Lot 1377 SESSION 6 (9.30AM WEDNESDAY 20TH NOV) Stamps
Estimate $2,000
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SOLD $1,900
NEW SOUTH WALES, an extensive collection of 'diadems' housed on loose leaves, stored in a green spring-back album, 1d orange-vermillion 1856 and shades, imperforate (SG 107-109), joined pairs (7, including an unused pair), a trio, singles (22) and a another on cover De 8, 1859; perforated 12, 1d orange red 1860 (SG 130-131) and shades, a block of 4 (dated Sp 14, 1860), 6 joined pairs and 17 singles; perforated 13, scarlet and shades, 11 singles and a cover No 29, 1862; worn plate issues 1d pale red, a pair on cover dated 5 Jan 1862, another pair and 4 singles; 2d imperforated a vertical strip of Die II strip of 3 (pm NSW) but originally use was for Queensland; a single recess issue with a certificate from the RPS London, Dec 22, 1950 (not a lithograph); 1860 perforation 12 and shades, strip of 3, 3 pairs and 46 singles, many others with described retouches; 3d green and shades, perforation 12, 1860 issue, joined pairs (2) one with reversded 3 watermark, singles (25); 1872 issue watermark 6, joined pai, 7 singles and a cover to NZ dated 28 Jan 1874; perforation varieties various shades some watermark 10, joined pair, singles (23), assorted issues to 1908 mint/unused pairs (5) and blocks of 4 (12), singles (6), used block of 4, strip of 4. a trio, pairs (4) and singles (3), one dated 2/8/12; watermark 10 unused/mint, block of 4, a pair and 4 singles; 5d green 1860, mint with certificate RPS London. 23 July 1957, various printings and perforations used (40) and mint (4) joined pairs, mint blocks of 4 (2), mint block of 6 and mint singles (15); 1855 imperforate issue corner unit (SG 88) fine used (illustrated), others imperforate mint (2) and a joined pair mint (Illustrated) possibly later proofs; 6d used fawn - various colours from 1860 singles (36); 8d from 1860, perforated 12, used (2, one with RPS London certificate 8 Mar 1946), (SG 150); others from 1862 various colours and shades (19) and a joined pair, some interesting perf. and watermarked varieties; 1/- carmine and shades, used joined pairs (7), strip of 4 and another strip of 3, and used singles (17), and other items. An extraordinary accumulation described by a collector over 50-60 years ago. Mint and used, some rare. (100s)
Estimate / sale price does not include buyer's premium (currently 22% including GST) which is added to hammer price. All bids are executed on the understanding that the Terms & Conditions of sale have been read and accepted. For information on grading and estimates please refer to the Buying at Auction advice.
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