

Results 1,711–1,740 of 3,146
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Lot 1710

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

IONIA, Miletus, (c.530-510 B.C.), silver twelth stater or obol, (1.148 grams), obv. forepart of lion and legs to right, rev. star ornament within incuse square, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $110

Lot 1711

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

IONIA, Miletus, (c.530-510 B.C.), silver twelth stater, (1.168 grams), obv. forepart of lion and legs to left, rev. star ornament within incuse square, (S.3533, BMC ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $90

Lot 1712

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

IONIA, Miletus, (c.530-510 B.C.), silver twelth stater, (1.174 grams), obv. forepart of lion and legs to left, rev. star ornament within incuse square, (S.3533, BMC ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $30

Lot 1713

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

IONIA, Miletus, (mid 4th century B.C.), silver drachm, (3.58 grams), obv. laureate head of Apollo to left, rev. lion standing to left looking back at ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $130

Lot 1714

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

IONIA, Teos, (c.470-450 B.C.), silver hemiobol, (0.490 grams), obv. griffin seated to right, rev. quadripartite incuse square, (cf.S.4579, cf.Balcer 67-68 [p.35]). Uneven patina on surface, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 1715

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

LYDIA, Sardeis, time of King Croesus or later, (c.550-520 B.C.), silver half stater or siglos, (5.02 grams), obv. confronting foreparts of lion, facing right, and ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $640

Lot 1716

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

LYDIA, Sardeis, time of King Croesus or later, (c.550-500 B.C.), silver half stater or siglos, (5.192 grams), obv. confronting foreparts of lion, facing right, and ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $400

Lot 1717

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CARIA, uncertain mint, (5th century B.C.), silver tetartemorion, (0.170 grams), obv. forepart of lion to left, rev. bird (quail) within incuse square to left, (S.-, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $40

Lot 1718

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CARIA, Hecatomnos as Satrap, (395-377 B.C.), silver drachm, (4.15 grams), obv. lion head to left, foreleg below, rev. ornamental star within incuse circle, (S.4951, BMC ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $280

Lot 1719

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CARIA, Carian Islands, Camiros (Kameiros), (on Rhodes), (c.500-460 B.C.), silver tritemorion, (0.610 grams), obv. fig-leaf, rev. oblong incuse square punch, (cf.S.3548, BMC 10, SNG Helsinki ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $150

Lot 1720

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CARIA, Carian Islands, Rhodes, (c.265-250 B.C. Ashton chronology), silver didrachm, (6.64 grams), obv. head of Helios three-quarter face to right with hair loose, rev. rose, ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $480

Lot 1721

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CARIA, Carian Islands, Rhodes, (c.250-230 B.C. Ashton chronology), silver didrachm, (6.45 grams), obv. radiate head of Helios three-quarter face to right with hair loose, rev. ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $1,150

Lot 1722

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

PHRYGIA, Apameia, (133-48 B.C.), AE 19, (7.294 grams), obv. laureate head of Zeus to right, rev. cultus-statue of artemis Anaitis facing, to right **APAME* to ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $180

Lot 1723

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

LYCIA, Dynast of Lycia, Perikle, (c.380 B.C.), AE 12, (1.935 grams), obv. Pan head to left, horned, rev. triskeles to left, around in Lycian letters ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 1724

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

PISIDIA, Selge, (3rd cent. B.C.), silver trihemiobol, (0.838 grams), obv. Gorgoneion resembling Apollo facing. rev. Athena head to r. with astragalos behind, (S.5476, BMC 10); ...

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Estimate $130
SOLD $130

Lot 1725

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CILICIA, Soloi, (c.430-390 B.C.), silver stater, (11.110 grams), obv. Amazon kneeling left holding bow or branch with both hands, rev. bunch of grapes on stalk, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $110

Lot 1726

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CILICIA, Satrap of Cilicia, Pharnabazos, (379-374 B.C.) silver stater, (10.646 grams), Tarsus mint, obv. female head three-quarter face to left, wearing sphendone and necklace, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $800

Lot 1727

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea, Vespasian (68-79), silver hemidrachm (1.304 grams), obv. [AYTOKP KAI]CAP OYEC**P*ACIANOC [CEBA], laureate head right, rev. Nike advancing right, (S.734, BMC 17, SNG Cop. ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $100

Lot 1728

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea, Hadrian, (117-138), silver hemidrachm, (1.416 grams), issued 120-1, obv. laureate draped bust of Hadrian to right, around AYTO KAIC TPAI A**D*PIANOC CEBACT, rev. ...

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Estimate $90
SOLD $70

Lot 1729

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea, Tranquillina, wife of Gordian III, (A.D. 238-244), AE 22, issued year 7 = 244, (6.915 grams), obv. draped bust of Tranquillina to right, ...

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Estimate $90
SOLD $80

Lot 1730

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

ASIA MINOR, assorted bronzes in packets described from Troas, Alexandria AE 16 (S.4028), Gergis AE 8 (S.4098), Neandreia AE 17 (cf.S.4119), another Skepsis AE 16 ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $300

Lot 1731

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

CYPRUS, Euagoras I, King of Salamis, (411-374/3 B.C.), silver stater or double siglos, (11.10 grams), obv. head of bearded Herakles wearing lion skin head-dress to ...

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Estimate $7,000

Lot 1732

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Seleucus I, (312-280 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.946 grams), Seleucia ad Tigris mint, Newell dates 302-1 B.C., SNG Israel I (Spaer) dates c.295 ...

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Estimate $480
SOLD $420

Lot 1733

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Antiochus I, (280-261 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.665 grams), Series II group A, Bactra mint, issued 268-261 B.C., obv. diademed head of Antiochus ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $160

Lot 1734

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Antiochus II, (261-246 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.744 grams), Series III, Seleucia on Tigris mint, issued 255-246 B.C., obv. diademed head of Antiochus ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $350

Lot 1735

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Antiochus III, (219-217 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.66 grams), Series III, Tyre mint, issued 197-187 B.C., obv. diademed head of Antiochus III to ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,700

Lot 1736

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Antiochus VI, (144-142 B.C.), AE 20, (6.930 grams), undated bronze, Antioch mint, obv. diademed radiate head of Antiochus VI to right, rev. ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $280

Lot 1737

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Kingdom of, Antiochus VIII, (121-96 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.63 grams), Antioch mint, obv. diademed head of Antiochus VIII to right, fillet border, rev. Zeus ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $700

Lot 1738

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch ad Orentem (Antioch), Trajan, (A.D. 98-117), silver tetradrachm (14.48 grams), issued 103-109, obv. Trajan laureate head to right, around AYTOKP ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $130

Lot 1739

Sale 67   Greek Silver & Bronze

SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem (Antioch), Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), silver tetradrachm, (11.99 grams), issued 214-217, obv. laureate head of Caracalla to right, around ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $190