Lot 3336
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Collins/Allen (1915) N 624965N (R.2c) good-very good.
Estimate $400
SOLD $210
Lot 3337
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Collins/Allen (1915) M 129836A (R.2d). Pieces missing from lower edge and long tear up vertical fold, otherwise flat and fine in appearance, overall ...
Estimate $100
Lot 3338
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Cerutty/Colins (1918) N 943024R (R.3b). Has had centrefold otherwise flat uncirculated and very rare in this condition, one of the finest known.
Estimate $6,500
SOLD $6,000
Lot 3339
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Cerutty/Collins (1918) N 901243K (R.3b). Many folds and creases but a full note, nearly fine.
Estimate $350
SOLD $210
Lot 3340
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Cerutty/Collins (1918) M491 201R (R.3b). Torn up centre fold otherwise nearly fine.
Estimate $150
SOLD $90
Lot 3341
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Cerutty/Collins (1918) N 305729X (R.3b). Good-very good.
Estimate $100
SOLD $180
Lot 3342
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Cerutty/Collins (1918) to Coombs/Wilson (1961) (R3b, 7, 9, 10, 11 (2), 12, 13, 14, 15 (3), 16, 17 (10)). Mostly poor-fair (23).
Estimate $120
SOLD $130
Lot 3343
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Miller/Collins (1923) A/2 634568 (R.4) many folds otherwise original crispness. Good very fine and rare in this condition.
Estimate $900
SOLD $1,500
Lot 3344
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Kell/Collins (1925) A/41 408150 (R.5). Very good.
Estimate $90
SOLD $90
Lot 3345
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Kell/Heathershaw (1927) A/47 182 899 (R.6). Nearly extremely fine and rare in this condition, one of the finest known.
Estimate $4,000
Lot 3346
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Heathershaw (1928) B/7 680384 (R.7). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $900
SOLD $1,450
Lot 3347
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Heathershaw (1928) B/29 911921 (R.7). Good very fine.
Estimate $300
SOLD $360
Lot 3348
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Heathershaw (1928) A/76 296845 (R.7). Dark brown nearly very fine.
Estimate $150
SOLD $150
Lot 3349
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Heathershaw (1928) B/33 583327 (R.7). Pinholes bottom edge, good fine.
Estimate $180
SOLD $110
Lot 3350
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Heathershaw (1928) A/57 995031 (R.7). Good fine.
Estimate $90
SOLD $70
Lot 3351
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1933) B/42 989896 (R.8b) this signature. Has hard centre fold, otherwise flat virtually uncirculated and rare, one of the finest known.
Estimate $4,000
SOLD $4,400
Lot 3352
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1933) C/7 620155 (R.9). Centre left flick crease otherwise nearly uncirculated and rare in this condition.
Estimate $3,000
SOLD $3,800
Lot 3353
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (K133, 1934), C/5 551697 (R.9), C/32 746041 (R.10). Very good; good fine. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $260
Lot 3354
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1934) C/58 833322 (R.10). Pinholes and many creases otherwise good fine.
Estimate $200
SOLD $110
Lot 3355
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1934) C/23 985704 (R.10) and (1936) D/18 486586 (R.11). Fine. (2)
Estimate $150
SOLD $160
Lot 3356
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1934) to Coombs/Wilson (1961) (R.10, 12-17). Mostly fair-very good. (7)
Estimate $60
SOLD $40
Lot 3357
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/46 038052 (R.11). Nearly extremely fine.
Estimate $250
SOLD $380
Lot 3358
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/44 026081 (R.11). Good very fine.
Estimate $150
SOLD $200
Lot 3359
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/16 871201 (R.11). Very fine.
Estimate $120
SOLD $200
Lot 3360
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/4 432958 (R.11). Pinholes/otherwise very fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $100
Lot 3361
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/11 696790, D/40 593541 (R.11). The first toned, very fine. (2)
Estimate $120
SOLD $380
Lot 3362
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/15 645027 (R.11) D/40 588281. Nearly very fine. (2)
Estimate $220
SOLD $360
Lot 3363
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/31, D/47 (R.11). Fine. (2)
Estimate $70
SOLD $140
Lot 3364
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Riddle/Sheehan (1936) D/4, D/37, D/82 (R.11). Fine or better. (3)
Estimate $120
SOLD $220
Lot 3365
Sale 57 Pre-Decimal Banknotes
TEN SHILLINGS, Sheehan/McFarlane (1939) F/9 569321 (R.12). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $150
SOLD $320