $40
Lot 2720
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CANADA, Dominion issues, twenty five cents, 2/1/1900 (2), another 2/7/1923, one dollar 17/3/1917, Bank of Canada one dollar 1935 1st series, 2/1/1937 2nd series (3), ...
Estimate $180
SOLD $240
Lot 2721
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CANADA, Bank of Canada, Elizabeth II 1954 issues, one dollar (5), (P.66a, 66Aa, 66Ab, 66Ba, 66Bc), two dollars (6), (P.67Aa, 67Ab, 67Ab replacement star note, ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $340
Lot 2722
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CANADA, Bank of Canada, Commemorative Issue 1967, one dollars (2) (P.74a), normal issue (2) (P.74b), fourth issue, ten dollars 1971 (2) (P.76b, 76e), one dollar ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $130
Lot 2723
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CAPE VERDE, five hundred escudos, 16 Jun 1958 (P.50).Ink stains left margin, otherwise extremely fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $90
Lot 2724
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CAYMAN ISLANDS, Currency Board, 1971 series, one dollar, five dollars (P.1, 2), 1974 series, one dollar (2), five dollars, twenty five dollars, (P. 5a, 5b, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 2725
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Ming Dynasty, forty cash issued 1368-1399, for Emperor Hung Wu, (see Davis p.645 & Pl.157, 'Ancient Chinese Paper Money..., Amer. Acad. of Arts & ...
Estimate $300
SOLD $60
Lot 2726
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Chinan, ten cents, 1939, No. B 574150, (P.S3064, $100 EF). Good very fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 2727
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Chinan, ten dollars, 1939, No. L 371518, back red colour with tea house at centre, (P.S3070a, $75 EF). Extremely fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2728
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Chinan, ten dollars, 1939, No. C 764349, back red colour with tea house at centre, (P.S3070a, $75 EF). Extremely fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2729
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of the Northwest, twenty copper coins, March 1 1925, issued at Kalgan, No.1357174, (P.S3865a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 2730
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Chinese Italian Bankning Corporation, five yuan, 1921, number 007080, (P.S254). Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $60
Lot 2731
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Chinese Italian Bankning Corporation, ten yuan, 1921, number 465435, (P.S255). Uncirculated.
Estimate $60
SOLD $70
Lot 2732
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, The Hong Kong & Shahghai Banking Corporation, five dollars local currency, 1st March 1923, number 670205, Shanghai Banch, overprinted CANCELLED both sides, (KM. S353 ...
Estimate $400
Lot 2733
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, The International Banking Corporation, ten dollars, 1st January 1905, number 256373, Shanghai Banch, (KM. S419 [p.285]. Heavy folds and creases, with additional stamps on ...
Estimate $200
Lot 2734
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, The International Banking Corporation, ten dollars, 1st January 1910, number 241956, Peking Banch, (KM. S413 [p.285]. Heavy folds and creases, with additional stamp on ...
Estimate $200
Lot 2735
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Kwangtung Provincial Bank, twenty cents, 1935; Republic, one and two fen, two yuan, two jiao (P.S2437b(13), 860b(20), 861a(10), 875a(11), 878(20)). Extremely fine-uncirculated.(74)
Estimate $80
Lot 2736
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Foreign Bank Issue, The Yokohama Specie Bank Limited, five dollars, 1st July 1902, number E 162928, (KM. S719 [p.299]. Centre hole and along crease, ...
Estimate $1,000
Lot 2737
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, Communist Issues, fifty dollars 1945, No. A1796202, terraced hillside, rev. building behind walls, (P.S3586, $90 EF). Extremely fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2738
Sale 49 World Banknotes
CHINA, one fen (1953), two yuan (1960), five jiao (1972), ten thousand yuan (1948)(P.860b(21),875a(10),880a(20),386(17)). Fine-uncirculated.(68)
Estimate $60
Lot 2739
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, five pesos, April 1 1899, issued at San Jose, No.82194, (P.S163), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $100
Lot 2740
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, ten pesos, April 1 1899, issued at San Jose, No.63048, (P.S164), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $110
Lot 2741
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, five colones, not dated c.1901, issued at San Jose, No.58360, (P.S173), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 2742
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, twenty colones, not dated c.1901, issued at San Jose, No.04444, (P.S175), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $100
Lot 2743
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, ten colones, not dated c.1901, issued at San Jose, No.32768, (P.S174), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $50
SOLD $100
Lot 2744
Sale 49 World Banknotes
COSTA RICA, Banco de Costa Rico, twenty colones, January 1, 1906, issued at San Jose, No.08350, (P.S-, unlisted), speciman note. Uncirculated.
Estimate $100
SOLD $100