

Results 3,601–3,630 of 5,151
Page 121 of 172

Lot 3601

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MACEDON, Kingdom of, Philip III, (323-316 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.11 g), Myriandrus mint issued 323-317 B.C., obv. head of Herakles to right with lion skin, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $200

Lot 3602

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

MACEDON, Kingdom of Philip III, (323-316 B.C.), silver drachm, (4.15 g), Abydos mint, issued 323-317 B.C., obv. head of Herakles to right with lion skin, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $700

Lot 3603

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Ekkarra, (c.325-320 B.C.), AE Chalkous AE 13, (1.89 g). obv. Laureate head of Zeus to left. rev. EKKAP PE**WN* Artemis standing left, her right ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $100

Lot 3604

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Larissa (under Macedonian domination), (340-325 B.C.), silver drachm, (6.07 g), obv. facing head of nymph Larissa three-quarter to left, rev. horse grazing to right, ...

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Estimate $450
SOLD $700

Lot 3605

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (5.99 g), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak leaves, behind ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 3606

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (late 2nd - mid 1st century B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (6.21 g), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $140

Lot 3607

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

THESSALY, Thessalian League, (196-146 B.C.), silver stater or double victoriatus, (6.05 and 6.07 g), Larissa mint, obv. head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak ...

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Estimate $350

Lot 3608

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

AKARNANIA, Anaktorion (Colony of Corinth), (350-300 B.C.), silver stater, (8.50 g), obv. Pegasos with pointed wing flying to left, AN monogram below, rev. head of ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $500

Lot 3609

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ACARNANIA, Leukas (Colony of Corinth), (350-300 B.C.), silver stater, (8.32 g), obv. Pegasos with pointed wing flying to right, L below, rev. head of Athena ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3610

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Federal Coinage, (c.220s B.C.), AE 17 (3.18 g). Obv. head of Demeter or Kore three-quarter face right, wearing grain wreath, Rev. Poseidon, naked, standing ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 3611

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Orchomenos, (c.370-364 B.C.), AE14 (2.35 g), obv. Boiotian shield, grain ear along vertical centreline, rev. star of eight rays, E-P-X-O clockwise around, arrayed within ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $70

Lot 3612

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (378-338 B.C.), silver stater, (11.34 g), obv. Boeotian shield, rev. amphora with letter AP KA either side, (cf.S.2398, Hepworth Series D4, No.14, BMC ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $150

Lot 3613

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BOIOTIA, Thebes, (378-338 B.C.), silver stater, (12.02 g), obv. Boeotian shield, cross bankers make in centre of shield, rev. amphora with letter **PE LI* either ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $230

Lot 3614

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Histiaia, (c.350-340 B.C.), silver drachm, (2.99 g), obv. head of nymph Histiaia right wreathed in ivy, rev. cow standing to right, vine with two ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3615

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EUBOIA, Histiaia, (mid 4th century B.C.), silver tetrobol, (2.30 g), obv. nymph Histiaia head to right wreathed with vine leaves, hair rolled, rev. nymph Histiaia ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $130

Lot 3616

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.14 g), issue c.430 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,200

Lot 3617

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.10 g), issue c.430 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $1,350

Lot 3618

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.92 g), issue c.420 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $800

Lot 3619

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (449-413 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.18 g), issue c.420 B.C., obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $120

Lot 3620

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (393-300 B.C., but c. 350-300 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.14 g), obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $350

Lot 3621

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (300-262 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.19 g), obv. head of Athena to right wearing ivy crested helmet, eye in profile, rev. owl standing to ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $460

Lot 3622

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (166-57 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.67 g), issued 144-143 B.C., (Thompson date) but probably 112-1 B.C. (revised chronology), obv. head of Athena Parthenos to ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $860

Lot 3623

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (168-57 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (15.33 g), issued 128-7 B.C., (Thompson date) but probably 96-95 B.C. (revised chronology), obv. head of Athena Parthenos to ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $260

Lot 3624

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, (350-306 B.C.), silver stater (8.37 g), obv. Pegasus with pointed wing flying to left, q below, rev. head of Athena to left wearing ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $500

Lot 3625

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, (350-306 B.C.), silver stater, (8.20 g), obv. Pegasos flying to left, Q below, rev. head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet, A ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $260

Lot 3626

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPPONNESOS, Phliasia, Phlious, (c.late 6th - early 5th century B.C.), silver obol or twelfth stater, (1.00 g), obv. human leg with prominent knee-cap bent to ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $200

Lot 3627

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Sicyonia, Sicyon, (330/320-280's B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.74 grams), obv. chimaera to left, **SI* below, on ground line with right foreleg raised high, rev. dove ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $200

Lot 3628

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Argolis, Argos, (late 2nd - 1st century B.C.), silver hemidrachm, or Attic triobol, (2.33 g), obv. forepart of wolf at bay to right, rev. ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $210

Lot 3629

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Arkadian League, Megalopolis, (320's-c.275 B.C.), silver triobol or hemi-drachm, (2.35 g), obv. laureate head of Zeus to left, I absent, rev. naked Pan seated ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 3630

Sale 109   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Achaean League, Tegea, (c.160-150 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.20 g), obv. Zeus head right, rev. monogram of AX letters T E across, EH monogram above ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $100