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Lot 3641

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MACEDON, Koinon type, pseudo-autonomous issue (3rd century A.D.), AE 26mm (12.90 grams), obv. head of Alexander the Great to right, around **ALEXANDROU*, rev. warrior standing ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $60

Lot 3642

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Anchialus, Geta as Caesar, (A.D. 209-212), AE 27-28, (12.11 grams), obv. draped and cuirassed bust of Geta to right, around **AUK P CEP [GETAC]*, ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $140

Lot 3643

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Byzantion, silver siglos or drachm (Persian standard), (416-357 B.C.), (5.30 grams), obv. cow standing to left on dolphin, **PU*, above, foreleg raised, rev. quadripartite ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 3644

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Byzantion, (357-340 B.C.), silver tetrobol, (2.04 grams), obv. cow standing to left, on dolphin to left, foreleg raised, above **P[U]*, rev. quadripartite incuse square ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3645

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, The Thracian Cherronesos (Cardia?), (400-350 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.29 grams), obv. forepart of lion right, head looking back, rev. quadripartite square, two pellets diagonally ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 3646

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, The Thracian Cherronesos (Cardia?), (400-350 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.31 grams), obv. forepart of lion to right, looking back, rev. quadripartite incuse square, dot in ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3647

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MOESIA INFERIOR, Istros, (400-350 B.C.), silver stater, (5.508 gm), obv. two young male heads facing, side by side, left inverted, right upright, rev. sea-eagle standing ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $400

Lot 3648

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MOESIA INFERIOR, Istros, (400-350 B.C.), silver stater, (5.24 gm), obv. two young male heads facing, side by side, left inverted, right upright, rev. sea-eagle standing ...

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Estimate $350
SOLD $260

Lot 3649

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE (MOESIA INFERIOR), Istros, (400-350 B.C.), silver obol or trihemiobol, (1.01 grams), obv. two young male heads facing, side by side, left upright, right inverted, ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3650

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Island off Thrace, Thasos, (c.463-411 B.C.), silver stater, (8.72 gm), obv. naked ithyphallic Satyr (classical style) in kneeling running attitude carrying off nymph raising ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3651

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Kingdom of, Lysimachos, (323-281 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.01 gm), Magnesia mint, issued c.297/6-282/1 B.C., obv. head of Alexander to right, (eye looking forwards), with ...

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Estimate $1,200
SOLD $950

Lot 3652

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THRACE, Kingdom of, Lysimachos, (323-281 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.46 gm), Pergamon mint, style of that issued c.287 B.C., obv. head of Alexander to right, with ...

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Estimate $1,600
SOLD $1,900

Lot 3653

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ILLYRIA, Epidamnos-Dyrrhachium, (2nd-1st century B.C.), silver drachm, (3.24 grams), obv. cow standing right looking back at calf, above **MACATAS*, club to left, [trident below], rev. ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 3654

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ILLYRIA, Epidamnos-Dyrrhachium, (3rd-3nd century B.C.), silver drachm, (3.27 grams), obv. cow standing right looking back at calf, above **APISTO* **LAMOS*, rev. double floral pattern within ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 3655

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ILLYRIA, Epidamnos-Dyrrhachium, (250-229 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.50 grams), obv. Herakles head to right in lion skin, rev. Pegasos flying to right, **U* above, **L* below, ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3656

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Gyrton, (late 4th-early 3rd century B.C.), AE Dichalkon, (5.35 grams), obv. young male head facing three-quarter right, monogram to right, rev. diademed head of ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 3657

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus or one and a half denarii, (6.08 gm), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $100

Lot 3658

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (6.20 gm), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak leaves, behind ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3659

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Cretan Mercenaries, (Rhodes), (175-170 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.70 gm), obv. Helios facing head slightly to right, rev. rose, club to left, **[I W]* across ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $150

Lot 3660

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Tanagra, silver stater, (early - mid 4th century B.C.), (12.05 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, rev. forepart of horse to right, laurel garland around its ...

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Estimate $2,400

Lot 3661

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (425-400 B.C.), silver stater, (11.98 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, club across upper half, rev. amphora, with letters **Q E* either side, (S.2384, BCD ...

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Estimate $750

Lot 3662

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (425-400 B.C.), silver stater, (11.71 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, rev. amphora, bunch of grapes in field to left, **Q* [E] across lower field, ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 3663

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (382-363 B.C.), silver stater, Arka.. Magistrate, (12.24 grams), obv. Boiotian shield, rev. amphora, in concave field, with two ivy leaves above, across letters ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $360

Lot 3664

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Chalkis, (c.338-308 B.C.), silver drachm, (3.49 gm), obv. Hera head to right, hair rolled, rev. eagle flying to right, carrying snake in talons and ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $220

Lot 3665

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Aegina, (480-457 B.C.), silver stater, (2.58 grams), obv. sea turtle 'Proto-tortoise' type, rev. rough incuse developed early Union Jack pattern, (Milbank -, SNG Cop ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $140