Lot 3686
Sale 135 World Banknotes
AUSTRIA, collection of notgeld in contemporary album, 1920-1921 with summary listing. Extremely fine or better. (148)
Estimate $150
SOLD $260
Lot 3687
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BAHAMAS, The Central Bank of the Bahamas, Elizabeth II, one hundred dollars, series 2000, L464001 (P.67). Good extremely fine.
Estimate $140
SOLD $280
Lot 3688
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BARBADOS, Central Bank of Barbados, five dollars, undated (2009) G54 688281/90 (P.67b)(10); ten dollars, 1 May 2007, C41 166887/9 (P.58b)(3). Uncirculated. (13)
Estimate $80
SOLD $120
Lot 3689
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, Centralna Banka, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred convertible maraka, 2012 (P.81, 83, 85, 87). Uncirculated. (4)
Estimate $80
SOLD $170
Lot 3690
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH GUIANA, The Government of British Guiana, one dollar, Georgetown, 1st October, 1938, F/5 95366 (P.12b). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $1,200
SOLD $3,200
Lot 3691
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH GUIANA, The Government of British Guiana, one dollar, Georgetown, 1st January, 1942, H/7 23606 (P.12c). Uncirculated.
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $3,000
Lot 3692
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH NORTH BORNEO, The British North Borneo Company, ten dollars 1st January 1927, No. D 176586 (P.22). Rust hole top right above serial no., small ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $4,000
Lot 3693
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, twenty shillings, Lagos, 27th May 1948, 4/H 391219 (P.8b). Uncirculated and rare as such.
Estimate $800
Lot 3694
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, ten shillings, 31st March 1953, A/F 617250 (P.9a). Uncirculated and rare as such.
Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,100
Lot 3695
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, specimen ten shillings, 4th February 1958, A/V 492502, SPECIMEN in red diagonally both sides (P.9s). Uncirculated and scarce.
Estimate $550
SOLD $650
Lot 3696
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, twenty shillings, 1st March 1954, D/K 453441 (P.10a). Uncirculated and rare.
Estimate $1,200
SOLD $1,300
Lot 3697
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, specimen twenty shillings, 20th February 1957, F/S 360060, SPECIMEN in black diagonally both sides (P.10s). Nearly uncirculated and ...
Estimate $550
SOLD $600
Lot 3698
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BRITISH WEST AFRICA, West African Currency Board, specimen one hundred shillings or five pounds, 26th April 1954, A/A 00000, SPECIMEN/NOT VALID in red diagonally both ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $1,900
Lot 3699
Sale 135 World Banknotes
BURMA, a collection from 1935, India one rupee (P.14a), ten rupees (1938)(P.5), J.I.M. one cent (P.9a ,20, complete) b (19, incomplete), five cents (P.10a 19, ...
Estimate $500
SOLD $3,800
Lot 3700
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CAYMAN ISLANDS, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, ten dollars, 2001, C/1 873789/91 (P.28a) consecutive run of three. Uncirculated. (3)
Estimate $70
SOLD $80
Lot 3701
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CAYMAN ISLANDS, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, one dollar, 2003 commemorative issue, five hundredth anniversary of discovery (P.30a). Uncirculated. (6)
Estimate $80
SOLD $50
Lot 3702
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CAYMAN ISLANDS, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Elizabeth II, one dollar, 2006, C/4 700880/9 (P.33a). Uncirculated. (10)
Estimate $70
SOLD $90
Lot 3703
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, private bank, Tum Yum Piao, two jiao (1918). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $60
Lot 3704
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Kirin Yung Heng Provincial Bank, fifty tiao (1928), C29992 (radar number) (P.S1081). Extremely and scarce.
Estimate $600
SOLD $400
Lot 3705
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, The Central Bank of China, 50 yuan (1936 (P.219a); 500 yuan 1944 (P.265). Good fine; very fine. (2)
Estimate $70
SOLD $90
Lot 3706
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Central Bank of China, gold chin yuan issue dated 1945 (1948), twenty yuan (P.cf393). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $50
SOLD $130
Lot 3707
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Federal Reserve of China, one yuan (1938) consecutive pair 0702773/4 (P.J61). Flat nearly uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $100
SOLD $480
Lot 3708
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Federal Reserve Bank of China, one yuan (1941), 0292873 (80) (P.J22a). Uncirculated.
Estimate $60
SOLD $140
Lot 3709
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Federal Reserve Bank of China 1941 (P.J72a (3), 73, 74), 1944 (P.J86b); Bank of China (P.51g, 76 (6), 80, 81, 85b (3), 88b); ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $280
Lot 3710
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Federal Reserve Bank of China, 500 yuan (1945 (Block 9) (P.J90). Extremely fine.
Estimate $80
SOLD $120
Lot 3711
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Republic, Meng Chiang Bank, one and five jiao, one and ten yuan (P.J101A, 103, 104, 108b). Fine - very fine. (4)
Estimate $150
SOLD $240
Lot 3712
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Repubic, Central Bank of Manchukuo, one hundred yuan 1938 (P.J133b) (2), one, five, and ten yuan (P.J130b, 131b, 137e), fifty fen (P.J129a), one yuan ...
Estimate $200
SOLD $500
Lot 3713
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Bank of Chinan, fifty yuan 1942 (P.3075). Nearly uncirculated.
Estimate $100
SOLD $100
Lot 3714
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, Japanese Military occupation World War II, specimen Japan 100 yen title A, block 1, O/P red 'Mi-hen' (P.M21g). Uncirculated.
Estimate $150
SOLD $460
Lot 3715
Sale 135 World Banknotes
CHINA, a collection of Hell Bank Notes, many different types, includes a multiple colour missing misprint of first note and two sets of notes with ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $50