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Lot 3676

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Orodes II, (57-38 B.C.), silver drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.92 g), obv. short bearded bust to left., wearing torque, in front a star, behind crescent ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $260

Lot 3677

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Vonones II, (c.A.D. 51), silver drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.70 g), obv. short bearded bust facing, wearing tiara, with lateral motif a horn, stars either ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $240

Lot 3678

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Vologases II, (c.A.D. 77-80), silver drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.66 g), obv. short bearded bust to left, wearing tiara, without motif of a horn and ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $280

Lot 3679

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Artabanos III, (c.A.D. 80-81), drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.75 g), obv. square bearded bust to left, wearing diadem, hair and beard in straight lines, rev. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $170

Lot 3680

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Vologases III, (c.A.D. 105-147), silver drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.75 g), obv. pointed bearded bust to left, wearing diadem, hair in three waves, rev. archer ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $160

Lot 3681

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PARTHIA, Osroes II, (c.A.D. 190), silver drachm, Ecbatana mint, (3.67 g), obv. long bearded bust to left, wearing tiara, pellets on crest, rev. archer enthroned ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $260

Lot 3682

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PERSIS, kings of, Darios (Darev) II, issued mid 1st century B.C., silver drachm (4.14 g), obv. Diademed and draped bust left, wearing Parthian-style tiara with ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3683

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BACTRIA, Kingdom of, Eukratides I, (171-135 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.77 g), obv. diademed and draped bust of Eukratides to right all within dotted border, rev. ...

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Estimate $4,500
SOLD $2,700

Lot 3684

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BACTRIA, Kingdom of, Eukratides I, (170-145 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.982 g), obv. pith helmeted head of Eukratides to right with dotted border ornamented with bull's ...

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Estimate $5,000
SOLD $3,300

Lot 3685

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BACTRIA, Kingdom of, Menander, (c.160-145 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.43 g), Bamian workshop, obv. laureate bust of Menander to right, rev. Athena Pallas to left with ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $340

Lot 3686

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BACTRIA, Kingdom of, Apollodotus II, (c.80-65 B.C.), silver drachms, (2.19 g), obv. diademed head of Apollodotus to right, dotted border, around **BASILEWS SOTHROS KAI FILOPATOROS, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 3687

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy I (323-283 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, issued 305-283 B.C., (14.24 g). obv. diademed head to right of Ptolemy I, rev. eagle standing ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $500

Lot 3688

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy II, (285-246 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (14.22 g), Tyre mint, issued year 33 = 253-2 B.C., obv. head of Ptolemy I to ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $500

Lot 3689

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy II, (285-246 B.C.), AE 42, (65.99 g), Alexandria mint, issued 263-2 B.C., obv. diademed head of Zeus Ammon to right, dotted ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $180

Lot 3690

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy IV, (221-205 B.C.), AE 37 and 40, Alexandria mint, issued 221-205 B.C., (49.66, 47.86 [ilustrated] g), obv. diademed head of Zeus ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 3691

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy IV, (221-205 B.C.), AE 36, Alexandria mint, issued 221-205 B.C., (38.41 g), obv. diademed head of Zeus Ammon to right, dotted ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $180

Lot 3692

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Ptolemaic King Ptolemy VIII, (145-116 B.C.), AE 47 (57.75 g), obv. diademed head of Zeus-Ammon to right with dotted border, rev. Double filleted cornucopiae, ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $400

Lot 3693

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy X Alexander I, (114-89/8 B.C.) sole reign, silver tetradrachm, (13.46 g), Alexandria mint, issued year 19 = 96-5 B.C., obv. diademed ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $480

Lot 3694

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy XII, Neos Dionysos, (80-51 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, Alexandria mint, struck year 4 = 78-77 B.C., (13.79 g), obv. head of Ptolemy ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3695

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy XII, Neos Dionysos, (80-51 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, Alexandria mint, struck year 27 = 55-54 B.C., (13.13 g), obv. head of Ptolemy ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $160

Lot 3696

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Cleopatra VII, (51-30 B.C.), copper forty drachms, (8.68 g), Alexandria mint, obv. diademed bust of Cleopatra VII to right, rev. eagle to ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 3697

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Alexandria, Nero, (A.D. 54-68), billon tetradrachm, year 11 = A.D. 64-65, (12.81 g), obv. radiate bust of Nero to right wearing aegis, around traces ...

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Estimate $70
SOLD $140

Lot 3698

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Alexandria, Nero, (A.D. 54-68), billon tetradrachm, year 12 = A.D. 65-66, (12.00 g), obv. radiate bust of Nero to right, **NERW KLAU KAIS SEB ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $200

Lot 3699

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ROMAN EGYPT, Nero, (54-68 A.D.), year 14 = A.D. 67-68, (12.60 g), obv. radiate bust of Nero to left wearing aegis, around NEP**W [KLAU KAIS ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 3700

Sale 109 (Jul 15)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Alexandria, billon tetradrachms, Claudius II, (268-270 A.D.), rev. eagle left, head to right, year 2 (S.11418); another rev. eagle right, head to left, year ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200