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Lot 4374

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

GAUL, Massalia (as a Colony founded by the Phokaians), (c.400-350 B.C.), silver obols, obv. youthful male head of Apollo left, rev. wheel with four spokes, ...

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Estimate $750
SOLD $460

Lot 4375

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Hyria, (c.400-395 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (6.838 grams), obv. head of helmeted Athena to right, crested helmet, with owl and wreath on ...

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Estimate $240

Lot 4376

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Neapolis (Naples), (c.395-385 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.004 grams), obv. head of female (nymph) to left, with diadem, rev. man-headed bull to ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4377

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Campania, Neapolis (Naples), (c.340-300 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.458 grams), obv. head of nymph to right, monogram, Artemis running right with torch ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $130

Lot 4378

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Calabria, Taras (Tarentum), (302-281 B.C.), silver nomos, (7.846 grams), obv. naked horseman on horseback prancing to left, holding small shield behind him, to right ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $250

Lot 4379

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Calabria, Taras, (272-235 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (6.356 grams), obv. naked rider crowning stationary horse to right, below PhILICKOC, rev. Taras astride ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 4380

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Herakleia, (330-280 B.C.), silver stater or nomos, (7.650 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing laureate crested Attic helmet, ornamented with Scylla, ...

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Estimate $500

Lot 4381

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.500-480 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, of smaller compact fabric, (7.996 grams), obv. corn ear, [M]ET to left, lizard to right, ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $440

Lot 4382

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontum, (c.400-350 B.C.), silver stater, (7.62 grams), obv. head of Apollo to right, laureate, with **[APOL] on neck base, rev. corn ear, MET[A] ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 4383

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (c.350 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.676 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with ...

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Estimate $350

Lot 4384

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Thurium (Thourioi), (c.350 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.234 grams), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 4385

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Lucania, Velia, (c.334-300 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm, (7.490 grams), Period VI, workshop of Kleudoros, obv. head of Athena to left, wearing crested ...

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Estimate $700

Lot 4386

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Bruttium, Croton (Kroton), (c.520 B.C.), silver nomos, stater or didrachm (7.365 grams), obv. Delphic tripod with three handles and legs terminating in lion's feet, ...

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Estimate $900
SOLD $1,000

Lot 4387

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

ITALY, Bruttium, Croton (Kroton), (500-460 B.C.), silver stater or nomos (7.786 grams), obv. tripod, crane to left, [QPO] to right, rev. tripod, incuse, (S.256, SNG ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $140

Lot 4388

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.500-480 B.C.), silver didrachm, Jenkins Group IV, (8.384 grams), obv. eagle with closed wings standing to left, AK behind, RA in front, ...

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Estimate $600

Lot 4389

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.500-480 B.C.), silver didrachm, Jenkins Group IV, (8.480 grams), obv. eagle with closed wings standing to left, AK behind, RA in front, ...

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Estimate $600

Lot 4390

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Acragas (Agrigentum), (c.422-406 B.C.), AE 28 (or hemilitron), (24.12 grams), obv. eagle with open wings standing to left on hare, rev. crab with crayfish ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $100

Lot 4391

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Entella, (before 404 B.C.), AE 17, (2.806 grams), obv. female head to left, wearing ampyx and sphendone, rev. bearded male head to right, (S.-, ...

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Estimate $300

Lot 4392

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Katane, (2nd century B.C.), AE 17, hexantes, (3.648 grams), obv. head of Apollo to right, rev. Isis standing to right holding bird, to right ...

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Estimate $80

Lot 4393

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.485-478 B.C. revised date 467-461), silver tetradrachm, (17.064 grams), obv. fast walking quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer, Nike flying right ...

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Estimate $1,750

Lot 4394

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (c.485-478 B.C. revised date 467-461), silver tetradrachm, (16.970 grams), obv. fast walking quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer, Nike flying right ...

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Estimate $2,250
SOLD $1,700

Lot 4395

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (344-317 B.C.), silver stater, (8.336 grams), obv. Pegasos flying to left, nothing below, rev. head of Athena to right, wearing plain Corinthian helmet, ...

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Estimate $900

Lot 4396

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (474-450 B.C.), silver litra (2), obv. Artemis-Arethusa head to right, rev. cuttle fish, (S.929), another (405-395 B.C.), hemilitra, obv. Artemis-Arethusa head to left, ...

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Estimate $120

Lot 4397

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, End of Second Democracy and Dionysos I, (405-380 B.C.), AE trias, (AE 18), (5.928 grams), obv. head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet to ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $70

Lot 4398

Sale 74 (Nov 03)   Greek Silver & Bronze

SICILY, Syracuse, (before 357 B.C.), AE 18, (4.802 grams), obv. Artemis-Arethusa head to left, hair bound with ampyx, line border, rev. quadripartite incuse square at ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $200