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Lot 3128
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
25TH ANNIVERSARY BANKNOTE SET, 1991 last prefix pre-decimal notes matched with first prefix decimal notes of 1966, no 782. In case and album of issue. ...
Estimate $6,000
SOLD $5,500
Lot 3129
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TRIPLE ANNIVERSARY BANKNOTE SET, 1994, first prefix five, fifty and one hundred dollars, no.782 to match the previous lot. In album of issue, uncirculated.
Estimate $3,000
SOLD $2,000
Lot 3130
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
ONE DOLLAR, Knight/Wheeler (1976) DBP test note (R.76b) also R.78 (3), R.89 (2), 303, 312 (3), set of training notes, folders, two dollars (1988), ten ...
Estimate $450
SOLD $580
Lot 3131
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIRST COIN LAST NOTE ONE DOLLAR WALLET 1984; ten dollars (1988) in folders (2); uncuts (total 7) five dollars, horizontal pairs (2), blocks of four ...
Estimate $280
SOLD $300
Lot 3132
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1992) two banknote deluxe folder embossed cover first day of issue (2), standard issue (1); ten dollars, Fraser/Cole - Fraser/Evans (1993) two ...
Estimate $200
Lot 3133
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) last prefix commemoratives in folders AA 23 086701, 15 (R.310; McGF3). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $60
SOLD $80
Lot 3134
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TEN DOLLARS, 1995 Anniversary of Waltzing Matilda Centenary portfolio, red serial; five dollars, 1995 Deluxe black serial. Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $90
Lot 3135
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
ELIZABETH II, Australian note and coin collection portfolio, 1997, set consists of coins, five cents - two dollars and notes, five, twn, twenty, fifty and ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $250
Lot 3136
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Higgins (1990) uncut half sheet of twenty notes. Uncirculated.
Estimate $150
SOLD $130
Lot 3137
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Higgins, 1990, uncut block of four. Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
Lot 3138
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Higgins (1990), uncut pairs. Nearly uncirculated - uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $100
Lot 3139
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Higgins (1990) uncut pairs (4); ten dollars, Fraser/Cole (1991) uncut pairs (4) with N.P.A. certificates No's 2683-2686 issued at the Hobart NAA Coin ...
Estimate $220
SOLD $210
Lot 3140
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1991) horizontal pair, NAA Coin Fair issue 1992; Fraser/Evans (1995) vertical pair and block of four polymer issues; twenty dollar, Fraser/Cole (1993) ...
Estimate $130
Lot 3141
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
FIVE DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1992) horizontal pair as issued at the NAA Coin Fair July 1992, block of four; Eminent Women portfolio (2) with black serial ...
Estimate $180
Lot 3142
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TEN DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1988) uncut sheet of twenty four notes. Uncirculated.
Estimate $700
SOLD $900
Lot 3143
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1994) uncut sheet of forty notes. Uncirculated.
Estimate $600
SOLD $520
Lot 3144
Sale 67 Collector Folders & Uncuts
TEN DOLLARS, Fraser/Cole (1994) uncut sheet of 40 (Mc U16). In box of issue, uncirculated.
Estimate $600
SOLD $700
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