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Lot 3646

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Island of Samos, (c.470-460 B.C.), silver triobol or hemidrachm, (1.35 g), obv. forepart of winged boar to right, rev. lion's head to right within ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $100

Lot 3647

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIA, Knidos, (250-210 B.C.), silver tetrobol, (2.44 g), obv. head of Artemis to right quiver at shoulder, rev. tripod, to right, **KNIDI[WN]* to left magistrate ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $140

Lot 3648

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIA, Carian Islands, Rhodes, (c.250-230 B.C. Ashton chronology), silver didrachm, (6.49 g), obv. radiate head of Helios three-quarter face to right with hair loose, rev. ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $220

Lot 3649

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIA, Carian Islands, Rhodes, (c.250-230 B.C. Ashton chronology), (SNG Keckman [Finland] chronology c.230-205 B.C.), silver didrachm, (6.37 g), obv. radiate head of Helios three-quarter face ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $360

Lot 3650

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIA, Carian Islands, Rhodes, (175-170 B.C.), Pseudo-Rhodian issue in Thessaly, silver drachm, (2.79 g), obv. head of Helios three-quarter face to right with hair loose, ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3651

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIAN ISLANDS, Rhodes, (167-88 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.60 g), obv. radiate head of Helios to right, rev. rose, with bud on right, star to left, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $290

Lot 3652

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CARIAN ISLANDS, Rhodes, (167-88 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.06 g), obv. radiate head of Helios to right, rev. rose, with bud on right, corn ear to ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 3653

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LYDIA, Sardis, time of King Croesus or later, (c.550-520 B.C.), silver half stater or siglos, (5.21 g), obv. confronting foreparts of lion, facing right, and ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $740

Lot 3654

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LYDIA, Tralles, (130-129 B.C.), silver cistophoric tetradrachm, (12.26 g), obv. cista mystica containing serpent, all within ivy wreath, rev. bow in case between two coiled ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $140

Lot 3655

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos, (370-330 B.C.), silver stater, (10.98 g), obv. two naked athletes as wrestlers grasping each other by the hands, A**S* between, rev. slinger advancing ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $100

Lot 3656

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ASIA MINOR, a small group of small AE, issued in the 5th-3rd century B.C., from Troas, Skepsis, (0.66, 0.68, 0.80 g), obv. forepart of winged ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 3657

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CAPPADOCIAN KINGDOM, in the name of Antiochos VII, (138-129 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.42 g), previously attributed to Antioch mint, issued c.130-80 B.C., obv. diademed head ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $270

Lot 3658

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Seleucus I, in the name of Antiochos I Soter, (281-261 B.C.), silver tetradrachm (17.26 g), Ekbatana mint, Struck under Seleukos I, circa ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $400

Lot 3659

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Demetrios I Soter, (162-150 B.C.), silver drachm (4.01 g), Ekbatana mint, struck 152-151 B.C., obv. Diademed head right dotted border; diadems falling ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $300

Lot 3660

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

SYRIA, Antioch, Roman Provincial coinage under Nero (54-68 A.D.), AE 30mm,(15.22 g), obv, around IM NER CLAV - CAESAR, laureate head right, in front, lituus, ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $850

Lot 3661

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PHOENICIA, Tyre, (c. 2nd century B.C. - 1st century A.D.), silver shekel or tetradrachm, (13.99 g), Tyre mint, issued year 87= 40-39 B.C., obv. laureate ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,450

Lot 3662

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PHOENICIA, Tyre, (c.2nd century B.C. - 1st century A.D.), silver shekel or tetradrachm, (13.36 g), Tyre mint, issued 61-60 B.C., obv. laureate head of Melqarth ...

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Estimate $800
SOLD $700

Lot 3663

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PHOENICIA, Tyre, (c.2nd century B.C. - 1st century A.D.), silver half shekel or didrachm, (6.74 g), Tyre mint, issued 77-76 B.C., obv. laureate head of ...

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Estimate $750
SOLD $600

Lot 3664

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Judaea, Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan), (104-76 B.C.), copper prutah, (3.23 g), obv. anchor around **BASILEWS ALEXANDROY*, rev. star of eight rays surrounded by diadem, between ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 3665

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Judaea, King Herod I, (37-4 B.C.), copper prutah, (1.78 g), obv. anchor with inscription, rev. double cornucopiae with caduceus, (S.5534, Hendin 54); Roman Procurator ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $90

Lot 3666

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Judaea, Herod Archelaus I, (4 B.C. - A.D. 6), copper half prutah, AE 14, (1.22 g), probably Jerusalem mint, obv. prow of galley to ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $50

Lot 3667

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Valerius Gratus under Tiberius, (A.D. 15-26), copper prutah, (1.94 g), obv. within a wreath, a Greek inscription, KAI CAP, rev. ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 3668

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, a small collection of Biblical Coins housed in a very attractive display box with drawer, coins are fully described on cards and mounted for ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $260

Lot 3669

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PERSIAN IMPERIAL COINAGE, Kingdom of, Darius I, (521-486 B.C.) or later ruler, silver siglos, (5.32 g), issued 500-485 B.C. or later, obv. king as bearded ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 3670

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PERSIAN IMPERIAL COINAGE, Kingdom of, Artaxerxes II and III, (375-340 B.C.), struck in Lydia at Sardeis, silver siglos, (5.51 g another 5.51 g), obv. king ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120