Lot 2775
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, WWII issues 1940-8, ten shillings another pound, (P.123-4), ten shillings Beale 1949-1955, one pound Peppiat 1948-9, Beale 1949-1955 (2, includes ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $150
Lot 2776
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, Elizabeth II, ten shillings O'Brien, Hollom (3), Fforde, one pound O'Brien, Hollom, Fforde, Page, Page, Sommerset, five pounds Sommerset (2), ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $160
Lot 2777
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, ten shillings, one pound (P.130c, 131c(19)). Extremely fine-uncirculated.(20)
Estimate $60
Lot 2778
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Treasury Notes, one pound, issued February 1917, John Bradbury third issue, (P.110), Warren Fisher issues October 1919, another nd 1922-3, (P.114, 116). Very ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $170
Lot 2779
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, George VI, one pound, blue and pink, Peppiatt signature, (P.124a), A14D 046739, another green, Beale signature, (P.127b), W56C 506686. Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $20
Lot 2780
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, one pound (P.127a(2), 127B(8)) includes pair and consecutive run of seven notes. Nearly uncirculated-uncirculated.(10)
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 2781
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, one pound (P.131a(2),131c(8). Very fine-uncirculated.(10)
Estimate $40
SOLD $30
Lot 2782
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, one pound (P.137a(14), 137b(4)), includes consecutive run of six and eight notes. Good very fine-uncirculated.(18)
Estimate $50
Lot 2783
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, one pound (P.137a) consecutive run of fifteen notes. Uncirculated.(17)
Estimate $50
Lot 2784
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Elizabeth II, Bank of England, one pound Somerset, CT46 796842-796851, others various AR79 - BZ23 (18). First ten uncirculated, others fine - nearly ...
Estimate $50
Lot 2785
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, 29 April 1919, London (P.71a). Fine.
Estimate $40
SOLD $70
Lot 2786
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, March 12 1936, (P.94). Corner clipped, otherwise extremely fine.
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 2787
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, March 13 1936, (cf.P.94), Operation Bernhard Forgery. Nearly uncirculated. $$ Operation Bernhard forgeries were almost perfect forgeries produced ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $75
Lot 2788
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, 20 Octr 1944, London (P.101). With postmark top right corner. Good extremely fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 2789
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, March 19 1947 with metal thread thin paper, another June 30 1952 (Beale) (P.102, 103). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $240
Lot 2790
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, London 2 April 1947 (P.102). Nearly very fine.
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 2791
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, five pounds, 19 July 1949 (P.103). Good very fine.
Estimate $40
SOLD $60
Lot 2792
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, ten pounds, March 16 1935, (cf.P.95), Operation Bernhard Forgery. Nearly uncirculated. $$ See note on previous lot.
Estimate $70
SOLD $100
Lot 2793
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, Bank of England, fifty pounds (4), Somerset 1982 issue, (P.138a). Extremely fine. (4)
Estimate $400
SOLD $400
Lot 2794
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, five pounds new and old matching serials folder, and 1991 set of five, ten, twenty and fifty pounds with matching serials in folder. ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $200
Lot 2795
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREAT BRITAIN, matching serial numbers of new and old five, ten and twenty pounds in Bank of England folders of issue. Uncirculated (6).
Estimate $200
SOLD $140
Lot 2796
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREECE FOR CRETE, Bank of Crete, twenty five drachma, 26 September 1915, A/003 274,193, (P.S153). Nearly very fine and rare.
Estimate $300
SOLD $140
Lot 2797
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GREECE FOR CRETE, Bank of Crete, one hundred drachma, 2 September 1915, A/01 49,068, (P.S154b). Nearly very fine and rare.
Estimate $400
SOLD $310
Lot 2798
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GUATEMALA, Banco de Guatemala, half, one, five, ten and twenty quetzales, undated Specimans (c.1948), all O/P in red 'SPECIMAN' all numbered 00000, (P.91A-95A), all with ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $110
Lot 2799
Sale 49 World Banknotes
GUERNSEY, ten shillings 1/5/55, 1980 series one pound (3), five pounds, ten pounds, twenty pounds, (P. 42b, 48a, b, 49, 50a, 51a). First fine, others ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $160
Lot 2800
Sale 49 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, Chartered Bank five dollars, (1967) (P.69) Standard Chartered Bank, one hundred dollars 1988 (P.281) Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, one dollar 1925, ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $240
Lot 2801
Sale 49 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, The Chartered Bank, five dollars, no date, (1970-1975), with numbers Q 391341-6, (P.73). Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $100
SOLD $150
Lot 2802
Sale 49 World Banknotes
THE CHARTERED BANK, ten dollars, 3 March 1962, and no date issue (c.1962 - 1970), (P.70a, 70b). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $380
Lot 2803
Sale 49 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, The Chartered Bank, ten dollars, no date, but issued 1962-1970, numbers U/G 8021508-9, and 8021522, 8021539-40, (P.70b). Nearly uncirculated. (5)
Estimate $200
SOLD $260
Lot 2804
Sale 49 World Banknotes
HONG KONG, The Chartered Bank, ten dollars, 1/1/80, (P.77), The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, five dollars 18/3/71, 31/3/75, ten dollars 31/3/75, 31/3/77, 1/1/88, ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $90