

Results 121–150 of 168
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Lot 3448

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), silver antoninianus, Rome Mint, issued 241-243, (4.82 g), obv. radiate bust of Gordian III to right, around IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $90

Lot 3449

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

GORDIAN III, (A.D. 238-244), AE sestertius, (17.65 g), issued 243-244, Rome mint, obv. laureate bust to right of Gordian III, draped and cuirassed, around IMP ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3450

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

PHILIP I, (A.D. 244-249), AE sestertius, Rome mint, issued A.D. 244-245, (18.74 g), obv. laureate bust of Philip I to right draped and cuirassed, around ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $90

Lot 3451

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

PHILIP II AS CAESAR, (A.D. 247-249), AE sestertius, issued 245-6, (22.55), obv. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare headed draped bust to right of Philip, rev. ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $140

Lot 3452

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

TRAJAN DECIUS, (A.D. 249-251), AE sestertius, issued 249-250, Rome mint, (17.40 g), obv. radiate cuirassed bust to right, IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3453

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, son of Trajan Decius, (A.D. 251), silver antoninianii, issued 250-251 A.D., Rome Mint, (4.97, 4.51, 4.19, 3.86, 3.58, g), obv. radiate bust draped ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $190

Lot 3454

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

POSTUMUS, (A.D. 259-268), AE double sestertius, Cologne mint, issued 261, (20.76 g), obv. radiate draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right, around IMP C ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3455

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

SALONINA, wife of Gallienus, (died A.D. 268), billon antoninianus, Rome mint, rev. Juno, (S.10640, RIC 29) (2); another, rev. Pietas, (S.10647, RIC 35); another, rev. ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $200

Lot 3456

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

AUREOLUS, Romano-Gallic Usurper, (A.D. 268-269), antoninianus, (2.30 g), in the name of Postumus, Mediolanum (Milan) Mint, 1st officina, 3rd emission, struck 268, obv. radiate and ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $140

Lot 3457

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

AURELIAN, (A.D. 270-275), AE denarius, Rome mint, (2.96 g), obv. laureate bust of Aurelian to right, around IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, rev. VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 3458

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian, (A.D. 270-275), billon antoninianus, (issued 273), Cyzicus mint, (3.74 g), obv. diademed bust to right of Severina on crescent, around, SEVERINAE ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $120

Lot 3459

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian, (A.D. 270-275), AE denarius, Rome mint, (2.41 g), obv. diademed bust to right of Severina, around, SEVERINA AVG, rev. VENVS FELIX, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3460

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

PROBUS, (A.D. 276-282), silver antoninianus, Serdica Mint (3.52 g), obv. radiate cuirassed bust to right of Probus, around IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $130

Lot 3461

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

NUMERIAN, (A.D. 283-284), billon antoninianii, issued 284, Lugdunum mint, (4.11 g), obv. radiate and cuirassed bust right, around IMP C NVMERIANVS AVG, rev. MARS VICTOR, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $140

Lot 3462

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CARAUSIUS, (A.D. 287-293), billon antoninianus, Londinium (London) mint, issued 290-292 A.D., (4.43 g), obv. radiate draped and cuirassed bust of Carausius to right, around IMP ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $300

Lot 3463

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

ALECTUS, (A.D. 293-296), billon quinarius, Colchester or 'Camulodunum' mint, (2.58 g), obv. radiate and cuirassed bust of Allectus to right, around IMP C ALLECTVS P ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 3464

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

ALLECTUS, (A.D. 293-296), billon antoninianus, London mint, (3.94 g), obv. radiate cuirassed bust of Allectus to right, around IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG, rev. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 3465

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

DIOCLETIAN, (A.D. 284-305), silver argenteus, Rome Mint, issued A.D. c.295-6, (3.29 g), obv. laureate head of Diocletian to right, around DIOCLETI ANVS AVG, rev. around ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $550

Lot 3466

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

MAXIMIAN, (A.D. 305-307, second reign), AE folles, Serdica mint, (10.96 g), obv. laureate half bust of Maximianus in imperial mantle with olive branch and mappa ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $120

Lot 3467

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

MAXIMIANUS, (A.D. 306-308, second reign), AE follis, Rome mint, issued A.D. late summer 307, (6.29 g), obv. laureate head of Maximianus to right, around IMP ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3468

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

GALERIA VALERIA, daughter of Diocletian and second wife of Galerius, (c.A.D. 305-311), AE follis, Serdica Mint, issued A.D. 308, (6.99 g), obv. diademed, draped bust ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 3469

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTINE I, (A.D. 307-337), AE follis, issued mid 310, London mint, (4.89 g), obv. helmeted and cuirassed bust left holding spear and shield, around CONSTANTINVS ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $60

Lot 3470

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTINE I, (330-31 A.D.), bronze follis, Trier Mint, Constans, c.337 A.D., bronze follis, Trier Mint (2, both in dealer's packets). Very good - fine. (3)

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Estimate $40
SOLD $50

Lot 3471

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

COMMEMORATIVE SERIES, (A.D. 330-354), AE 13, (1.18 g), special issue for the dedication of the newly expanded city of Constantinople, Constantinople Mint, 9th officina, struck ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $130

Lot 3472

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Constantinople Mint, (3.07 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $360

Lot 3473

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Constantinople Mint, (3.11 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $280

Lot 3474

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Constantinople Mint, (3.16 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 3475

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Sirmium Mint, (2.86 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $260

Lot 3476

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Constantinople Mint, (3.31 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $240

Lot 3477

Sale 123   Roman Silver & Bronze - Imperial

CONSTANTIUS II, (351-355 A.D.), silver siliqua, Constantinople Mint, (3.17 g), obv. Pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right, around D N CONSTAN ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $220