

Results 91–120 of 123
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Lot 5221

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MARINIANA, wife of Valerian, (died prior to A.D. 253), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued A.D. c.253-5, (2.77 grams), obv. diademed veiled and draped bust of ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $300

Lot 5222

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

GALLIENUS, (A.D. 253-268), silver antoninianii, (4.28 grams), Cologne 257-8, obv. around IMP GALLIENVS P AVG, radiate bust right, rev. RESTIT GALLIAR, Gallienus in military ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 5223

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

GALLIENUS, (A.D. 253-268), issued 257-8, (3.42 grams), obv. around GALLIENVS P F AVG, radiate bust right, rev. GERMANICVS MAX V, two captives seated at foot ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $200

Lot 5224

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

POSTUMUS, (A.D. 259-268), Cologne mint, billon antoninianus, (3.45 grams), obv. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate draped bust to right of Postumus, rev. around ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $200

Lot 5225

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian, (A.D. 270-275), billon antoninianus, (issued 275), Siscia mint, (3.74 grams), obv. diademed bust to right of Severina on crescent, around, SEVERINAE ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 5226

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

NUMERIAN, (A.D. 283-284), billon antoninianus, Lugdunum mint (3.35 grams), obv. radiate bust of Numerian to right, around IMP C NVMERIANVS AVG, rev. around PAX AVGG, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 5227

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

DIOCLETIAN, (A.D. 284-305), antoninianus, Rome mint, (3.14 grams), obv. radiate draped and cuirassed bust to right of Diocletian, around IMP DIOCLETIANVS AUG, rev. around IOVI ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 5228

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MAXIMIANUS. (A.D. 286-305), silver argentius, Trier mint, issued A.D. c.295-7 (3.056 grams), obv. laureate head of Maximianus to right, around MAXIMIA NVS AVG, rev. around ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,400

Lot 5229

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MAXIMIANUS, (A.D. 286-305 first reign), AE follis, Cyzicus mint, issued A.D. 297-9, (10.38 grams), obv. laureate head of Maximianus to right in high relief, around ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $120

Lot 5230

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ALLECTUS, (A.D. 293-296), AE quinarius, Clausentum or "Camulodunum" mint, obv. radiate and cuirassed bust of Allectus to right, around IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 5231

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

CONSTANTIUS I. (A.D. 305-306), silver argentius, Rome mint, issued as Caesar, A.D. c.295-7 (3.086 grams), obv. laureate head of Constantius to right, around CONSTAN TIVS ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,400

Lot 5232

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

GALERIUS MAXIMIAN, (A.D. 305-311), AE follis, Heraclea mint, issued A.D. 308-9, (6.286 grams), obv. laureate head of Galerius to right, around IMP C GAL VAL ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $100

Lot 5233

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MAXIMINUS II AS CAESAR, (A.D. 305-308), AE folles, Heraclea mint, issued A.D. 308-309 (6.01 grams), obv. laureate head of Maximinus to right, around GAL VAL ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $40

Lot 5234

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MAXENTIUS, (A.D. 306-312), AE follis, Aquileia mint, issued 308-310, (6.49 grams), obv. laureate head to right of Maxentius, around IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $70
SOLD $40

Lot 5235

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE follis, Siscia mint, (2.90 grams), obv. Constantine laureate head right, around IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, rev. Jupiter standing left ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $180

Lot 5236

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

CONSTANTINE I, commemorative issue of A.D. 330-346, obv., helmeted bust of Roma to left, around, VRBS ROMA, rev., she-wolf standing to left suckling Romulus and ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 5237

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

LICINIUS I, (A.D.308-324), AE follis, (5.86 grams), Thessalonica mint, obv. laureate head right, rev. Jupiter standing left, eagle at feet, around IOVI CONSER VATORI AVGG, ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 5238

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

CRISPUS, (Caesar A.D. 317-326), AE follis, Trier mint, (4.00 grams), issued 317, obv. laureate cuirassed bust to right of Crispus, F L IVL CRISPVS NOB ...

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Estimate $90
SOLD $60

Lot 5239

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

MAGNENTIUS, (A.D.350-353), AE centenionalis, Treveri mint, (4.55 grams), obv. I M CAE MAGN ENTIVS AVG, bare headed bust, draped and cuirassed to right, rev. around ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $70

Lot 5240

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

VETRANIO, (A.D. 350), AE centenionalis, issued at Siscia mint, (5.606 grams), obv. bust of Vetranio with diadem, draped and cuirassed to right, around D N ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $250

Lot 5241

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

JOVIAN, (A.D. 363-364), AE 19, Siscia mint, issued 363, (2.97 grams), obv. laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right, around D N IOVIAN VS P ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 5242

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

JOVIAN, (A.D. 363-364), AE 19, Heraclea mint, issued 363, (3.318 grams), obv. laureate draped bust to left, around [D N I]OVIAN VS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $120

Lot 5243

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

VALENTINIAN I, (A.D. 364-375), AE 3, Siscia mint, (2.68 grams), obv. diademed bust of Valentinian to right, around D N VALENTINI ANVS P F AVG, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 5244

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, Judaean and others; Augustus, (27 B.C. - A.D. 14), silver denarius, Lyons mint, issued 2 B.C. - A.D. 4 and later, obv. laureate ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 5245

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, Trajan, (A.D. 98-117 A.D.), silver denarius, Rome mint, issued A.D. 108, rev. Aequitas standing left, (s.978); AE sestertii of Marcus Aurelius (2), Faustina ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 5246

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, Antoninus Pius, (A.D. 138-161), AE sestertius, another of Julia Mamaea; Diocletian, (A.D. 284-305), AE follis; including other Roman (9); Byzantine (3); Islamic (7), ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $70

Lot 5247

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, including denarii of Julia Domna (s.1850), Septimius Severus; AE3 of Maximinus, Antioch mint; Commemorative AE4 (c. A.D. 330-346), Bust of Constantinopolis, (s.3890); AE3 ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 5248

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, including AE25 of Caracalla, Elagabalus, Berytus mint; sestertius of Severus Alexander, Antioch mint; follis of Galerius, Carthage mint; as of Gordian III; AE2 ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 5249

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN; Gordian III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome mint, issued 241-4, obv. radiate bust right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, rev. IOVI STATORI, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $90

Lot 5250

Sale 96   Roman Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT ROMAN, third century A.D. with silver antoniniani of Gordian III, (A.D. 238-244), Rome mint, (s.8600, s.8621, s.8626, s.8646); Trajan Decius (A.D. 249-251), silver antoniniani, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70